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CleanApp: a one-click global wiki-based trash reporting app!

A one-click app that allows you to report trash to any city, anywhere in the world, at any time, plus more...

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CleanApp: a one-click global wiki-based trash reporting app!

CleanApp: a one-click global wiki-based trash reporting app!

CleanApp: a one-click global wiki-based trash reporting app!

CleanApp: a one-click global wiki-based trash reporting app!

CleanApp: a one-click global wiki-based trash reporting app!

A one-click app that allows you to report trash to any city, anywhere in the world, at any time, plus more...

A one-click app that allows you to report trash to any city, anywhere in the world, at any time, plus more...

A one-click app that allows you to report trash to any city, anywhere in the world, at any time, plus more...

A one-click app that allows you to report trash to any city, anywhere in the world, at any time, plus more...

Boris Mamlyuk
Boris Mamlyuk
Boris Mamlyuk
Boris Mamlyuk
2 Campaigns |
Los Angeles, United States
$1,010 USD 28 backers
0% of $510,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

What is CleanApp?

CleanApp is a trash reporting app.  Trash reporting apps allow a user to snap a photo and automatically report litter/graffiti/trash to municipal litter/graffiti/trash abatement services (i.e., the Departments of Parks and Public Services within respective cities, counties, etc.).

How is CleanApp different from other trash reporting apps?

• There are a lot of trash reporting apps out there, including some that claim to be global.  There is only one open-source trash reporting app (Italy's DecoroUrbano).  There are no wiki-based global trash reporting apps.

What does it do? 

•  CleanApp is a scalable, sustainable, non-profit platform that allows us to understand just how much litter humans produce, as well as provides a platform for trash cleanup. 

How does it work? 

•  Users launch CleanApp from their smartphones or tablets, and in a one slide, one-click operation, photograph an item of litter anywhere in the world. The photo is geo-tagged and processed by the CleanApp database where it is reported to the entities responsible for trash pickup. 

• The photo report is matched to the correct responding party based on rigid open-source-generated municipal jurisdiction lines.  The CleanAppMap will be an open-source wiki, allowing users anywhere in the world to add their municipal trash abatement services to the database.  University students will be able to add map layers to identify who is responsible for trash cleanup in a respective part of a university.  Private landowners will be able to identify who is responsible for trash cleanup on their territory.  

Who it serves?  Where will it work?

• CleanApp (beta) will serve a select number of universities, followed by a live release to select global cities.  CleanApp 1.0.0 will be launched in Summer 2013 and will immediately expand to large U.S. urban clusters, contingent on crowdsources/opensourced/wiki contributions by users to the database of municipal service providers. 

• Like Facebooks's growth model, CleanApp will also expand from select clusters of large US and international universities.  As institutions that must be responsible to their students and other stakeholders, colleges have a vested interest in adopting CleanApp.

• Like Yelp, CleanApp will also provide municipalities with a free web-based and mobile dashboard that they can adopt to deal with users-generated CleanApp reports.  Currently, both SeeClickFix and App-Order provide these services on a subscription basis.

• Depending on success of early adopters and a robust open-source wiki database, CleanApp can expand to become the leading global platform for environmental activism, reporting, and nuisance tracking. 

When does it launch?

• CleanApp is raising crowdsourced capital to launch in Summer 2013. CleanApp anticipates raising $510,000 by Earth Day 2013 (April 22, 2013). Pending a successful seed stage capital campaign, CleanApp will launch the beta version of CleanApp in Summer 2013, followed by rollout to global universities, corporate campuses, and select global cities in Fall 2013.

Who are we?

• CleanApp is founded by social media entrepreneurs and progressive academics and policymakers.  CleanApp has been backed by the CleanApp is currently a project of California Solar Power, LLC, a green energy think tank founded by Boris Mamlyuk.  Upon successful beta launch, CleanApp will be staffed by managers and volunteer interns drawn from leading global universities.  Please visit our project whiteboard to learn more and to contribute.

How will the seed money be spent?

• We will spend the money on software development (App design, wiki database architecture, and database administration), graphic design, staffing, marketing, and advocacy to user communities and municipalities for a successful beta launch.  Upon the close of this successful campaign, we will apply to incorporate CleanApp as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organizaton.  Our staffing and funding model will emulate the Wikimedia Foundation, and will seek strategic partnerships with other open-source collaboratives.  We will provide detailed accounting of all expenditures on a quarterly basis.  Thank you so much for your support.  

What if I hate trash, but don't have cash?

• Pleae share this campaign, 'like' us on Facebook, contribute to our wikimap by uploading the contact info of the party responsible for litter abatement in your city, help design promotional materials, record video or audio campaign ads in different languages, publicize this as broadly as possible.  This is the very essence of an open-source campaign.  Please help.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Our eternal thanks!

$1 USD
Our prizes obviously can't be litter. Thank you very much for contributing -- you are making this project a success. Please share this campaign and Like us on facebook to help us grow our team.
5 claimed

Valuable thank you notation!

$10 USD
Our prizes obviously can't be litter. You will be listed on the CleanApp contributor page, and chances are, you will be one of the CleanApp wiki contributors. Please like us and share this app. You will receive the first chance to download the beta version of CleanApp.
4 claimed

A digital thank you note!

$25 USD
You are a part of the team! We are grateful for your help, and in recognition, you will be personally sent a private strategy document detailing CleanApp's aggressive (and very exciting!) growth strategy internationally.
7 claimed

Planting a seed!

$50 USD
You are providing seed funding, and we will provide seeds to the Earth in return. We will contribute to a seed bank to keep our environment clean.
1 claimed

Personalized thank you note!

$100 USD
We are giving you gratitude by sending you a handwritten thank you note on recycled stationery.
1 claimed

Cloth CleanApp shopping bag!

$500 USD
Cotton, handmade, shopping bag with a CleanApp logo.
0 claimed

Advisory Board Membership

$1,000 USD
Honorary Advisory Board membership.
0 claimed

Test CleanApp Beta!

$1,500 USD
As soon as the app is beta ready, you will have the ability to provide valuable feedback that will drive the direction of the service.
0 out of 50 of claimed

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