A Bit About Who We Are And What This Campaign Is About
First off, a little bit about who we are: Our names are Casey Bailey and Chris Flynn and we are from Christchurch, New Zealand. We are lifelong fans of Star Wars and have been collectors of Star Wars figurines and other merchandise for many years. Some of our interests and passions include digital art, 3D modeling, web design, films and, of course, video gaming.
Like so many in the Star Wars fandom, we have craved- for some time, a range of display environments for our Star Wars figures (especially for 3.75" scale figures), from the toy manufacturers. Having grown tired of waiting for these companies to produce their own ranges of display environments, we have endeavoured to take it upon ourselves to create and offer to Star Wars fans a range of custom display environments for 3.75" scale figures, to meet the growing and ignored demands of Star Wars fans all over the world, so that they may finally have the display environments that they desire.
Right, So How Do We Plan To Produce These Custom Display Environments?
We believe that 3D printing technology has reached a point where relatively simple custom display environments- of reasonable quality and cost, can be produced using commercially-available 3D printers. We then plan to enhance our custom display environments with the application of painted details and a final finishing treatment.
What Environments Will Be Included In The Range?
For now, we are planning to offer Star Wars fans the choice of two custom display environments- a Death Star corridor and a Tantive IV corridor. Each section of corridor will consist of a wall and a connecting base, with each section able to be connected to further sections for extended displays.
We will be offering a choice of two types of bases for each custom display environment- one with older style pegs to accomodate vintage figures and one with modern style pegs to accomodate modern figures. The connectors of these two types of bases will be compatible with each other so that Star Wars fans will be able to display their vintage figures alongside their modern figures in the same custom display environment.
What Do We Need And Where Will It Go?
What we need to get this project up and running is $3,500 in funding. The bulk of the funding will go towards purchasing the 3D printer and enough rolls of printing plastics to produce your perks. Funding will also be going towards product painting and finishing supplies.
So... About Those Perks, Then?
As a token of our gratitude for your contribution, we are offering you a wide range of perks to choose from- from our undying gratitude to discounts on your next purchase from us, from custom display sets of varying environments and base styles to prototype sets.
And If We Do Not Reach Our Goal?
To provide our contributors with the greatest possible sense of assurance, we have made this a Fixed Funding campaign. This means that all contributions will be returned if our goal is not reached.
What Would This Campaigns Success Mean?
If this campaign is successful and this project becomes reality, it will mean that Star Wars fans the world over will finally be able to proudly display their collections in the way that they have long wanted. Who knows, success of this campaign and the invigorating of a display environment market may even jolt the toy manufacturers into finally producing their own ranges, which would be of further benefit to Star Wars fans.
Finally, we are also considering how we may expand the range of products we will be offering, should this campaign succeed and the project gain sufficient interest. Some ideas we are considering include a new Cantina custom display environment and additional sections for our existing range of custom display environments, such as doorway, corner and floor expansion sections.
What Other Ways Can You Help, Without Contributing (Or Even Alongside Contributing)?
We understand that you may not be able to contribute funding to this campaign, for whatever reason- We've been there ourselves. But there are other ways that you can help our campaign to succeed! By spreading word of our campaign throughout whatever forums you frequent and whatever social media platforms you use, you will be helping us greatly to gain attention for this project and what it will offer to the Star Wars fandom! A great place to start would be through the various sharing tools that Indiegogo offers.