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Cuddles for Cancer

Faith, age 11, makes her "Cuddle" blankets for cancer patients hoping to keep them warm, comfortable and loved as they go through their treatments.

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Cuddles for Cancer

Cuddles for Cancer

Cuddles for Cancer

Cuddles for Cancer

Cuddles for Cancer

Faith, age 11, makes her "Cuddle" blankets for cancer patients hoping to keep them warm, comfortable and loved as they go through their treatments.

Faith, age 11, makes her "Cuddle" blankets for cancer patients hoping to keep them warm, comfortable and loved as they go through their treatments.

Faith, age 11, makes her "Cuddle" blankets for cancer patients hoping to keep them warm, comfortable and loved as they go through their treatments.

Faith, age 11, makes her "Cuddle" blankets for cancer patients hoping to keep them warm, comfortable and loved as they go through their treatments.

Faith Dickinson
Faith Dickinson
Faith Dickinson
Faith Dickinson
1 Campaign |
Peterborough, Canada
$2,178 USD $2,178 USD 15 backers
31% of $6,992 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Faith created Cuddles for Cancer when she was just nine years old. After hearing that cancer patients often got cold during their treatments, Faith came up with the idea of making fleece blankets, hoping it would bring patients warmth, comfort and love. Since then, she has raised over $15,000 to help her make 700+ of her cuddle blankets. They have been sent all across Canada, the U.S. and to France, England and Australia. She has also created a signature ‘soldier’ blanket for her “Sponsor a Soldier” campaign for soldiers overseas and those suffering from injuries or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, many of these blankets have been sent to Afghanistan and Kuwait. She recently launched a campaign called "Kids at Christmas", asking the community to sponsor a child to ensure every child admitted to her local hospital is given a cuddle blanket on Christmas Eve. In 2013, Faith also delivered 26 "cuddle" blankets to Toronto Sick Kids Hospital. On January 15th, 2014, Faith was awarded the Ontario Junior Citizen Award. She believes that you can never be too young to make a difference in the world. 

100% of funds donated go towards buying more fleece, so Faith can make more blankets.

Faith’s motto is “everyone deserves a cuddle”. Help her share her “cuddle” blankets!

THANK YOU for your support. <3

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Choose your Perk

Sponsor a Child

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
A "cuddle" blanket will be donated in YOUR NAME to a child suffering from cancer or another childhood illness.
6 claimed

Sponsor a Soldier

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
A "cuddle" blanket will be donated in YOUR NAME to a soldier serving overseas, or to those injured or suffering from PTSD.
0 claimed

A Signature Cuddles Blanket

Currency Conversion $350 USD
$500 CAD
To show our appreciation, 10 blankets will be donated in YOUR NAME and you will receive a signature "cuddle" blanket of your own.
0 claimed

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