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Donate Dollars for iPads for Ronald McDonald Houses

A crazy-amazing family connectivity technology loaded onto iPads to help support the health and healing of kids in hospitals.

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Donate Dollars for iPads for Ronald McDonald Houses

Donate Dollars for iPads for Ronald McDonald Houses

Donate Dollars for iPads for Ronald McDonald Houses

Donate Dollars for iPads for Ronald McDonald Houses

Donate Dollars for iPads for Ronald McDonald Houses

A crazy-amazing family connectivity technology loaded onto iPads to help support the health and healing of kids in hospitals.

A crazy-amazing family connectivity technology loaded onto iPads to help support the health and healing of kids in hospitals.

A crazy-amazing family connectivity technology loaded onto iPads to help support the health and healing of kids in hospitals.

A crazy-amazing family connectivity technology loaded onto iPads to help support the health and healing of kids in hospitals.

Maria Girsch
Maria Girsch
Maria Girsch
Maria Girsch
1 Campaign |
Denver, United States
$14,195 USD 161 backers
118% of $12,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Your tax-deductible donation of any amount will fund (1) the purchase of iPads preloaded with FamZoom (2) protection and support for these devices.

We hope our VIDEO demonstrated the magic of FamZoom. When family members can't be at their child's bedside 24/7, they can still stay connected by "FamZooming" remotely. The more money we raise, the more iPads will be made available.

Imagine a child in a hospital bed and a loved one in a Ronald McDonald House doodling together on a picture of Grandpa... or reading a bedtime story together... or working on actual math homework together... or putting a jigsaw puzzle together---all in real time! Or imagine Suzie "FamZooming" with a new friend she made in the hospital room down the hall! Remember: Whatever is done on one device displays instantly on the other device---all while talking live!

Your donation will offer this engagement platform to CHILDREN IN HOSPITALS AND THEIR LOVED ONES IN RONALD MCDONALD HOUSES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY. The benefits of maintaining family connectivity during treatment and healing are widely known and well documented.

FamZoom was invented by two award-winning toy inventors who wanted something beyond Skype to engage with their grandkids on both coasts. You can see why its tagline is "connecting and more like never before!"

The FamZoom virtual family room is perfect for Ronald McDonald families. Even if a loved one or fellow patient isn't available at a given time, there's no need to ever postpone the fun because each FamZoom activity can also be enjoyed "solo!"

If you've read this far, you're good. If you've decided to donate, you're even better. If you can get friends to follow your lead, you're the best. Thank you for anything you can do to help!





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Choose your Perk

Thank You Note

$10 USD
You will receive an "iPaid for an iPad" thank you note to acknowledge your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
5 claimed


$25 USD
You will receive a thank you note and we will list you as an "iPaid for an iPad" donor on our website (unless you decline).
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
14 claimed

Thanks + DOODLE

$50 USD
Our GIFT back to you is a thank you note, a donor listing, and a custom "DOODLE" created by a Ronald McDonald House guest using FamZoom.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
12 out of 100 of claimed

Thanks + Doodle + T-SHIRT

$100 USD
Our GIFT back to you is a thank you note, donor listing, doodle and an "iPaid for an iPad" T-SHIRT with the Ronald McDonald House logo. Click on the Gallery tab (next to Campaign Home) to see our preliminary design.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
17 out of 100 of claimed

TY, T-Shirt, Doodle, TOTE BAG

$500 USD
Our GIFT back to you is a thank you note, donor listing, doodle, t-shirt and an "iPaid for an iPad" TOTE BAG. (Sorry, no partridge in a pear tree. Shipping gets just too complicated!)
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 out of 20 of claimed

All above + BETA TEST

$1,000 USD
Our GIFT back to you are all the above items plus an opportunity for your family to test the Ronald McDonald FamZoom application.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

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