In a dystopian society, a heavy handed government controls its citizens through censorship and propaganda--all acts of artistic self expression are forbidden.
A young member of the Ministry of Culture finds her safety and sanity at risk when she begins sleepwalking, committing inadvertent acts of artistic terrorism over the walls of her city.
As she struggles to regain control of her life and keep her actions anonymous, her art becomes the catalyst of a revolution.
Disorder has a projected budget of $20,000. Our team is dedicated to producing a visually stunning short film that will be submitted to film festivals around the world.
Through our producers we are able to secure heavily discounted camera, sound and editing equipment - but the bulk of the budget will go towards crew fees, catering, visual effects and the art department.
We are raising this money help build the visual world of this film - the production design. A lot of work goes into creating a dystopian society - we must secure utilitarian uniforms for each of the characters, furnish the sprawling office environment that makes up the Ministry of Culture, and 'destroy' a city street for the post riot scene. (Disclaimer: No streets will be hurt in the production of this film).
Sarah Hager: Director/Screenwriter Sarah is an emerging Métis filmmaker and a graduate of Capilano University’s Motion Picture Production Program. She began her film career as an actor, but was quick to turn to the dark side - writing and directing short screenplays and theatrical pieces that have been performed around the world. She has worked for The National Film Board of Canada, on several APTN productions, including the environmental series Down2Earth and a number of non-profit societies in Vancouver.
Matt Klassen: Screenwriter/Editor
Matt is a screenwriter and editor, who studied Sociology, Communications and Filmmaking during university. He is drawn towards both science fiction and dystopian literate as a poignant form of social commentary.
Pierre Oliver Cruz: Director of Photography
Pierre is a cinematography and photographer, originally from the Philippines. While working towards a BA in Anthropology, he began to take photos to document his research. It wasn't long before his talent and love of film led him towards work on documentary and motion picture productions.
Pandora Young: Art Director
Pandora is an incredibly talented emerging artist, currently pursing a degree in Illustration and Visual Arts at the Emily Carr University of Art + Design. She is the president of Rain City Illustration, a university club with over one hundred active members.
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Thank you for taking the time to support us and please, spread the good word! Please feel free to contact the director, Sarah Hager with any questions, comments or ideas - she would love to hear from you.