Attempting to create a new merchandise model for video games that puts the gamer in the creative driving seat!
The Doombot is an attempt to create an experimental merchandise
marketplace and innovative new business model using crowd-funding and crowd-sourcing
strategies and is being built by Robots to help gamers, developers and
creatives alike to make and sell fantastic merchandise to other Robots
(and humans). These Robots have been busy building a giant death Bot for
years but sadly have run out of money. Since crowd-funding for a giant,
genocidal Robot is highly unethical they've instead decided to help the
video game industry by creating a web portal where gamers, creatives
and developers can meet and create unique and interesting merchandise to
be enjoyed by all!
Simply put - A gamer suggests an idea for a product related to his favourite game. This could be anything that we have on our books (currently 3D printed figures, laser engraved glass, t-shirts, concept art in canvass and acrylic and 3D flip lenticulars and we aim to add much much more). A creative expert then makes a design working with the gamer to get a precise design and feel for the product then submits it through a vetting process with us and the developers. Once approved then the Gamer gets EXACTLY what he asked for and not something that's been chosen and designed for him and then mass-produced in sweat shop conditions in the Far East.
A more in depth explanation requires talking about the benefits for the different tiers and we have different tiers for gamers, creatives and developers.
Gamers have a tough time when it comes to buying merchandise for their
games. Finding the right present or next cool collectible can involve
going to many different sites, many badly run or with a poor selection.
The Doombot's goal, besides total world domination, is to provide a one
stop shop of the latest and coolest video game art and related
products. Some of these may be rare or even unique pieces. We aim to
make any related products available for any related games which means
that gamers will have a huge choice of products to choose from. As well
as this all members will have a unique ID which they can build on. So
for instance if a member links a portrait of their face to their ID then
we could use that to create, say a 3D printed figure from their
favourite game with their face inserted onto it. Or add a full body
picture and digitally insert yourself into your favourite game moments to create unique dioramas.
The website will also get the latest news and gossip that we will be
getting direct from developers themselves as well as have the
opportunity for gamers to be involved in the creation of cool
merchandise. They can comment on any and all merchandise and provide
useful feedback for the creatives and developers. We will also be
holding frequent competitions, both creative and fun and sometimes even
silly, to make sure that all members of our community are involved with
the games and developers we will be working with. Since gaming is a
Robots favourite past time they aim to make it as fun as possible for
all gamers involved.
Finally, and most importantly, gamers will be
able to suggest the types of merchandise that would appeal most to them.
If enough people are interested in a design suggestion and a creative
makes something super cool that the developers approve of then you'll be
able to buy it and have the warm glow of being part of a collective
process that you've been able to influence and grow from a design idea
to the final completed product in your hand, on your desk or hanging on
your wall. The key thing here is that we want to build not just a
business but an all inclusive gaming community with forums that anybody
can join and be part of as well as a website with the framework to take
your amazing ideas and turn them into the merchandise that you, the
gamers, want.
Creatives will be given free reign to design any
game merchandise they like with whatever materials they like for any
developers who are linked to our site. Any creative work they do can
then be showcased and submitted for approval to both the public and
relevant developers. If approved then it will be added to the
merchandise gallery and anyone anywhere can buy it! This allows artists
to create work that gets recognition not only from your peers but also
from developers themselves. As well as this developers can post their
own requests for any creative work directly so we hope it could prove to
be a useful job lot too! One of the better perks of joining us as an
accredited artist is that you will have a platform on which to showcase
your work to all of our users and developers as the business grows and
have the potential to gain notice in the industry, be recognised by your
peers and turn a profit too!
Developers have a tough time these days as making awesome video games is
a lengthy and frustrating process. So the Doombot robots would like to
make it easy for them to sell cool products based on their games with as
much input as they want to put into it. Firstly any developers will be
allowed to sell merchandise through our site as well as use it as a
message board for their fans. They will also be put in touch with
creatives such as artists, animators and any other interested
parties who can help them create cool and targeted merchandise. They
will be allowed to set any guidelines for those creatives to work to and
then vet any work that those creatives make. This gives developers the
best of both worlds in that they can utilize the Internets undiscovered
talent to make great merchandise, have a firm but easy-going control
over what is made and sold and what isn't and best of all they save time
so that they can focus more fully on making their own games as
fantastic as possible. We feel that this would be an especially good
boon for small indie developers who may not have the resources or
technical know-how to set-up their own merchandising programs. As well
as this they will have an extensive range of promotional materials to
market by as well as the expertise of creatives skilled in whatever
particular medium they need. Finally as an added bonus since we work on a
unit-by-unit basis it won't cost them a penny (with options to scale up
production if required).
Your donation will be spent solely for the use of creating a website portal for video game related merchandise and promoting its use. We aim to create a modern and intuitive website that anyone can use and enjoy with a friendly community spirit and promote it any way that insane robots can think of to further its influence. The Doombot robots guarantee that they will NOT use the donation money to further their plans for human annihilation but spend it only on the website and its promotion. Creation of the website means all matters involved in getting it to work including legal counsel, servers and any additional technology that may be needed. Planned promotional events include such things as expos, parties, video game store meets, gallery viewings and more! We look to create interesting events that people feel enthused about and work with the best people possible to make them happen.
Robots aren't too
fond of humans due to their smell and the fact that they are used as
Human slave labour. However one of the wonders of the internet is that
we can do all of the above from the comfort of our own computers. That
way the robots wont have to be directly involved with humans at all.
Besides video games is one of the only things where Robots and Humans
see eye to optical input so they've put aside their irrational hatred of
mankind to help make a place where everyone can buy unique merchandise.
Besides a variety of gifts that you can see below, all pledgers great or small will be put on a unique list - the Founding Member List - which will give you a range of future benefits. I will be sending everyone a personal email of thanks (and I really hope I don't get a million+ pledgers). You will always get early access to new tech as and when we add it. You will also get perks such as free face-scanning and digital insertion and say, if we have a full body scanning kit at future conventions then we'll do that for you for free. As the business expands then we'll be adding more stuff such as private forums and game servers. Basically you'll be on the ground level for anything exciting that we do.
Of course!
A wall poster and a large lenticular wall art piece signed by the artist!
A mousemat, 2 different styles of lenticular postcard and some cups!
A 6x4x4, 8x5x5 and a the big 18x15x8 inch crystal looming off screen on the right. The little key-chain on top of the middle block can light up red,blue or white.
A 3D printed figurine of the Doombot!