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CDF Ghostship

Free Roaming sci-fi survival horror game you have been waiting for! Ghostship + Oculus Rift = The Scariest and most realistic Sci-fi horror game out there!

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CDF Ghostship

CDF Ghostship

CDF Ghostship

CDF Ghostship

CDF Ghostship

Free Roaming sci-fi survival horror game you have been waiting for! Ghostship + Oculus Rift = The Scariest and most realistic Sci-fi horror game out there!

Free Roaming sci-fi survival horror game you have been waiting for! Ghostship + Oculus Rift = The Scariest and most realistic Sci-fi horror game out there!

Free Roaming sci-fi survival horror game you have been waiting for! Ghostship + Oculus Rift = The Scariest and most realistic Sci-fi horror game out there!

Free Roaming sci-fi survival horror game you have been waiting for! Ghostship + Oculus Rift = The Scariest and most realistic Sci-fi horror game out there!

Shaun Williams
Shaun Williams
Shaun Williams
Shaun Williams
2 Campaigns |
Blackpool, United Kingdom
$362 USD $362 USD 18 backers
1% of $32,298 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

Thanks to our 18 contributors for their support!  This is a big game with big and new features.  We may be almost as far from our minum goal as we started, but our efforts will be to bring our 18 contributors an immersive scifi horror experience.  We have released the normal alpha which has taken me almost 4000 hours, but as i said before, Ghostship is designed for the rift.  Although this offers more than the small choice we have in 3d survival horror, I wanted ghostship to go above and beyond! If you have Oculus Rift then please donwload the demo of deck 3.  If you have contributed, email me for the full Oculus alpha and you will expereinece what I intended.  Ghostship is speciallay made for rift and with a pc/mac version with 3 diffferent viewing modes the pc version has not grabbed the attention we hoped and needed.  There is still a long way to go but rift owners will see why our game is made for rift!  Thanks for your support, we love you and you will have exclusive access all the way.  We will have delays as we are far from our minum goal, but it will be worth the wait!  Visit the Oculus forums for the Oculus alpha, or email us with same email you contributed with and we will send you the full alpha in the rift next week!




OLD EDIT**We are in the last few minutes, even a miracle wont save Ghostship.  

With only 533 views in 60 days this game is another one of those games which was lost in the void.  There must be too many scifi free roaming, first person shooter/survival horror games with months of replay value, 5 game modes, multiplayer, 3 view modes and an oculus rift release! which have hidden our project from the worlds view.  I have put 4k hours into this project and lack of exposure wont stop me!

Prepare for more on ghostship, but lack of funding will mean delays!

For our contributers I thank you and you have contributed enough so we can get the oculus rift dev kit.  We have ghostship up and running and will be releasing an oculus demo shortly.  Our contributers will have exclusive access to the oculus rift (full alpha) and the first beta on halloween.  Thankyou.  We will be changing the final price of Ghostship over the next week and will resume pre-orders at the new price which will be confirmed next week. 

Why have we reached 1% of a very, very low budget goal?


Look what we are offering! Play the alpha/demo and see for yourself what we want to give you!

5 Game modes!





Welcome to our IndieGoGo Campaign, If you liked games like Doom, system shock, aliens or dead space or if you just like sci-fi games then you must check out CDF Ghostship!  We dont have much choice when it comes to first person shooters/third person shooters in the Sci-fi Survival horror genre.  Ghostship goes a step further in many ways such as Its the first Free Roaming game on board a huge space craft!  Its has first person view or third person view! The Helmet view is something very special, and with oculus rift this will be the scariest game you will ever play!


CDF Ghostship is a huge first person/third person shooter and survival horror game, with 5 huge game modes - Ghostship offers lots of fun and replay value.


There are numerous trailers and screenshots of CDF Ghostship but we urge you to try out the alpha.  Its not just a game! Its an experience.

CDF Ghostship Alpha v0.36 is available for you to try for Free!  All following updates such as the oculus rift alpha and the beta on Halloween will only be available to contributors!

Please try it out and have some fun!

Download links on our web site -


What makes Ghostship different from other First person shooters or survival horror games?

*FREE ROAMING GAME - open world, explore a huge space ship! and more!

*REAL FIRST PERSON HELMET VIEW - Play the game like you are there!

*EPIC Replay Value - 5 different game modes, free roaming is just 1!



  • A HUGE focus on immersion through a dark sci-fi atmosphere, graphics, sound and gameplay
  • 3 different game views, you choose how you want to play! 1st person, 3rd person or helmet view
  • 5 game modes featuring Survival horror, action and challenges
  • Over 20 tyupes of enemies! Aliens, Humans & Zombies!
  • EPIC free roaming game on board a HUGE space ship, colony base and space station
  • 2 different weapon types (Laser & Plasma) with over 20 different weapons with tactical advantages
  • Classic Doom style gameplay offering excellent gameplay and freedom within the game world
  • Real world physics, dynamically change parts of the environment
  • Compelling storyline and free roaming non linear gameplay offers for lots of replay value
  • Single and multiplayer survival, simulation and challenges
  • Work out puzzles, access logs and computers, find and interact with other survivors & Explore


What is CDF Ghostship? 

Ghostship is a first person or third person shooter & survival horror game with 5 different game modes.  The story mode is a huge free roaming game where you explore a huge space craft and look for ways to escape. Onslaught mode offers you a wave based survival type game and challenge mode offers you a variety of diverse and different challenges! Simulation mode and Arcade mode offer even more replay value with lots of simulations and an arcade styled game type.



The Story-line

All contact has been lost with the space station and colony base and your ship has been sent in to investigate and help with any repairs if needed. You play the part of 3 different characters at different points in the Goliath Incident timeline - Beginning, middle and end.  

The 3 characters you can play are :

A pilot who returns to the ship after it has arrived at the colony.

An engineer who is stuck in the back of the ship as the ship gets overrun by aliens and zombies.

A marine who was part of the boarding party, presumed KIA you are left behind on the space station and have to get back to the goliath.

Each character is different and has different perks, each of the characters start at a different timeline in the story of the CDF Goliath. As you play through the game you find out what has happened on the ship and the colony. You must escape the ship and then the story-line has a huge twist which you will not be expecting!



5 Game modes!

Story Mode - A huge free roaming game on a spaceship, orbital station and a colony base!

Onslaught Mode - 8 different survival (wave based) maps - Single & Multiplayer!
Challenge Mode - 8 Different compelling and fun challenges! Some are multiplayer!
Simulation Mode - Simulator mode gives us huge scope to create a variety of single and multiplayer battle scenarios in the style of assaults, team deathmatch, verses, Hostage situations, Special Ops, Capture The Flag etc. There are lots of different types of missions and are based at various locations throughout the CDF colonies and ships.

Arcade Mode - Fun game mode involving lots of moving platforms and enemies, and you will have a grappling hook!


Why does Ghostship need your Help?

There is still much development that is needed we have reached alpha 0.36 with only a couple of hundred pounds funding!  We have reached the stage where we need funding for the further development and completion of the game.  We want to publish Ghostship ourselves with your help and release it at less than £10, if we are unable to get enough funding to get don`t what we still need to do on the game,  then we will will have to look at other publishers which will probably increase the price of the game.  The more we get from crowd funding the less we need to seek privatley, help us to help you!

What will the funding will be used for :

Hardware - Computer equipment, for development and testing, Oculus Rift Dev Kit, controllers for set up, digital storage space etc.

Software - We need a variety of software and licenses for the devlopment and release of the game

Key devlopment Tasks - Parts of development we need to contact out such as voice acting, programming, gui, motion capture etc.

Marketing - The more we have for marketing the more we can promote the game and advertise it at gaming events, web & social media.


Reaching the goal

Getting the minimum funding is our goal. The minimum funding is primarily for the final development and licensing which we need in order to release the game to you by the end of the year or early 2014! Compared to most games 25k is a tiny budget for a game of this scope. As we only need a minimal amount for essential voice acting, music, motion capture, equipment and licenses, we are asking for a fraction of the funds that most other games like this need!  We are trying to raise as much as we can through IndieGoGo and pre-orders, If we do not manage to reach the goal we will work hard to find alternative ways to raise the funds we need.  This will take longer and put devlopment behind shedule but it will not stop us from finishing the game.  

Your contribution is very important to the development and release of Ghostship so we would like to give you something back for whatever you can contibute, even if it is just £1!


Reward 1

Star Gazer Reward

Pledge £1 or more and not only will you have our sincere gratitude we will also give you 2 exclusive HD wallpapers.

Reward 2

Space Traveler Reward

Pledge £5 or more and you will get 2 exclusive HD wallpapers, the main title theme track to the game (digital) and your name will be posted on the CDF Service page on the Ghostship web site in thanks for your donation.

Reward 3

CDF Rookie Reward

Pledge £10 or more and get all of the above plus beta access and a full copy of the game (digital)

Reward 4

CDF Pilot Reward

Pledge £20 or more and get all of the above and the Ghostship Survival Guide (digital E-book) featuring lots of info, hints and tips straight from the designer!   You will also get an exclusive CDF Goliath art postcard signed by the artist Shaun T Williams.  

Reward 5

CDF Luitenant Reward

Pledge £50 or more and get all of the above as well as your name listed in the ships computer within the game (as a crew member of the Goliath)  You will get a boxed Limited Edition DRM Free Ghostship game with 2 signed post cards.

Reward 6

CDF Marine

Pledge £100 or more and you will get all of the above but instead of the Limited Edition you will receive the Marine Limited Edition Boxed game which contains a Marine Miniature Figure. This is just under 2 inches tall.  You will also get your name in the credits of the game for your support.

Reward 7

CDF Advertiser

Pledge £250 or more and we will put your business in the game in the form of posters aboard the ship and colony.  Your feature will be advertised in at least 3 locations within the game.

Reward 8

CDF Commander

Pledge £500 or more and you will get all the above (except for the Advertiser reward) and you will also receive a 3 inch miniature of the CDF Light Air Transport, 3 x A3 sized concept art montage's signed by the games artist, Shaun T Williams.  You will also have one of the 7 survivors in the game cloned and named after you.  3 digital photographs of face required (front, back and side).

Reward 9

CDF Brigade Commander

Pledge more than £1500 and you will receive all of the above including the CDF Advertiser Reward, Name in the Executive Producer section of the games credits, a 5 inch tall Zak Thomas Miniature Figure and Dinner & Drinks with the Lead Developer of the game (Meal, Drinks & Accommodation included) 1 month after the release of the game.  



Other Ways You Can Help!

If you can’t contribute,  that doesn’t mean you can’t help:

  • Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about CDF Ghostship.
  • Remind them to use the Indiegogo share tools and pass on the CDF Ghostship web site.

Your help and support is very much appreciated.



Thanks for taking the time to look at CDF Ghostship

If you have any questions or comments then please FEEL FREE to post them, this is your game as much as it is ours!  Feedback is always welcome and can help shape the game to the way you want it!


Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Stargazer Reward

Currency Conversion $1 USD
£1 GBP
Pledge £1 or more and not only will you have our sincere gratitude every single pound is needed to bring you a better gaming experience
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
0 claimed

Space Traveler Reward

Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
Pledge £5 or more and you will get 2 exclusive HD wallpapers!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 claimed

CDF Rookie Reward

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
Pledge £10 or more and get all the above, beta access and a full copy of the game (digital)
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
14 claimed

CDF Pilot Reward

Currency Conversion $26 USD
£20 GBP
Pledge £20 or more and get all of the above and the Ghostship Survival Guide (digital E-book) featuring lots of info, hints and tips straight from the designer! You will also get an exclusive CDF Goliath art postcard signed by the artist Shaun T Williams. Postage Free in the UK
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
1 out of 500 of claimed

CDF Luitenant Reward

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
Pledge £50 or more and get all of the above as well as your name listed in the ships computer within the game (as a crew member of the Goliath) You will get a boxed Limited Edition DRM Free Ghostship game with 2 signed post cards. Free Postage in the UK
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 1000 of claimed

CDF Marine

Currency Conversion $129 USD
£100 GBP
Pledge £100 or more and you will get all of the above but instead of the Limited Edition you will receive the Marine Limited Edition Boxed game which contains a Marine Miniature Figure. This is just under 2 inches tall. You will also get your name in the credits of the game for your support.. Free Postage in the UK
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
1 out of 250 of claimed

CDF Commander

Currency Conversion $646 USD
£500 GBP
Pledge £500 or more and you will get all the above (except for the Advertiser reward) and you will also receive a 3 inch miniature of the CDF Light Air Transport, 3 x A3 sized concept art montage's signed by the games artist, Shaun T Williams. You will also have one of the 7 survivors in the game cloned and named after you. 3 digital photographs of face required (front, back and side). Free Postage in the UK
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 7 of claimed

CDF Brigade Commander

Currency Conversion $1,938 USD
£1,500 GBP
Pledge more than £1500 and you will receive all of the above including the CDF Advertiser Reward, Name in the Executive Producer section of the games credits, a 5 inch tall Zak Thomas Miniature Figure and Dinner & Drinks with the Lead Developer of the game (Meal, Drinks & Accommodation included) 1 month after the release of the game.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

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