Short Summary
Lilac City Performing Arts is a new non-profit theatre in Spokane, Washington producing plays to challenge audience members and spark discussion of social and personal issues to create a more connected community in the Spokane area. We are a theatre composed of individuals who have degrees in Theatre and/or years of experience in the theatrical world both in performance and technical theatre. Several of our staff members have received awards and honors for their work in theatre and we wish to continue to use our skills in the Spokane area. This mission starts with the production of Carrie the Musical bringing up the issue of bullying. Not only will it spark discussion of this subject, but this production will introduce Lilac City Performing Arts to the Spokane community. This goal can be achieved with your help! As a non-profit organization we can only fund our productions from the generous giving of donors. Thus, Carrie the Musical is only possible with your support and contributions. The staff of Lilac City Performing Arts looks forward to creating this show with you!
What We Need & What You Get
We need at least $8,800 to cover the productions costs of Carrie the Musical. We have raised $1,200 through other fundraisers, but need the remainder to make our $10,000 production budget.
The money goes to:
- $1,500 for Theatre Rental
- $3,000 for Royalties, Script Rental, and Score Rental
- $3,000 for Musicians
- $500 for Marketing/Printing
- $2,000 for Sets, Lighting Rentals, Costumes, Props, and Microphone Rental
Indiegogo Fundraising Costs
- $721 for Indiegogo Fee (if we make our $10,300 goal)
- $500 for Postage and Cost of Indiegogo Perks
- $279 for PayPal Fees
If we can raise more than our minimum goal, we can do so much more with sets, lights, costumes, and props for Carrie the Musical. Lilac City Performing Arts has staff trained and awarded in the fields of projection, lighting, costumes, and directing who can do amazing work on Carrie the Musical, but need the money to make the magic happen. If we do not make our goal on Indiegogo, the funds raised will still go to Carrie the Musical.
The Impact
This project is valuable because with Carrie the Musical Lilac City Performing Arts is able to bring the issue of bullying to light in the Spokane area. We hope to reach out to high schools to encourage student attendance to bring to their attention the devastating effects of bullying as well as the city of Spokane so parents and friends will understand the issue. In addition, this production will be the key to Lilac City Performing Arts becoming a known theatre in Spokane giving opportunity to artists to create art as well as set us forth on our goal to become a professional not-for-profit performing arts organization raising issues for discussion and communication. Lilac City Performing Arts is proud to have a staff that will be able to bring this production to fruition. Justin Schlabach (Director), Teko Dumoulin (Scenic Designer), and Liz Carlson (Lighting Designer) all worked on the production of Thrill Me: The Leopold & Loeb Story last year and received Certificates of Merit from the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, Region VII for their work. They will be joined by other capable artists to create a production of Carrie the Musical that Spokane will never forget.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are unable to support us financially now, there are still ways you can help Lilac City Performing Arts with its mission. Tell all your friends and family about our Indiegogo fundraiser. The more people who know about this will give us more opportunity to reach our fundraising goal. You can also mark October 23rd and 24th on your calendars and plan to attend Carrie the Musical at the Bing Crosby Theatre. You will not want to miss this show. Lastly, you can like us on Facebook at and share our posts and events to let others know what Lilac City Performing Arts is up to.