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Dies Irae

This will enable us to print 1650's expansion book, in English and Spanish, and more bands and miniatures.

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Dies Irae

Dies Irae

Dies Irae

Dies Irae

Dies Irae

This will enable us to print 1650's expansion book, in English and Spanish, and more bands and miniatures.

This will enable us to print 1650's expansion book, in English and Spanish, and more bands and miniatures.

This will enable us to print 1650's expansion book, in English and Spanish, and more bands and miniatures.

This will enable us to print 1650's expansion book, in English and Spanish, and more bands and miniatures.

Tercio Creativo
Tercio Creativo
Tercio Creativo
Tercio Creativo
3 Campaigns |
Sevilla, Spain
$23,882 USD $23,882 USD 317 backers
366% of $6,512 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects


Once more, you could become a patron of one the four main factions and hire a band of duelists (represented by our 35mm miniatures) for doing some... “work” for you and your faction in order to accumulate enough power to choose the new king of Iberia and start the defense of El Purgatorio or the conquest of the north against the Gauls. 

Having printed the rulebook of 1650,  A Capa y Espada with your help (thanks ;]), we want this game to become a whole new universe of adventures and very detailed conflicts, spanning the most essential aspects of guerrilla warfare of 1650, A Capa y Espada with more bands and detailed information about conflict zones with their sociopolitical and military situation...All these things will increase your gaming experience. For this, we want to print the first expansion books of 1650: Dies Irae. Also, we want to start releasing the new Gaul Vanguard of the Usurper faction, and the new material presented in those expansion books.

But what is Dies Irae? Here is a summary for your perusal:


Tercio Creativo is a little company. We're only 2 partners/sculptors. For the last few years, we have been releasing single miniatures to build a consistent operations theatre within a solid background concept. Step by step, the game system, its background and the game community is growing and, slowly but surely, we keep hard at work to show you everything we create. We can´t stop it, guys.

There are lots of ideas and amazing new concepts, but money is a big problem. We make every component of our products in Spain. We don´t want to manufacture anything in countries that offer us a cheap cost and in the meantime pay  their workers poverty wages, only for offering you  products with “standard” prices. We want to continue using a traditional production system, from our own “damaged” country, and coherent with the economic situation, help other Spanish companies while we explore exciting new worlds.


This campaign is divided into targets, and these are grouped in stages. Each stage will allow us to discover a new and darker aspect of the universe of 1650,  A Capa y Espada. Each stage comprises several targets and rewards. When we reach a target, all of you will get a reward (see below) and the possibility to buy the newly unlocked products with high discounts.

Confidente ("Informer") unlocked.

Hideputa ("Sonofabitch") unlocked.


Whenever a new goal is reached, all funders will get the reward stated therein. And if it is free, it will be automatically included in their perks.

If the reward is a new product, it can be added by paying the required amount (see below).


Whenever you want to add more products to your perk, just pay the price of your new acquisition (clicking the CONTRIBUTE NOW button and adding the amount). After that, send an email to let us know what you have added.


If you want to add more products (pawns, Antagonists, Enclaves or game items) from our catalogue, you will be able to get it with an exclusive discount. See below for knowing how much you can save when adding new products.

For more information about our products, please find our catalogue at the link below:


Adrian de Rivero:


Fredrick Willem:

Mercenary Picador, almost finished: Gift for perks C, D, E, F, F-Conquered or G till September the 10th.

Toro Desbocado: Gift for perks D, E, F, F-Conquered or G till last day of crowdfunding.

Confidente ( "Informer" ), Gift for perks C, D, E, F, F-Conquered or G, if we get 6000€:

Hideputa ("Sonofabitch"), Gift for perks C, D, E, F, F-Conquered or G, if we get 10000€:

Wraith of Dunas Rojas, in progress, available with BIG discount if we get to 15000€:

Armed Wagon chassis:

Armadillo Armed Wagon:

More Armadillo Armed Wagon pieces:

Padre Norberto, Leader of Domini Canis band, and one of the pawns for Dies Irae, The Boardgame.

Hermano Martin, another pawn for Domini Canis band, and Dies Irae, The Boardgame.

Hermano Bernardo, another pawn for Domini Canis band, and Dies Irae, The Boardgame.

Sacerdote Absorto, Leader of Ordo Calamitas band, and another of the pawns for Dies Irae, The Boardgame.

Absorto A, another pawn for Ordo Calamitas band, and Dies Irae, The Boardgame.

Absorto B, another pawn for Ordo Calamitas band, and Dies Irae, The Boardgame.

Absorto C, another pawn for Ordo Calamitas band, and Dies Irae, The Boardgame.

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Choose your Perk

Perk A

Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
1 book ( 1650's rulebook or Dies Irae Vol. I ) and 1 Personality
10 claimed

Perk B

Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
1 "Noob" starter-pack ( 4 pawns and their Contract Cards ) and 1 Personality
18 claimed

Perk C

Currency Conversion $54 USD
€50 EUR
1 book ( 1650's rulebook or Dies Irae Vol. I ), 1 "Pro" starter-pack ( 4 pawns, their Contract Cards, 14 Dexterity Cards, 20 Panoply Cards, 10 Maravedies, 1 sack, 2 dices and 5 Lamps ) and 1 Personality
95 claimed

Perk D

Currency Conversion $119 USD
€110 EUR
2 books ( 1650's rulebook and Dies Irae Vol. I ), 2 "Pro" starter-pack ( each one with 4 pawns, their Contract Cards, 14 Dexterity Cards, 20 Panoply Cards, 10 Maravedies, 1 sack, 2 dices and 5 Lamps ), 4 Personalities and poster of Dies Irae
41 claimed

Perk E

Currency Conversion $233 USD
€215 EUR
2 books ( 1650's rulebook and Dies Irae Vol. I ), 2 "Pro" starter-pack ( each one with 4 pawns, their Contract Cards, 14 Dexterity Cards, 20 Panoply Cards, 10 Maravedies, 1 sack, 2 dices and 5 Lamps ), 4 Personalities, 1 poster of Dies Irae, 4 Houses of El Purgatorio, 1 Extramuros 01, 2 Crosses ( Latin and Tau ) and 1 Polvorin
1 claimed

Perk F

Currency Conversion $250 USD
€230 EUR
2 books ( 1650's rulebook and Dies Irae Vol. I ), 1 "Complete" pack ( with 10 pawns, their Contract Cards, 14 Dexterity Cards, 20 Panoply Cards, 10 Maravedies, 1 sack, 2 dices and 5 Lamps ), 6 Personalities, 1 poster of Dies Irae, 4 Houses of El Purgatorio, 1 Extramuros 01, 1 Extramuros 01, 2 Crosses ( Latin and Tau ) and 1 Polvorin
2 claimed

Perk F - Conquered

Currency Conversion $347 USD
€320 EUR
2 books ( 1650's rulebook and Dies Irae Vol. I ), 1 "Complete" pack ( with 10 pawns, their Contract Cards, 14 Dexterity Cards, 20 Panoply Cards, 10 Maravedies, 1 sack, 2 dices and 5 Lamps ), 6 Personalities, 1 poster of Dies Irae, 4 Houses of El Purgatorio, 1 Extramuros 01, 1 Extramuros 02, 2 Crosses ( Latin and Tau ) and 1 Polvorin + 1 Storehouse kit + 1 House kit + 1 Corner kit + 1 Gunpowder kit + 1 Mansion kit
0 out of 10 of claimed

Perk G

Currency Conversion $868 USD
€800 EUR
2 books ( 1650's rulebook and Dies Irae Vol. I ) + 1 "Complete" pack ( with 10 pawns, their Contract Cards, 14 Dexterity Cards, 20 Panoply Cards, 10 Maravedies, 1 sack, 2 dices and 5 Lamps ) + 6 Personalities + 1 poster of Dies Irae + 4 Houses of El Purgatorio + 1 Extramuros 01 + 1 Extramuros 02 + 2 Crosses ( Latin and Tau ) + 1 Polvorin + 1 Storehouse kit + 1 House kit + 1 Corner kit + 1 Gunpowder kit + 1 Mansion kit + 1 EXCLUSIVE miniature, designed by and for you, and painted by Emuse.
1 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

Conquered Buildings

Currency Conversion $98 USD
€90 EUR
20 out of 20 of claimed

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