**For the perks that require shipping, if you forgot to add it into your contribution, please just make a no perk contribution for the proper shipping amount
***Expected delivery for all physical items is July 29 or a few days earlier. While we cannot guarantee every single person will receive by then, the vast majority will & you can feel free to contact us for updates
****If you need to ask specific questions or make changes to your perks in any way please email chimairagogo@gmail.com
You're funding Exclusive Content Creation for the "Crown of Phantoms" Fan Edition CD/DVD. This Fan Edition CD/DVD & its perks will be available ONLY to campaign contributors & not sold in stores.
Some of you may be aware that our album "Crown of Phantoms" will be hitting stores July 30 via eOne Music. Some of you may also know that there was once a time when listening to an album was more of an EXPERIENCE and less of an in-one-ear-out-the-other backing track to our daily lives. Combine that old school album enjoyment with some forward thinking ideas and we're coming right out of the gates with the ability to experience this album like none other. For those of you that care to dig deeper into the elements that come together when creating a record, we will let you in on a journey you won't soon forget."
Specifically you'll be contributing to the creation of ---
*2 narrative music videos that tie into the album's deepest themes
*A uniquely stylized documentary surrounding the album's creation
*7 additional audio tracks exclusive to the Fan Edition
*Various behind-the-scenes videos
*Expanded version of Dr. Z w/ fan determined ending
*Full-length album commentary that features dialogue from all band members as they listen to the album from start to finish
*Graphic art storyboards created specifically for the music videos that will be included exclusively in Fan Edition booklet
*Original artwork & packaging exclusive to the Fan Edition
All of this content + all tracks from the standard edition will be included on the Fan Edition CD/DVD which is available via several of our perks. The USB Drive perk will also include all of this content + 2 song stems for fan remixing. All other perks provide either materials or experiences we believe the fans will enjoy.
Even if you're unable to contribute yourself, please spread the word via the share tools below or simply share our campaign video with your friends. Thanks so much!