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Caustic Soda Podcast: Season Five

Help us make our next season of Caustic Soda: The Podcast the most horrible yet!

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Caustic Soda Podcast: Season Five

Caustic Soda Podcast: Season Five

Caustic Soda Podcast: Season Five

Caustic Soda Podcast: Season Five

Caustic Soda Podcast: Season Five

Help us make our next season of Caustic Soda: The Podcast the most horrible yet!

Help us make our next season of Caustic Soda: The Podcast the most horrible yet!

Help us make our next season of Caustic Soda: The Podcast the most horrible yet!

Help us make our next season of Caustic Soda: The Podcast the most horrible yet!

3 Campaigns |
Vancouver, Canada
$8,183 USD $8,183 USD 260 backers
465% of $1,757 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Caustic Soda is a successful free weekly comedy podcast that focuses on the morbid, bizarre, and unpleasant - analyzing a new topic each week from angles such as science, history, news and pop culture. We are four years old and there's no end in sight, but as our popularity grows so do our expenses.

We have so far provided our content free of charge - helped occasionally by sponsors and the kind donations of fans - and we wish to continue doing so. With this fundraising campaign we hope to fend off the web hosting wolves, purchase and maintain our recording and editing equipment, and produce promotional materials to help attract new high caliber guests and hang on to our favourites from seasons past. We have always been a "hobby" podcast--a labour of love--but with a bit of extra scratch we hope to provide our researchers, guesperts and you, our listeners, with a few tokens of appreciation and improve everyone's quality of life!

(Pictured above - hand made magnetic Caustic Soda bottlecap - see Perk D)

What We Need & What You Get

Funds raised will go towards our basic expenses outlined above - microphones and mixing boards, web hosting expenses, and so forth. Heck if we get enough we may have to get some video equipment for streaming live shows - who knows?

We're also offering a lot of classy perks that will only be available as part of this Season Five fundraiser! These include Caustic Soda bottlecaps, stickers, T-shirts, toques, plus the opportunity to be a guest on the show and game with the hosts. Check the list on the right.

Stretch Goals

If we hit $10,000 we will make a Caustic Soda web series pilot!

If we hit $110,000 we will make a Caustic Soda feature film. FOR REALS!

The Impact

Season Five of Caustic Soda promises to have more of everything! More disasters, diseases, and dangerous derangement, more Lesser of Two Evils, more live shows, more Evil Dudes and Dames in History, more entries in the -Icide Guide, more Dr. Rob, Dr Jenna, Mr. Dr. Greg Bole, Fraser Cain, and all the other favourite guesperts too numerous to mention! We also hope to get more professional comedians, specialists, and personalities on the show. 

If there's any doubt in your mind that we can pull off Season Five, just check out the previous four seasons! We haven't missed a week's release since we started, and some of the feedback from our listeners include:

"Caustic Soda is the single best thing in my life... yes i have a kid... Caustic Soda's better." - Phoenix (Facebook)

"Production is professional and precise. Moves along nicely and mixes humour and science together in a perfectly fizzy ratio of refreshing entertainment" - sidswoorch (iTunes)

"Topics are discussed in an informative style that stays engaging, not boring the listener but instead drawing them to further levels of horrified illumination" - Krenn von S - (iTunes)

Other Ways You Can Help

Are you rich in spirit but poor in finances? Don't worry, you can still help. 

  • Use the Indiegogo share tools which I'm sure are somewhere on this page. 
  • Like us on Facebook.
  • Rate and review the podcast on iTunes. 
  • Put together a package of your favourite episodes and make your friends sit down and listen to all of them, preferably tied to a chair and with their eyes taped open (it's more hilarious because it's an audio podcast).
Every little bit helps!

Note - Special Conditions for Perk I - Game Night with the Hosts: We will make every effort to find a date that will work for everyone involved. We have set May 4 as a tentative, placeholder date. With the possibility that multiple donors from around the world on different schedules claim the perk, there is a small chance that it may be impossible to find a single date that everyone can commit to. It may result that we need to schedule multiple dates with different claimants, or that other unforeseen measures be taken. Please understand this before you commit to claim this perk. We do not provide any accommodation, transportation or hosting beyond a session of games that is likely to last 3-4 hours.


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Choose your Perk

A is for Alpha Rays

Currency Conversion $1 USD
$1 CAD
Vote on an episode from seasons 1-4 that you would like to have a shirt based on. We will design and produce a shirt based on the episode with the most votes and it will be made available on in 2014.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
4 claimed

B is for Bot Fly Larva

Currency Conversion $4 USD
$5 CAD
Caustic Soda Digital Support Badge, plus you get a vote on the T-Shirt Design (see perk A)
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
8 claimed

C is for Casu Marzu

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
Caustic Soda desktop wallpaper plus the digital support badge (B) and the T-shirt vote (A).
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
9 claimed

D is for Defenestration

Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
A hand-made CS magnetic bottle cap PLUS a sticker and button, PLUS perks A through C. Shipping is included!
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
54 claimed

Doodle from a host!

Currency Conversion $18 USD
$25 CAD
A doodle from the host of your choice! You may suggest a theme for the doodle but we reserve the right to give you something completely different. If you don't want the original artwork mailed to you, just provide an email address where we can send a scan. Not included in any other perk bundles.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
28 claimed

E is for Elephantiasis

Currency Conversion $21 USD
$30 CAD
Perks A through D plus a digital album of Toren Atkinson's a capella songs tentatively titled "Comments Disabled" - pulled from the previous seasons and with a few new ditties. $24
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
26 claimed

F is for Francophobia

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
This is the one! A T-shirt made exclusively for Season Five supporters. Plus the bottle cap, sticker, button, the vote, Toren's digital album, the digital badge and wallpaper. Make sure you state your T-shirt size and male or female fit. Includes shipping within North America. Donors outside N. America contact us with your location for shipping prices
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
73 claimed

Personalized Thanks

Currency Conversion $46 USD
$66 CAD
A personalized "thank you" message from us to you appearing in one of the episodes somewhere throughout season five. Not included in any other perk bundles.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
8 out of 49 of claimed

G is for Great Chicago Fire

Currency Conversion $53 USD
$75 CAD
Perks A, B, C, D, E and F plus a knitted wool hat (we call them toques in Canada) with the Caustic Soda logo embroidered across the top. Classy and head-warming!
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
22 claimed

H is for Hindenberg

Currency Conversion $70 USD
$100 CAD
Perks A through G plus a one minute (or less) mp3 of Joe and/or Toren and/or Kevin performing a custom-made skit or a dumb little song or any request we can manage which you can use as a ringtone or answering machine message or whatever you like.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
14 claimed

I is for Ilsa Koch

Currency Conversion $280 USD
$399 CAD
Perks A through G PLUS Guest of Honour at the First Annual Caustic Soda Game Night (you transport yourself to Vancouver). May 4 is a placeholder date, state if you prefer an alternate. There are special conditions for this perk which you must agree to before you claim this perk - see the main body of text on the left for details.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
1 out of 4 of claimed

J is for Jonestown Massacre

Currency Conversion $468 USD
$666 CAD
Be a guest on the show! You'll have to setup your skype or travel to our studio in Burnaby BC. Bid more than $666 if you like because whoever bids the highest gets to be the guest on our "Bribery" episode AND whoever donates the most amount of money in the campaign will be named #1 Super Fan of Season 5, with their name immortalized on! In case of tie we will initiate Trial By Quiz. This perk also includes perks A through H. Delivery date listed is a placeholder date.
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 out of 4 of claimed
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