Campaign Ends Today! Please contribute now to make the Diodome brighter and better!
The Diodome is an interactive light installation for Burning Man 2013. 300+ individually controlled LEDs and a beautiful cover over an 18ft geodesic dome the Diodome creates a three dimensional surface of light which participants can interact with.
In the center of the Diodome stands a platform supporting a glowing frosted hemisphere. As you touch and stroke this surface the colors around you respond, creating a space of colored light that envelopes and surrounds you and your friends. When left alone the dome will gradually change patterns and pulsate in various ways trying to draw people in from across the Playa.
Check out the Diodome Animation Editor:
Currently we're looking for funding to support this project and make it a reality.
This years project is just the first phase. We have plans for a great many variations in the future with the addition of sound, motion tracking and various other forms of interaction making this a project we can bring back to the playa in fresh and exciting ways for years to come.
What do we need the money for?
We are building custom electrical hardware to run the hundreds of LEDs that make up the dome. We're also getting an 18ft 5/8ths geodesic dome that will make the foundation of the Diodome. In order to get the effect seen in the video we need to make custom internal and external skins from translucent material. We'll also be using the money for transportation for the dome and all the equipment necessary to power it on the playa.
We're funding about 1/3rd of the cost of the project ourselves, but we need your help to cover the rest.
One of the great things about this project is the versatility. Once we have the basic system in place we'll be able to modify it to do a variety of other projects without having to outlay a lot of money again, so your contribution will be helping a lot of future art as well.
What have we done before?
In 2010 we built the Illuminatrix, a 4ft x 4ft LED display that was built in the UK and transported to the Playa. This consisted of 256 LEDs showing hundreds of animations created by us and other Burners around the world. It was a huge success and you can still see the results of it here
Another of our members helped create the Woodpushers Gambit in 2005. This was a giant glowing neon chess set out in the deep.
What you can do?
Obviously you can contribute here on Indiegogo, but you can also share this page with your friends, or like us on Facebook.
You can also script animations for the Diodome using our editor
If all goes well come find the Diodome in the Deep Playa at this year's Burning Man. We look forward to seeing you.