This campaign is closed

Combimouse - Combination Keyboard and Mouse

The Combimouse is a patented and award winning combination keyboard and mouse.

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Combimouse - Combination Keyboard and Mouse

Combimouse - Combination Keyboard and Mouse

Combimouse - Combination Keyboard and Mouse

Combimouse - Combination Keyboard and Mouse

Combimouse - Combination Keyboard and Mouse

The Combimouse is a patented and award winning combination keyboard and mouse.

The Combimouse is a patented and award winning combination keyboard and mouse.

The Combimouse is a patented and award winning combination keyboard and mouse.

The Combimouse is a patented and award winning combination keyboard and mouse.

Ari Zagnoev
Ari Zagnoev
Ari Zagnoev
Ari Zagnoev
3 Campaigns |
Perth, Australia
$7,080 USD 58 backers
35% of $20,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Second Round

In June 2013 we launched a second round Indiegogo campaign. Our first campaign did not raise the required funding and so we have followed up with a second round.

If you contribute to the campaign you will be helping us get Combimouse into production. Here is the link to the campaign.

Campaign Wrap Up

There was a lot of interest in this campaign. The campaign pitch video was viewed over 29,000 times and many websites blogged about the campaign.

The campaign has now finished and we received $7,000 of the $20,000 goal.

This means that we have had to to adjust our objectives.

We still expect to deliver the perks we offered.

The main objective is to design and make Pre-Production units and to show everyone that they work as well as we say they do. To do that, we need an independent reputable organization to test the Combimouse Keyboard. This will also ensure all issues are resolved before we go to the manufacturing phase.

Working on an adjusted and limited budget we have found ways to make the Pre-Production units. As you have seen the new right hand Combimouse is representative of what we expect the final product to look like. It is much better than the previous prototype and it is very exciting to see the improvements, especially using a better keyboard and seeing the keyboard mode immobility solution. The next stage is to make the new circuit board to interface to these two new technologies along with the new mouse sensor we are using. We expect to have the new prototype ready by the end of June.

We were quoted $5,000 by the university to evaluate the Combimouse Keyboard, which is currently beyond our budget. As there is a lot of interest in the Combimouse and we think that many organizations would be interested in getting involved with the Combimouse. We are going to investigate alternatives shortly.

We have managed to reduce costs by hand making the prototype and for the evaluation we will use the old left hand unit. We don’t expect the different keyboard technologies to affect the evaluation.

In our campaign we talk about how we will use the funds if the target goal isn’t achieved.

We would like to thank the people who purchased the Perks and look forward to delivering them. 

Media Coverage

Ubergizmo: Combimouse Hits Indiegogo

Gagadget (Russian): Combimouse (Indiegogo)

Tom's HardwareCombiMouse Hybrid Keyboard & Mouse Arrives on IndieGoGo

Gizmag: Combimouse is both keyboard and mouse

Bit RebelsCombimouse Combines Keyboard & Mouse Into One Device

and many more.


The Combimouse is a Combination Keyboard and Mouse that makes computer input easy and very fast.

Before we go into manufacturing, we need your help to design and make pre-production units, so that we can commission a university to evaluate the Combimouse. Evaluation will confirm that the mouse and keyboard functionality is not compromised compared to conventional devices and that the integrated mouse function is optimised.

We are a small startup company based in Perth Australia.

Project Milestones

  • 1999 - Combimouse invented and patented by Ari Zagnoev
  • 2003 - Evaluated by Wichita State University. Click here to view the report
  • 2003 - Winner Australian IT Secrets competition. The award was presented to Ari by the Australian IT Minister, Senator Richard Alston. Click here to view the certificate
  • 2003 - 2013 - R&D (See blog - Combimouse Design Evolution.)
  • March 2013 - Prototype ready

Pre-Production Combimouse

Using funds contributed during this Indiegogo campaign funds we have made the Pre-Production model shown below. Note that this is not a "Photoshop virtual model" as some people have suggested.
It would appear that we won't reach our fund raising goal and so we have changed our objectives which you can read about below. We also discuss this in the latest Update which you can read by clicking the Updates tab above.
A high resolution photo has been uploaded to the Indiegogo Gallery.

Pre-Production Combimouse


What is the Combimouse?

The Combimouse is a combination keyboard and mouse. The right part doubles as a keyboard and mouse. When you grip it, it becomes a mouse and specific keys switch to mouse click buttons.

You don't have to move your hand off the keyboard to operate the mouse. You just drop your hand, grip it and move the mouse making Computer usage more efficient and less tiring. This is the main advantage of the Combimouse.

The right part works and feels exactly the same as a regular mouse. Thanks to patent pending technology, the right part doesn't move around during typing.

The Combimouse website details how it works. 

Below are two photos showing the two ways it can be gripped during mouse mode.

The first one is exactly the same way as gripping a normal mouse. It takes fractionally longer to reach then the second method, but it is more accurate because you wrist is supported on the table.

The time to grip using the second grip mode is virtually zero. Pointing is slighly less accurate than the first method because you wrist isn't supported on the table.

When the unit is touched on the right side by the small finger, a sensor is activated and the unit switches to mouse mode. The keyboard keys then become the click buttons.

Mouse Grip 1Mouse Grip 2

Videos using the Combimouse

These videos show a video within a video of the two views - screen and Combimouse. It is not possible to show then simulatenously in the same view, as the text entered would not be visible. The videos of the Combimouse have been deliberately blurred as explained previously.

It's best to set the resolution to 720p HD by pressing the gear at the bottom. Also set them to full screen.

  1. Video showing Text selection
  2. Video showing the Difference between the two mouse grips
  3. Video using Mouse Grip 2


My name is Ari Zagnoev and I am CEO of Combimouse. Combimouse has been my obsession for the last 15 years. Overcoming the technological and ergonomic issues has taken a lot of work. 

We are a startup company with 4 shareholders and 3 team members.

We need financial assistance to continue. Thanks to continous R&D work and technology improvements we now have it working well and it is fully manufacturable.

  • The latest version is fully manufacturable (funding is required to confirm some details)
  • The latest version is is stable during typing - the right part does not move around during keyboard mode
  • All ergonomic issues have been resolved
  • Technology has progressed to a point where the Combimouse is now feasible. This includes long battery life, thin wall plastic and light notebook keyboard technology.

The next step is to have the Combimouse evaluated before the expensive manufacturing phase commences.  

Why is this campaign for the Evaluation phase only?

It helps investors minimise their risk as follows:

  • You can contribute a small amount in this first Evaluation phase and build up purchase dollars (with a 10% early backer’s bonus earned)
  • you can then wait for the University to evaluate and report back before committing additional purchase dollars
  • you now have confidence in the product and you can then add to your purchase dollars by contributing in the second Manufacturing phase which will be a separate Indiegogo campaign.

What’s in it for you?

If you are quick enough and claim the limited number early bird perks you will get a Combimouse at a big discount. This is our way of saying thank you for starting to get the ball rolling.

For the other perks you will be placed in the queue to receive a Combimouse. The earlier you make your first contribution, the higher up in the queue you will be.

Contributions to the two Indiegogo Campaign phases (ie. Evaluation and Manufacturing phases) accumulate, with your contribution in the Evaluation phase earning you a 10% bonus and contributions in the Manufacturing phase earning a 5% bonus.

When the Combimouse goes on sale you can purchase a Combimouse using your accumulated contributions. If your contributions are less than the retail price you will need to top up and pay the balance.

If you need to top up, you will need to do so within one month from when you are invited to do so, so that you don’t lose your place in the queue.

We expect the Combimouse to intially sell for under $100 - see the Blog "What should the Combimouse sell for?". 


Details of refunds for eligible Early Bird specials will be posted soon. These are the people who purchased the Early Bird $110 and Early Bird $190 Perks. We are considering offering $30 and $40 refunds to make up the difference with the later perks.

How will the funds be used?

  1. Design and build two pre-production units. One will be used by Curtin University for their evaluation. We will design new plastics, circuit boards and flexible membrane circuits and have them manufactured.
  2. Commission Curtin University to evaluate Combimouse. This will be co-ordinated by Professor Straker. They will evaluate posture, movement and muscle activity variables on a number of users. They will also evaluate the usability compared to a regular keyboard and mouse. Curtin University has quoted to do the evaluation.
  3. Enlist a patent attorney to draw up and lodge a Provisional patent which covers the solution of preventing the right part moving during typing. The patent must be lodged before the Combimouse is shown to anyone. Currently only Ari Zagnoev is aware of the idea.
  4. Commission the manufacturing partner and local mechanical engineers to confirm manufacturability of Combimouse.
  5. Ongoing product development.
  6. Prepare for the Manufacturing phase of Combimouse.

If the campaign is overfunded and the university's results are favorable, we will continue straight into the Manufacturing phase.


  • First two months - Tasks 1 and 3 above
  • Next two months - Task 2 above

Tasks 4 and 5 above will be done in parallel with the other tasks.

The subsequent manufacturing phase will take about 6 months.

Use of funds if campaign goal is not reached

If the campaign is only partially funded the following tasks in descending order will be done:

  1. Curtin University evaluation. This is the main objective.
  2. Design and build two pre-production units. If funding is not available, we will handmake a copy of the existing prototype for Curtin University. This is not ideal as we will have to use an old notebook keyboard. Modern keyboards are much better and will be used on the final Combimouse.
  3. Patent. If funds are not available we will prepare and lodge the patent ourselves without consulting a patent attorney.
  4. Confirm manufacturability.
  5. Prepare for commercialization.

How can I follow progress

We will regularly update the blog Combimouse Pre-Production Model Status. We will tweet whenever an update is made, so be sure to follow @combimouse.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why contribute?

Without your contribution we can't continue and Combimouse may not come to be.

We are offering very attractive perks for early investors - especially the limited number Early Bird perks.

Why has it taken so long?

Technology is only now available to make it feasible - including thin wall plastics, plastic mold flow analysis software, light weight notebook keyboard technology and ultra low power electronics.

Overcoming design problems has taken time. Especially making it light and mobile as a mouse AND immobile as a keyboard and at the same time making it manufacturable. For details please read the blog Combimouse Design Evolution. The solution of making it immobile as a keyboard was only achieved in early 2013 and will be patented. (Unlike some, we appreciate patents which give us the opportunity to protect 15 years work!).

Why only start with the Evaluation phase and not Full project?

This is to give you, the contributor, confidence before funding the complete project. We have tested it and it works well. In this phase it will be evaluated by a University and you will then have confidence in investing in the full project.

We have phased it with you in mind.

If Wichita State University tested it successfully why wait another 10 years?

The prototype used by them was not manufacturable.

It moved around during typing.

As discussed above technology was not available at the time to make a commercial product.

Why show the old prototype and not the latest?

The latest prototype is handmade and crude. It doesn't photograph well. Significant funds are required to clean it up. The design is complete.

Will the keys be user configurable?


Is the Right Unit too heavy as a mouse?

No, it isn't. See here.

Apple Magic Mouse = 108 grams.

Combimouse Right Unit = 74 grams (this includes 26 grams of lead weights to optimise the centre of gravity and weight distribution).

Does the Right Unit move during typing?

No, it doesn't. See here.


Ari Zagnoev, CEO. Main engineer. Majority Combimouse shareholder.

Learn more about Ari at Linked In.

Roger Larcome, Software Engineer. Combimouse shareholder

Learn more about Roger at Linked In.

Simon Herron, Accountant and Business Development. Combimouse shareholder

Learn more about Simon at Linked In.

Follow Combimouse especially the blog and comments

Thank You

By contributing and telling your friends, you will be helping me on what has been a long and interesting road to make the Combimouse available for you to use and enjoy.


Attempt at printing the Combimouse plastic using 3D printing (Posted 18 May 2013)

Combimouse Pre-Production Model Status (Posted 2 May 2013)

What should the Combimouse sell for? (Posted 22 April 2013)

Should we make a Left Handed version Combimouse? (Posted 17 April 2013)

Scroll solutions for the Combimouse (Posted 16 April 2013)

What's it like using the Combimouse? (Posted 14 April 2013)

Combimouse Design Evolution (Posted 14 April 2013)

The PC is dead – Touch devices are the future – No need for Combimouse? (Posted: 13 April 2013)

Why not use Bluetooth – Question from Indiegogo (Posted: 11 April 2013)


Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

$10 Early Backer

$10 USD
You will accumulate $11 towards purchase of a Combimouse. You will be placed in a queue. Higher Perk value holders will receive their Combimouse first. Queue order within this Perk value is then determined by when you claim your Perk – first come, first served. You will also get a "Shout Out" on the Combimouse website.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
3 claimed

$20 Early Backer

$20 USD
You will accumulate $22 towards purchase of a Combimouse. You will be placed in a queue. Higher Perk value holders will receive their Combimouse first. Queue order within this Perk value is then determined by when you claim your Perk – first come, first served. You will also get a "Shout Out" on the Combimouse website.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
3 claimed

Early Bird $80 Special(One)

$80 USD
You have told us that our Early Bird $110 Special(Single) was too expensive – we are now excited to offer it to you for $80. (See our discussion for the retail price.) With a pledge of $80, you will receive a SIGNED LIMITED edition Combimouse for FREE! (Includes US shipping - for international shipping add $20). Queue and Shoutouts are the same as for the Early Bird $110 Special(Single). Refunds for Early Bird $110 Special will be made.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
18 out of 150 of claimed

Early Bird Special (Single)

$110 USD
With a pledge of $110 or more, you will receive a SIGNED LIMITED edition Combimouse for FREE! It's our way of sayiing thank you for being an early supporter. (Includes US shipping - for international shipping add $20). You will be placed in a queue. Higher Perk value holders will receive their Combimouse first. Queue order within this Perk value is then determined by when you claim your Perk – first come, first served. You will also get a "Shout Out" on the Combimouse website.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
14 out of 150 of claimed

Early Bird $150 Special(Two)

$150 USD
You have told us that our Early Bird $190 Special(Double) was too expensive – we are now excited to offer it to you for $150. (See our discussion for the retail price.) With a pledge of $150, you will receive two SIGNED LIMITED edition Combimouse for FREE! (Includes US shipping - for international shipping add $20). Queue and Shoutouts are the same as for the Early Bird $190 Special(Single). Refunds for Early Bird $190 Special will be made.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
3 out of 100 of claimed

Early Bird Special (Double)

$190 USD
With a pledge of $190 or more, you will receive TWO, SIGNED LIMITED edition Combimouse for FREE! It's our way of sayiing thank you for being an early supporter. (Includes US shipping - for international shipping add $20). You will be placed in a queue. Higher Perk value holders will receive their Combimouse first. Queue order within this Perk value is then determined by when you claim your Perk – first come, first served. You will also get a "Shout Out" on the Combimouse website.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
3 out of 100 of claimed

$500 Super Supporter

$500 USD
With a pledge of $500 or more, you will receive a SIGNED LIMITED edition Combimouse for FREE! You will also receive a SIGNED CERTIFICATE of AUTHENTICITY for receiving one of the first 10 Combimouse ever - no other perks offer a certificate. Shipping free worldwide. You will receive your Combimouse BEFORE any other Perks. You will also get a "Shout Out" on the Combimouse website.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
2 out of 10 of claimed

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