In an attempt to turn back the clock on her mother's illness, a young physics student finds herself trapped within a deadly quantum time anomaly.
![Featured On In Featured On In]()
![Update Header]()
Hi everyone, so we have really great news to report: As we near the wrap of principal photography with now over 90% of the film in the can (!) and having raised over $350,000 since our indiegogo campaign via private investors and equity deals, we are very excited to welcome the latest addition to our amazingly talented cast: Golden Globe Winner and Emmy Award Nominee Susan Blakely!!
Susie will play Carol Sinclair, mom to Courtney Hope's character Cassie in scenes that are at the very heart of the film. This will also mark the first time Susie and Sarah Douglas will appear in a film together, though they are long-time friends and colleagues. So making a little history here as well!
Welcome to our family Susie! We can't wait to work with you.
4 months ago
Hi everyone, what a fantastic week of filming we just concluded! Built a set and shot on a soundstage! Finally filmed with Christopher Backus and wrapped out Lou Richards. Bringing us to 72% of the movie in the can! Remarkable. The footage looks great, lighting and camerawork stellar, set is beautiful and convincing so the illusion is real, the performances are out of the park... we truly made magic on that stage.
It’s been a helluva year and we couldn’t have come this far without each and every one of you. Thank you so much for your contributions and support. I feel blessed to have such a terrific team bringing this film to life, and I know you will be proud of what we are achieving.
Have a happy and safe Holiday Season and stay tuned for more Displacement to come in the New Year.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Ken Mader
5 months ago
Hello all our wonderful contributors! On this Thanksgiving it seems only appropriate to thank each and every one of you for your amazing support and dedication to our film. I am overwhelmed by your generosity and truly appreciate all of your help in moving this project forward.
In case you haven't heard via our newsletter or blog, since our crowdfunding campaign we've had a very busy summer and fall of filming which will continue through December and into the new year as we approach 80% of the movie filmed an "in the can"!!! Truly a remarkable feat made possibly by you! With an anticipated wrap sometime in February pending scheduling and completion funding.
We are still pushing to have the film ready for a premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in May of 2014, and are reaching out to A-List name actors to fill our final two cameo roles and round out our already amazing cast, all of which have been delivering stunning performances that you are going to really enjoy. Plus some big stuff is brewing behind the scenes that will be announced soon. Suffice to say the stars seem to be aligning :)
And we have not forgotten about the rest of your perks, they are coming! We've just been so busy in production and raising more financing that time has literally gotten away from us (I feel sometimes I've entered a 'timeslip' of my own throughout this process!). I promise we will try to get t-shirts and posters and QIG ID Card downloads out before Christmas.
And don't forget to check out the new trailer on our website featuring some of the more recent footage we've shot:
Or our blog for behind-the-scenes and other fun stuff:
Thanks again everyone, and I hope you all have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!
All the Best,Ken Mader
Kenneth Mader
9 months ago
Hi friends, so as I head out today to scout locations for our upcoming shoots I wanted to give you all a heads up that we have now migrated the fundraising campaign to our website, where we can also show all the deferrals, deals and 'offline' contributions we've raised. Anyone who missed the deadline or still wants to contribute can do it here:
Please tell all your friends and share the link, help us continue the dream. Also keep your eyes peeled for our supporter Newsletter coming soon filled with fun goodies.
Thanks again everyone!
Kenneth Mader
Well there it is folks. Our campaign has concluded and 90 of you amazing people helped us raise nearly thirteen thousand dollars! A respectable amount of money by anyone's standards and a whole new group of friends and fans that wouldn't have happened without launching this campaign. From the bottom of all our hearts we thank you. The funding we raised will keep this dream alive, allow us to schedule more filming and we will continue onward until this movie is finished and premiering on the big screen.
With that in mind our plan is now to premiere in Cannes, 2014! The submission deadline for that festival isn't until March of next year, a realistic deadline if we can get the movie shot and in the can before the end of this year. As such we will be continuing our fundraising efforts via our website, so those of you who still want to contribute or know people who were interested but missed the deadline here will still be able to buy perks or invest as equity partners. Visit our site at in the coming days as we make that transition.
In the meantime keep your eyes on our blog for the personal shout-outs as well as other updates. We will also be putting together a newsletter exclusively for our backers and fans to provide that early behind-the-scenes access we've promised and other great features to keep you all up-to-date on the production.
We are SO grateful for all of your support, your kind words of encouragement and amazing enthusiasm for this project. We wouldn't be moving forward without you and will keep you in the loop every step of the way.
Thanks again everyone!
Onward and Upward,
Ken, Courtney and the entire Displacement Team
GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! We are very pleased to welcome the newest member of our cast, the great and powerful character actor LOU RICHARDS who will play Cassie's father Charles Sinclair. Lou came in to read with Courtney today and it was electric. I could immediately see them as father and daughter and the chemistry was palpable. I'm very excited to be working with yet another fine actor in this amazing ensemble of talent we're assembling.
Lou will be a familiar face to many as you've seen him in just about every television show ever made (he has over 100 credits on IMDb) including Mad Men, Criminal Minds, 1600 Penn, Grey's Anatomy, 24 and movies like Hulk, Growth, Going Under (directed by our very own Mark W. Travis) and the upcoming Lovelace with Amanda Seyfried and Peter Sarsgaard. You can see more of his work and credits here:
![Lou Richards]()
Welcome to the family Lou!
Stay tuned for more exciting casting announcements coming very soon as we ramp up for more filming after the campaign.
First image from our team 'Crashing Comin-Con'. Click the Updates tab above for more:
![crashing comic con crashing comic con]()
Hi friends, so as we enter the final stretch of our campaign and in the spirit of the San Diego Comic-Con this weekend, let's do a PERK BUMP SPECIAL!
Throughout the weekend anyone who buys a Perk will receive the next Perk up! So if you take the $5 Time-Traveler Perk, you get the $10 Particle Pair! $25 Quantum Student gets you $50 Particle Engineer! Up to $75 Physics Major gets you the $100 Quantum Mechanic Perk!
Tell all your friends and please spread the word. Now is the time to support our campaign and help us push closer to our goal. If each of you got just one of your friends to contribute, even a small amount, we could raise enough to fund yet another day of filming. There's only 11 days left in our campaign so act now before it's too late!
And if you're going to the Con, look for our minions wearing Displacement t-shirts. Anyone who contributes right there on the spot with them, any amount, will receive a free t-shirt in addition to the perk bump!
Thanks again for all your support so far. Let's move that needle this weekend team!
And here's a little personal video our star Courtney Hope made for you, our wonderful fans and supporters:
![Courtney Video Update Courtney Video Update Image]()
Have you ever wanted a second chance? Give someone a gift you weren’t able to give? Tell them you loved them one last time? These are the questions at the heart of Displacement, our indie film passion project that we're really excited about sharing with you which explores themes of love and loss, the power of forgiveness, and the consequences of turning back the clock.
All of this within the context of a mind-bending thriller that follows the story of a young physics student Cassie Sinclair (Courtney Hope), who must solve the murder of her boyfriend while battling memory loss and timeslips caused by a Quantum Entanglement Event.
Told in the tone of Memento meets Primer, with a dash of Fringe thrown in for fun, Displacement is ultimately a story about letting go of the past. Of guilt, of grief, of all that stuff that holds us back and beats us down. It’s about making oneself whole. Using the metaphor of quantum physics and particle pairs to tell that story.
And the coolest part about all of this is... we've already begun filming! We’ve made deals and reached into our own pockets to get more than ten percent of this movie already in the can. Now you have the chance to help us finish this dream and bring you a film that you'll be really proud of. Plus when you help us reach or exceed our goal, we will become one of the top funded film campaigns on indiegogo!
We already have over $200,000 worth of cash investment, deferrals, goods and services into this project. We are seeking completion funds of $179,000 to get us “in the can” so that we can have a first cut ready in September to submit to Sundance!
![Interrogation and the Paradox Cassie (Courtney Hope) encounters her time-traveling Doppelgänger during her interrogation by Dr. Miles (SUPERMAN's Sarah Douglas)]()
Hi everyone, Ken Mader here.
By now you've all heard the stories of how difficult it can be to get a film made in Hollywood, especially a passion project like this one. Even if you're lucky enough to find a 'deal', with endless rewrites for the sake of rewriting (not to improve the story of course, merely to cover the studio's backside), multiple producers on projects, and foreign "queue scores" determining your cast, it's amazing anything gets made at all in this town, let alone anything of quality.
True story: I have a screenplay I've been trying to get set up for years now. It has won awards. It's a modest budget by studio standards. I even have an Academy Award winning actor attached to play the lead role. And yet, unless I'm willing to step away from directing it, or make major changes to the script that would frankly ruin it, I've been unable to get it made.
So I decided to go back to the drawing board and design a script that could be produced on a low budget yet at a very high quality, with a compelling story and characters that would attract solid, reputable, talented actors. Something I could go to my crew members with and cut deals based solely on their desire to be involved in something good, that had creative integrity and enormous potential. I began writing it 4 years ago. That screenplay became DISPLACEMENT.
My desire with this story is to explore the human condition, utilizing real science and real experience blended with fiction to illustrate that we can in fact alter our destinies, even in small ways, simply by being present in the moment and looking towards the future, rather than the past and allowing it to consume us. It is a lesson I have to keep revisiting to this day. Something I imagine all of you have experienced to one degree or another as well. Perhaps together through the shared experience of this finished film we can all experience a sense of healing and release from some of those emotional shackles. A collective “letting go” of what binds us, as experienced through the journey of our character Cassie. All the while enjoying what I endeavor to be an entertaining and emotionally engaging 90-minute moving picture.
![Mom & I]()
DISPLACEMENT is a character-driven thriller inspired by the loss of filmmaker Kenneth Mader's mother to cancer and the inability to grant her final wish.
Besides being a cool quantum time thriller with an engaging, character-driven story, this film has deeper meaning: My mom was my biggest fan and greatest supporter. She talked my father into letting me build movie sets in their garage back in Chicago. Cooked food for the crew. Came to every screening of every one of my films. And moved her and my dad out to Los Angeles after me so we could be close as a family.
Four years ago my mom passed away from cancer, which came on so suddenly there wasn’t time to grant her final wish: to see the ocean one last time. That life experience inspired me to write this script, and the ensuing emotions now reside at the core of this film, essentially the heart of the picture driving our character Cassie forward. My dream is to fulfill my Mom's last wish as best I can by making this film.
![Mark Travis Video Thumbnail]()
![Who Are We Header]()
Kenneth Mader and Courtney Hope
Writer-Producer-Director and Star/Co-Producer
KENNETH MADER is a multi-award-winning filmmaker whose very first feature film was distributed by 20th Century Fox and premiered on the SyFy Channel. His next film Passing Darkness won numerous awards and helped solidify his career in Hollywood. He’s since produced and directed dozens of independent projects, was recently nominated into the NBC Universal Directing Fellowship, has worked with and shadowed directors on television shows like Criminal Minds, Star Trek: Enterprise and Voyager along with studio feature films. He’s trained with DGA directors Mark W. Travis, Ed Bernero, John Gallagher, Mark Rosman, Roxann Dawson and many others, and will be joining the prestigious Director’s Guild of America himself later this year.
COURTNEY HOPE is a rising star in Hollywood, having played lead roles in films like Mob Rules and Prowl from After Dark Films/Lionsgate, and recently starred in the film Swelter alongside Lenny James, Josh Henderson, Grant Bowler, Alfred Molina and Jean-Claude Van Damme. She’s also guest-starred on the shows NCIS: Los Angeles, Criminal Minds, CSI: Miami and recently starred in the popular Somebody Picked the Wrong Girl commercial that went viral with over a million hits on YouTube!
![Ken Quotes]()
![Perks & Rewards]()
![Perks Graphic]()
Check out all our cool Perks and join the Quantum Initiative Group (a somewhat shadowy organization within Displacement that may or may not be responsible for the timeslips occuring in Cassie's world) by contributing now!
$5 gets you TIME-TRAVELER privileges and OUR ETERNAL GRATITUDE + you'll receive a PERSONAL EMAIL THANK YOU, A SHOUT OUT ON OUR BLOG and EXCLUSIVE SUPPORTER UPDATES throughout the production!
For only $10 you can become a PARTICLE PAIR and receive a DOWNLOADABLE QUANTUM INITIATIVE GROUP ID CARD (just like the one our character Josh wears in the film - currently being designed) + EXCLUSIVE EARLY ACCESS TO OUR BEHIND-THE-SCENES VIDEO BLOGS + A PDF OF THE FINAL SHOOTING SCRIPT on the day the movie's released!
For $50 it's PARTICLE ENGINEER and A PHYSICAL DVD OF THE MOVIE that will include a documentary on the making of Displacement plus other bonus features not available on the digital download!
At the $100 QUANTUM MECHANIC level it's a BLU-RAY DISC OF DISPLACEMENT that will include a documentary on the making of the film and other bonus features not available on the digital download + A LIMITED EDITION DISPLACEMENT T-SHIRT available only to our supporters, AND A PHYSICAL DVD OF KENNETH MADER'S AWARD-WINNING SHORT FILM PASSING DARKNESS!
$500 and your QUANTUM THEORIST head will explode when you receive AN AUTOGRAPHED MOVIE POSTER SIGNED BY THE STARS AND DIRECTOR suitable for framing + A VIP VISIT FOR TWO ON THE SET!
For $2500 you're promoted to QUANTUM SCIENCE TECHNICIAN and YOU'RE IN THE MOVIE! It's a BACKGROUND ROLE but you’ll be featured ON CAMERA in the background (or foreground!) of one of our scenes!
![Our Great Cast]()
In addition to our extrememly talented star COURTNEY HOPE, who plays our lead character Cassie Sinclair, an emotionally tortured young woman on a journey to discover the truth and change the past at any cost, the film also features legendary actress SARAH DOUGLAS (Superman I & II, Conan the Destroyer, Green Lantern: The Animated Series) who plays Dr. Miles, an enigmatic figure at the head of the Quantum Initiative Group, a mysterious organization funded in part by the U.S. Defense Dept. that deals with Einstein's Unified Field Theory, Quantum Entanglement and Time Displacement. Dr. Miles is seeking to extract information from Cassie that could correct the anomaly and save their lives... or perhaps she has more sinister intentions.
CHRISTOPHER BACKUS (Elevator, 3 Days Gone, Amongst Friends) plays the murdered boyfriend who may or may not be secretly involved in this mind-bending plot. And we have the script out to more great actors for the remaining roles, with other big casting announcements coming soon.
![Our Creative Team Header]()
David Abramson
Quantum Physics Story Consultant
Emmy-Nominated Editing Advisor
A member of the Editors Guild for over 15 years and a graduate of the USC Film Production program, David Abramson has edited and assistant-edited features, movies of the week, and miniseries for Columbia/SONY, Disney, Paramount/DreamWorks, NBC, Warner Bros., Universal, Lionsgate, MTV and numerous independent production companies. Projects have ranged from features grossing $250 million worldwide to small independent features and television movies, including portions of Michael Jackson’s This Is It for Columbia, a UK-broadcast concert special starring Matthew Morrison (Glee), 70 minutes of all-new documentary material for the Blu-ray release of the Oscar-nominated classic Das Boot, and the festival-winning feature film The Indian, available on DVD, starring Matt Dallas of the hit ABC Family series Kyle XY.
He cut three series pilots for Disney, The Replacements for executive producer Jack Thomas (Fairly Odd Parents) which was immediately picked up to series and began airing in 2006. Perhaps most notably, in 2001 Mr. Abramson edited significant portions of feature-length Episode 3 of Steven Spielberg's ten-part miniseries Taken. That episode was nominated for an Emmy for Best Editing.
David is also a talented writer-director and brilliant quantum physics major who's been helping hone the science aspects of the Displacement script.
Mark W. Travis
DGA Director, Author, Teacher
Creative Consultant
![Mark W. Travis smile and books]()
Mark W. Travis is The Director's Director. He is regarded by Hollywood’s top brass and international film professionals as the world’s leading authority on the art and craft of film directing. All of his techniques stem from the pursuit of organic authentic performances that are deeply felt by audiences. He is currently on the faculty of HFF (Munich), HSU (Kiev) and has taught at AFI, UCLA, The Binger Institute (Amsterdam), PU (Pixar University), FAS Screen Training Ireland and many other internationally acclaimed institutions and film schools. He has served as directorial and creative consultant to Mark Rydell, George Tillman, Cyrus Nowrasteh, and dozens of Independent filmmakers in Hollywood and internationally. He is respected and recommended by top actors such as Beau Bridges, Henry Winkler and Bill Pullman.
Productions directed by Mr. Travis have garnered a total of 30 awards including: an Emmy, Drama-Logue, L.A. Weekly, Drama Critics’ Circle, A.D.A and Ovation awards. His film and television directing credits are equally impressive, including The Facts of Life, Family Ties, Capitol, Hillers, the Emmy Award-winning PBS dramatic special Blind Tom: The Thomas Bethune Story, Going Under for Warner Bros. starring Bill Pullman and Ned Beatty, the documentary Earlet and The Baritones. On stage over the past 20 years, Mark has directed over 60 theatre productions in Los Angeles and New York.
![Theatrical Distribution]()
Yes, we have this covered too.
Having worked on numerous films that achieved significant distribution, including my first feature that was released by 20th Century Fox and Premiered on the SyFy Channel, I have amassed a deep reservior of relationships in the distribution arena. These include a number of foreign sales agents to sell the completed film in the world markets, as well as domestic theatrical distributors, many of whom have already expressed an interest in Displacement, including those that specialize in "service releases" (Donnie Darko was launched this way, among others).
In fact, my Sales Agent from my previous feature has already agreed to handle North American Home Video and cable/pay-per-view sales. But since a theatrical release, even limited, helps increase a film's home video market, and this picture is intended for the big screen, we will release the film in theatres first. We're not settling for a mere direct-to-video or internet release of this picture. Even if I have to rent screens around the country and "four-wall" it myself, this film is meant to be seen in theatres, and that is where it will premiere.
And since we will be in a much stronger negotiating position once the film is completed, we intend to hold back on selecting a distributor until after our initial film festival premiere (Sundance anyone?).
![How is this possible?]()
We're sure you're wondering "How can we possibly do this for only $179,000?" Well actually, we're not. We have already raised over $200,000 worth of goods and services in the form of equipment donations including a RED One M-X Camera Package, Steadicam, crew deferrals, post-production service deals including 4K color grading, and putting our own funds into the mix so that we could begin shooting. We need your help to cover the final "hard costs" to get this picture in the can: insurance, feeding the cast and crew, location fees, gas and travel expenses, additional equipment we don't have donated, expendables like camera tape, lighting gels, etc. It all adds up, and the only way we'll be able to finish this film is with you.
I've also "cracked the code" on how to achieve exceedingly high production values on very limited budgets. Check out our video above for an example of what we've already been able to accomplish for less than $10,000!
Of course if we exceed our goal we can make the film better and faster, with even higher production values, additional great name actors, bigger and better sound design, music with a full live orchestra, etc. Money really helps, and every bit will be on screen for you.
![Why Indiegogo?]()
Because we're Indie... on the GoGo.
Yeah, okay, that was a groaner. But nevertheless true.
Like most filmmakers we've been toiling in the traditional avenues of fundraising for years, and have frankly grown weary of a game that despite all evidence to the contrary, gives more credence to numbers and actor's "Queue Scores" than the creative integrity of the project itself. This film is too near and dear to our hearts to let the suits mess it up. They don't get it. But we know you do.
We no longer need the studios or the networks feeding us "product" watered-down to the lowest common denominator, or ruining otherwise great screenplays with unnecessary rewrites just because "that's what they do" (yeah, an executive actually said that to a director friend of mine after he set up his project at a major studio). I like to challenge audiences with smart scripts and interesting stories that speak to the human condition, while at the same time being entertaining with the highest quality production values. Producing outside the studio system avoids that pesky executive interference that seems to ruin most studio or presale-funded pictures.
This is the first time in history that you, the audience, have the opportunity to be directly involved in building a vision from the ground up; a revolutionary process that starts and ends with you.
Now all we need is you to finish the vision.
![Other ways you can help]()
We understand that some people just can’t contribute, but there are other ways you can help:
- Ask your friends to get the word out and make some noise about our campaign!
- Use the Indiegogo share tools to share us on Facebook and Twitter and other social media;
- "Like" our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter and our blog, then share our posts and re-tweet
And that’s all there is to it. Please contribute anything you can by clicking the red button at the top of this page. Every little bit helps.
Thank you very much.
With much gratitude,
Kenneth Mader
Courtney Hope
and the entire Displacement team!