Our Story
Manovuelta works on different types of community based media production with indigenous communities, immigrant communities, and communities of color both in the US and in Mexico. For our first Indiegogo project, we are proposing a documentary film that is in the middle of production, about a young indigenous woman from Oaxaca, Mexico who is an absolutely amazing and conscious hip hop artist.
The Film is call Cuando Una Mujer Avanza - (When a Woman Takes a Step Forward) and it is a documentary film about "Mare" an indigenous hip hop artist from Oaxaca, Mexico. Mare is medicine for the devaluating experiences of many young women of color today. As a young native Zapotec MC born in Oaxaca City, her unique life experience is a rarely heard perspective on life and community liberation. As an up and coming MC in a state known for popular and indigenous rebellion, Mare's life and experience has been channeled into very powerful and conscious rapping and singing.
The Impact
Manovuelta has contributed to these type of independent community based documentaries for the last 4 years, and together we have developed strategies for touring the films, distributing them, and and ensuring the films directly benefit the community members that the films are about. No matter what happens we will, finish this film, and it will be screened and distributed through our current networks.
What is exciting to us about Indiegogo is reaching a much broader audience, amplifying our distribution network, and developing new strategies to help our films get out there, and truly benefit the community members we work with. Recently we have been depending a lot on University honorariums as our only funding source, however this source is clearly drying up. So Indiegogo is an attempt at seeing if our networks and the Indiegogo network can help continue to push our film projects a little further along together, by giving a lot of different people the ability to support from far away.
What We Need & What You Get
We are trying to raise at least $4000 dollars to help offset some of the costs of tour travel for Mare and myself to the US, and distribution costs, and we hope recover some of the costs of the film production it self. We are offering a wide variety of Perks for folks interested in supporting this particular film project which are listed below. You know you want to come to Oaxaca!!!
$10 dollars = 1 CD of Hip Hop album "Que Mujer" (What a Woman ) by Mare
$20 dollars = 1 SD DVD of film "Cuando Una Mujer Avanza" (When A Woman Takes A Step Forward)
$30 dollars = COMBO ONE: 1 DVD and 1 CD
$40 dollars = COMBO TWO: One Blue Ray HD DVD and one CD
$50 dollars = Combo THREE: 1 T-shirt +COMBO ONE
$60 dollars = COMBO FOUR: 1 T-shirt + COMBO TWO
$300 dollars = COMBO FIVE: Name in Scrolling credits + COMBO FOUR
$500 dollars = COMBO SIX: Autographed Film Poster + COMBO FIVE
$1000 dollars = COMBO SEVEN: Special Thanks in single still credit + 1 Autographed Poster + COMBO Four
$2000 dollars = COMBO EIGHT: Screening with filmmaker organized in your community/School + COMBO SEVEN
$3000 Dollars = COMBO NINE: Screening with filmmaker in your home, with wine and home cooked dinner + COMBO SEVEN
$4000 Dollars = COMBO 10 WEEKEND TRIP TO OAXACA, MEXICO for two, (Flight and Lodging included) plus personal screening with Film Maker and Live Performance with Mare and other Musicians, as well as a home cooked dinner + COMBO SIX
Cost of shipping and travel have been calculated into purchase amount.
If nothing else, please help us get the project out there and let folks know about us. You can use the different share tools available by Indiegogo!)