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DOCS IN PROGRESS 2013: Deepening Engagement & Strengthening Our Community

Help Docs In Progress broaden our support of emerging documentary filmmakers in the DC area and beyond.

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DOCS IN PROGRESS 2013: Deepening Engagement & Strengthening Our Community

DOCS IN PROGRESS 2013: Deepening Engagement & Strengthening Our Community

DOCS IN PROGRESS 2013: Deepening Engagement & Strengthening Our Community

DOCS IN PROGRESS 2013: Deepening Engagement & Strengthening Our Community

DOCS IN PROGRESS 2013: Deepening Engagement & Strengthening Our Community

Help Docs In Progress broaden our support of emerging documentary filmmakers in the DC area and beyond.

Help Docs In Progress broaden our support of emerging documentary filmmakers in the DC area and beyond.

Help Docs In Progress broaden our support of emerging documentary filmmakers in the DC area and beyond.

Help Docs In Progress broaden our support of emerging documentary filmmakers in the DC area and beyond.

Docs In Progress
Docs In Progress
Docs In Progress
Docs In Progress
7 Campaigns |
Silver Spring, United States
$15,804 USD 220 backers
105% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 7 Projects Mountain Filled 7 Projects

Our Community Has Come Through!

Thank you!  16 hours ahead of the deadline, we made our goal to raise $15,000 (and, in reality, $20,000
because the Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation is matching $5,000 dollar-for-dollar).

We appreciate all of you who have contributed to this, have been patient with and  have been incredibly responsive to all of our communications. Docs In Progress would not be what it is without our community of documentary filmmakers and film fans - you are what makes us who we are!

If you still want to give in these closing hours, you may still do so.  Whatever we raise above the $15,000 will go towards some special 10th Anniversary Programming we are planning for 2014.


To Our Incredible Alumni, Audience Members, and Ongoing Supporters, 

We are thrilled to launch our 2013 Crowd Funding campaign! Last year, we made history by raising $10,000 in 30 days through the support of over 125 Docs in Progress donors.   

The enthusiasm and energy of that campaign just blew us all away.  In turn, we realized  that the best way to serve our constituency is to double down on those programs and services that best empower our community of emerging filmmakers. Please take a look at our 2013 campaign to learn about what is in store for the future of Docs In Progress and how your funds will help us reach our goal to empower more independent voices through documentary filmmaking. 


Erica Ginsberg and the Docs In Progress Board


Investing in You

Since our last campaign, Docs In Progress has grown in leaps and bounds.  We launched our first ever Documentary Fellowship Program which is providing  intensive mentorship, community, and support for nine selected filmmakers.  This program builds on what we do best – helping emerging filmmaker access the tools, resources, and networks to tell their stories. This cohort meets once a month and are making significant progress with their documentaries.  We will be featuring these Fellows and their projects throughout the campaign. Over the next year few years, we plan to grow this program in size and scope, with the goal of offering documentary filmmaker residences. 

Docs In Progress Fellows

The 2013 Docs in Progress Fellowship Cohort: Hilary Linder, Aldo Bello, Scott Lunt, Cheryle Franceschi, Amy Wilson, Nitesh Batra, and Rouane Itani. Not pictured: Chithra Jeyaram and G.T. Keplinger

Broadening Our Offerings  

This year, we expanded our classes, workshops, and other professional development events to accommodate increased demand from both novice and experienced filmmakers.  This includes adding an additional Intro to Documentary Production class, expanding our intermediate-level workshops and panels, and, increasing the number of scholarships offered.  We are also proud to announce that we have partnered with Montgomery Community Media on our popular youth summer camps.

Production class with Jon Adelman.

 Summer Camp

Both adults and youth can learn the tools of documentary filmmaking through training programs at Docs In Progress.

Representing the DC Film Community Nationally 

For the first time since our founding, we have a paid full-time Executive Director. This is a major step in sustainability for an organization that serves over 1,000 filmmakers a year, and would not be possible without your support in last year's campaign.

As both the visionary and day-to-day manager of Docs In Progress, Erica now has more time and capacity to deepen relationships with film organizations across the country.  She has facilitated the popular Peer Pitch at several film festivals including AFI Docs and the Sebastapol Documentary Film Festival, served as a juror on the Cleveland International Film Festival, and is now a co-host of The D-Word, a worldwide online documentary film community.  The presence of  Docs In Progress at film festivals -- meeting with industry insiders -- is a major way we are building a bridge between emerging documentary filmmakers and the often intimidating and competitive world of independent filmmaking.

Erica Ginsberg on an Academic Panel

Executive Director Erica Ginsberg participates in a panel at Cleveland State University.

Filmmakers Jason Osder and Nels Bangerter at Peer Pitch West

Docs in Progress Peer Pitch Alums Jason Osder and Nels Bangerter talk about their journey to making the award-winning documentary LET THE FIRE BURN at Peer Pitch West at the Sebastopol Documentary Film Festival in California.

Deepening Our Roots Locally 

Just as Docs In Progress grows its national reputation, we continue to engage in partnerships locally.  2014 will mark the 10th year of our work-in-progress screening programs.  We are pleased to say that in almost all of those 10 years, we have done these through a partnership with The Documentary Center at the George Washington University. Thank You GW! If you have yet to submit your rough cut, now is the time! 

We also merged our Documingles program with Women in Film & Video's Documentary Roundtable, where filmmakers of all experience levels can share their successes and challenges, and get guidance from guest experts on topics ranging from fundraising to editing to outreach.  We all believe that when regional film organizations work together, we can triple the impact for our constituents (and minimize their commuting time!)  It should also be noted that these programs are either completely free or pay-what-you-can.   

Docs In Progress Screening Discussion

Discussion after a Docs In Progress Screening in Takoma Park.

Filmmaker Sue Useem at Docs In Progress Screening 

Filmmaker Sue Useem listens to audience feedback during a Work-in-Progress Screening of her film THE PEACE AGENCY at the George Washington University.

WIFV/Docs In Progress Documentary Roundtable

Women in Film and Video/Docs in Progress Documentary Roundtable at Interface Media in Washington DC.



There is a lot more we have accomplished this year, but we want to keep this short! And will share as the campaign progresses. But, we need your help to keep going. This year, we are setting our goal at $15,000.  We are raising the bar a more than last year, but we believe we can do it together. Yes, We Can! 

Screening of YES WE CAN

First workshopped at a Work-in-Progress Screening in 2010, Andew Dahlman and Brian Pascale returned to screen the finished film, YES WE CAN about the historic 2008 Presidential Inauguration from the perspectives of ordinary people at the Takoma Park Community Center.


It is not enough for us to rest on our laurels and say your funds will help us do more of the same.  We have an ambitious three year strategic plan which aims to grow the organization and its impact on the filmmaking community each year.  Your funds will help us...

Hire a part-time program coordinator. 
A lot of people can't believe that Docs In Progress does all it does with one paid staff member, an enthusiastic board, and a handful of interns and volunteers.  In order for us to grow and serve our community , we need a second permanent staff member supporting the day to day operations of the organization so that we can continue to expand our programming and reach.  Just think of a program you'd love to see us do if we only had the people to make it happen.

Expand the capacity of our programs through space and technology
We do not like turning anyone away from Docs In Progress, but we are finding we are having to do that more and more as interest in our programs increases.  We love the Doc House and know you do too, but we also want to be able to accommodate  all the emerging documentary filmmakers we can.  We are planning to purchase additional cameras, laptops, and software, so that we have more flexibility to offer beginner and intermediate documentary filmmaking and editing classes in other places in Maryland and Washington DC.  We would also like to return to the larger screening space at GWU, but the cost of renting it has become cost-prohibitive (and we do not receive any grants to support our DC-based programming).

Deepen the investment in our alumni. 
We know how hard and expensive it is to make a documentary film, which is why we want to offer as many resources and support as we can to ease that burden so that your voice can be heard.  By investing deeply in our filmmakers with our time, expertise, and broader network, we raise the profile and opportunities for the entire Docs in Progress community. We have some big ideas to help our alumni in the coming years - a database on our website, a film fair where you can sell your films, and more. Help us help our alums.


Need additional incentives to contribute?  We've got them.  Everything from a Shout-Out to T-Shirts to Consultations with some of our Experts to the best value All-Access Pass to our programs.  We continue to add perks during the campaign, so check them out to the right.



We LIVE LAUNCHED the campaign at our Summer Party at Busboys and Poets 5th & K with the help of IDA and in conjuction with AFI Docs. We'll have stations set up where you can help us kickoff our Indiegogo campaign.

This year, we want to celebrate our community and this campaign at both ends, and will also be holding a fun Closing Night Event at our space in Silver Spring on Friday, July 26 from 7:00-10:00 PM.  RSVP NOW

We hope you will see that all these programs are ways to help filmmakers both emerging and experienced to connect, grow, and continue to put this impressive (and big!) documentary community on the map.

Thank you for your support!

Docs In Progress  

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Choose your Perk

I Heart Docs In Progress

$10 USD
You don't need any perks, you just want to show us some love. We love you back. This perk is considered a charitable contribution by U.S donors and may be fully tax-deductible as such to the extent allowed by law.
9 claimed

Shout It From The Rooftop

$18 USD
Let us sing your praises. For this perk, we will give you and your amazing work a shout out on our Facebook page, Twitter feed, and Fall Newsletter. (Reach of over 10,000 documentary filmmakers and fans.) This perk is considered a charitable contribution by U.S donors and may be fully tax-deductible as such to the extent allowed by law.
21 claimed

Wear Your Support (Party Only)

$25 USD
Get your Docs in Progress t-shirt for just $25 at the Documentary Community Party June 20th @ Busboys and Poets. Your choice of "Is there a documentary in the house?" or "I Heart Documentaries" This perk may be partially tax-deductible as a charitable donation by U.S. donors to the extent allowed by law.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
16 out of 100 of claimed

Wear Your Support

$25 USD
Get your Docs in Progress t-shirt for just $25. Your choice of "Is there a documentary in the house?" (black or white) or "I Heart Documentaries" (grey) This perk may be partially tax-deductible as a charitable donation by U.S. donors to the extent allowed by law.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
40 out of 100 of claimed

Go Inside

$55 USD
Discounted Docs Insider membership for one year. (Normally membership costs $95 per year, so this is a steal!) Includes discounts on all classes and workshops, as well as free application costs for the 2014 fellowship program. This perk is not tax-deductible as a charitable donation since its value equals or exceeds the amount of the donation. However, it may be deductible as a professional development expense.
15 claimed

Believe in Local Storytellers

$75 USD
We are so proud of the local engagement in our Silver Spring Stories Film Festival. This year we are expanding the newly minted Community Stories Film Festival to Takoma Park too. Show your support for the local filmmakers in our community by sponsoring this event. Includes your name on our website and program for the event which will take place this Fall. This perk is considered a charitable contribution by U.S donors and may be fully tax-deductible as such to the extent allowed by law.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
7 claimed

Take a Seat

$100 USD
You've attended more programs at the Doc House over the years than you can remember. Now, have your very own seat with your name or your company's name on it. This perk may be partially tax-deductible as a charitable donation by U.S. donors to the extent allowed by law.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
6 out of 20 of claimed

Declare the Decade

$250 USD
2014 will mark the 10th anniversary of Docs in Progress and we are planning a series of events that will celebrate the past and look to the future. In line with our democratic nature, we want to build a grassroots community of sponsors! Your name or company name will be featured on outreach and program materials. Includes invitation to Anniversary cocktail party (Spring 2014). This perk may be partially tax-deductible as a charitable donation by U.S. donors to the extent allowed by law.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
4 claimed

Drink Up

$500 USD
Our very own Board Member Kiley Kraskouskas had a past life as a bartender. She's a whiz at creating signature drinks (remember the Sam-gria?). Want a drink named after you or your company at an upcoming Docs In Progress social event? Kiley will mix it up.
0 out of 5 of claimed

Focus Group Your Doc

$500 USD
Want feedback on your documentary rough cut, but with a very targeted group? Docs In Progress can organize and facilitate a private screening with expert feedback at the Doc House or at a space of your choice. (Does not include any travel costs for filmmaker or venue costs for spaces other than the Doc House)
0 out of 2 of claimed

Nab Your All-Access Pass

$1,000 USD
A favorite from last year. Get an ENTIRE YEAR of Docs in Progress classes, workshops, and other programs. A priceless investment in you and your craft. This perk is not tax-deductible as a charitable donation since its value exceeds the amount of the donation. However, it may be deductible as a professional development expense.
2 out of 5 of claimed

Deepen Your Investment

$1,000 USD
Docs in Progress is supported by a range of earned revenue, grants, as well the generosity of individuals and family foundations who share our commitment to empower nonfiction storytellers. Please consider this deep investment in Docs In Progress through a $1,000 or more donation. Let us know where you want the funds to go. Screenings? Equipment? Staffing? This perk is considered a charitable donation and may be tax-deductible for U.S. donors as such to the full extent allowed by law.
0 claimed
sold out

Mobilize Your Crowd

$100 USD
8 out of 8 of claimed
sold out

Face the Executive Producer

$100 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed
sold out

Whip Your Story Into Shape

$100 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed
sold out

Finding Festival True Love

$100 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed
sold out

Make Your Doc a Reality

$100 USD
6 out of 6 of claimed
sold out

Strategize With Sam

$100 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed
sold out

Coach Your Communications

$100 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed
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