Distro Horizons Vs. Galaximo's Army on Steam Greenlight: CLICK ME
Welcome to the Distro Horizons IndieGoGo page!
Distro Horizons Vs. Galaximo's Army is a 3D platformer, created as a tribute to N64 platformers such as Banjo Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Super Mario 64.
Distro Horizons takes players on a journey spanning many different dimensions in a quest to put a stop to evil alien overlord Galaximo's sinister plans to conquer all dimensions and time as we know it!
We're developing Distro Horizons Vs. Galaximo's Army for Wii U, Windows, Mac, Linux, Ouya, and GameStick! We've already been accepted to Desura for the Windows, Mac and Linux launches too! All of this is only possible with your support!
We hope you enjoy our page, at the bottom are links to try the current early alpha builds out for yourself. Even those these are VERY EARLY alpha builds, they show what we hope to achieve with this project.
Kitatus Studios is an independent
video-game developer based in London, United Kingdom. The company was created with the single goal of "Making fun games" and that's what we're here to do!Being in an industry where there are now literally thousands of developers, we hope to stand out from the crowd by creating experiences that aren't all about creating an artistic experience, we were founded with the ambition to make video-games that people can play again and again, games where you are sent to many wonderful, different places and meet the weirdest and memorable characters this side of Psychonauts! We're here to bring fun and excitement back to video-gaming!
The story begins in Distro's dimension, in a peaceful place called Nowheretown. One day, Distro awakes to a horrible crashing sound in the middle of the night. He runs to his backyard to find a crashed spaceship in his garden. As Distro surveys the crashsite, his parents are sucked up by the evil alien lord Galaximo. Distro chases after the green beam of light which is originating from the alien spacecraft. As Distro reaches the green light, he begins to lift off the ground and Distro is quickly absorbed into the spacecraft by the green light and is teleported to the alien mothership.
On the alien mothership, Distro is introduced to the evil alien overlord and is sent away to the prisons. On the way to the prisons, a young teddy bear named Teddy breaks Distro free and together they escape to the warp room. In the warp room, Distro and Teddy learn to break everyone free from the mothership they need to collect as many vinyls as possible in order to break the seal over the warp gate to the holding bays.
To collect these vinyls, Teddy and Distro must venture to various worlds through the portals and save the Worlds from the aliens grips in order to collect the Vinyls needed to save Nowheretown from the aliens.
Your job in this adventure is to guide Distro and Teddy through the many different dimensions, which are all connected by a hubworld in the shape of the warp room on Galaximo's Ship.
The story is split up into 9 different dimensions and a final showdown with the alien overlord Galaximo. Each new dimension is radically different to last, offering new gameplay experiences, visual styles, new worlds to explore, new abilities to uncover and new boss characters to face!
Players are also rewarded by adventuring to dimensions they've already conquered with their new abilities with new paths, previously unobtainable collectables and exciting new abilities!
The ten current dimensions and boss characters are:
Dimension #1 - Hairy Wildman's Jungle Paradise
Dimension #2 - Pirate Pontoon’s Secret Lagoon
Dimension #3 - Boogie Man’s Disco Club Supreme
- Dimension #4 - Frostbytes’ Winter Wonderland
- Dimension #5 - KL42’s Planet Movieworld
- Dimension #6 - Dino’s Tiny Toy House
- Dimension #7 - Nipto’s House of the Reanimated
- Dimension #8 - DJ Dungbeetle’s Theme Park of Illusion
- Dimension #9 - Grandmaster Jinrei’s Video-Game Challenge
- Final Dimension - Galaximo's Final Showdown
Creating games isn't as cheap as we'd hope just yet. To this point, we have funded production completely ourselves. But we need your help to complete the project! The more we raise, the more we can polish the game and the more we can add! The funding will go on paying living costs, getting Unity Pro and bringing the many different dimensions of Distro to life!
Thanks in the Credits Perk - If you've ever wanted your name in the credits of a commercially released video-game, this is your chance, plus you will immortalised not only in the credits of the game, but you'll also be embedded into the Kitatus Studios website and Facebook page forever!
Own the Game Perk - If you want to get your hands on the finished game at launch, this perk is for you! You have a choice what platform you want the platform for: Windows, Mac, Linux, Ouya or Wii U!
Multi-Owner Perk - Does only one copy not cut it? Do you want the game on two different platforms of your choice or do you want to give a copy to a friend? Then the Multi-Owner Perk is the Perk for you: You are given two copies of Distro Horizons upon launch on two DIFFERENT platforms. (Note: This perk does not include two copies on the SAME platform).
Digital Collector Perk - Are you like us and want more than a game? We love extra content to do with games we love, so we've come up with this perk for you digital collectors out there. This perk nets you: A digital download of the game's soundtrack (In FLAC and MP3), A Digital Artbook showcasing how the game became what it is, with all the lovely concept art and doodles that shaped the dimensions behind Distro Horizons, Exclusive Behind-the-scenes Videos during the games creation + Two Copies of the final game for any platform(s) of your choosing!
Alpha Beta Perk - Do you want the game now and can't wait for launch? Do you want to become part of the team and play the newest builds of the game before anyone else? Then this perk is your perk! Not only do you receive everything in the perks before this one, you get exclusive access to every alpha and beta build until launch. Your name will also be boosted up in the credits to a member of the "Beta team"!
We've created some more perks for your consideration in the Perk bar, so check them out and help us give Distro a heartbeat!
We're not a AAA* developer, we're a small indie team based in London, United Kingdom. This is a good thing as we can connect with our fans through our social media. We read every comment and we listen to every piece of feedback! Recently a fan messaged us explaining some things that weren't working in Alpha 0.1, from that one comment, Alpha 0.2 was born. So don't be afraid to drop us a line and let us know what you think!
We're on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and we also have our own blog, so don't be afraid to say hello!
Want to try the early alpha builds out for yourself! Now is your chance! Be sure to let us know what you think by emailing us at: contact@kitatusstudios.co.uk
Windows: Windows Alpha!
Mac: Mac Alpha!
Linux: Linux Alpha!
"Looks Nice! Good Work!" -
John Romero, Co-founder of id Software
"I Recommend
You Give This Game A Chance!" - Andy, Nintendo Enthusiast
"I'd Say It Looks Pretty Damn Good!" - Daniel, Inner Ramblings of a Video-Gamer
"I Really Hope To See This Little Catman Zipping Through Some Levels And Slaying Bad Guys!" - Pixelot, The Gentlemen Gamer"Game Looks Quite Amazing Guys!" - Alex Pruenda, Developer of Colorino
"Distro Horizons Will Be An Awesome Addition To Ouya!" - OuyaBrew
"What A Great Looking Game, Keep Up The Great Work!" - Nigel Rose
"I Love Your Demo, It's Got A Really Nice Style To It!" - George Ing
"It Makes Me Want To Go Find My N64!" - Alex Sullivan, Indie Dev Talk
"Holy c**p, this looks amazing!" - Maplestrip, IndieGamers.com