The dream is to make the next great horror comedy that is fun, different, and exciting yet still relatable because it tells a universal story about high school love; all within the confines of trying to escape a killer, man-eating sperm monster. Drain Babies pays homage to old school B movies, splatter movies, the grindhouse genre and is a no holds barred film that many will love.
Due to the nature of the feature script, we have decided to make a short film in order to show our concept, tone, and overall vision for what the feature will be. We will use this film, a business plan, and the award winning feature script to pitch to production companies in hopes of financing the feature film.
The Drain Babies feature script has been recognized all around the world for its achievements.
- Third place in A
Night of Horror International Film Festival in Australia
- Finalist in
Hollywood Screenplay Contest
- Semi Finalist in
Story Pros 7th Annual Screenplay Contest
We need to raise $8,000 in order to create the best film possible. If we raise the maximum amount of money, we will be able to give you the best film that can be made. We will work with the best special effects, best blood, best gore, and most importantly.... the best monster available. If we don't reach our goal, not a problem, we'll just tone it down a bit. However, we would love to give everyone the best film that can be made.
Regardless of how much we make, we need money for a great deal of things...
- We believe no one should work for free so we need to pay our cast and crew (the producers of Drain Babies are not making any money off this film)
- Equipment
- Art Department (making our location look like a real house)
- Blood, Gore, Body Parts, Fake Sperm, Special Effects
- The Monster - Carne FX Studios will be making a real life monster from scratch
- Post Production
- Marketing and Promotions
- Props
- Wardrobe
- Locations
- Food
- Festival Entries
Every single dollar given will go toward this project. The producers will not make any money off this film.
What do you get if you donate? You make a difference in our lives for one. You're investing in our future, you're showing you want to help us achieve our dream, you are putting your faith in us... and that's priceless.
You are also funding the start of a great horror movie. We want to make the next horror comedy classic that sweeps across the world. It's a lofty goal, but you have to start somewhere, and that's here. We have confidence in our story, script, vision, and team members that this is a realistic possibility. We've even talked to a few people in Hollywood that love our idea, are excited to see what we do with it, and willing to look at the final product.
If you donate then you are a part of a future horror franchise before it is the cool thing to do. How cool would it be to be able to tell your family and friends that you helped make that movie happen? It would be priceless.
Drain Babies has been
a passion project since the first day we came up with the idea. It was a blast to write and we are even more
excited to have added people to our team to make it a short film. The Drain Babies Team is comprised of
Colorado Film School (a Hollywood Reporter top twenty-five film school in the
world) students, current and alum, as well as other Denver industry professionals.
Luke Oberholtzer (Writer,
Director, Producer) is an award winning screenwriter (Drain Babies) who has big dreams of creating a successful
children’s book series and turning it into a movie franchise. He also wants to write the perfect psychological thriller and be the show runner on his own television show. Luke would love to get into a battle of jokes with Kevin
Smith and further hone his writing skills under the mentorship of Quentin Tarantino.
Drew Byerly (Producer) is an award winning filmmaker (Jeune Fille) who directed his first feature film (Found Footage) while still in school. He has been mentored by Donna Sloan (Vice Executive of
Production) while an intern at Lionsgate Studios and hopes to one day learn even more
under Glenn Howerton and Rob McElhenney (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia).
Amy Dzambo (Producer) is an award winning producer (Mammals) who has aspirations of becoming a master in the craft of film as well as owning her own production company. Amy looks up to the late Nora Ephron and would love to further learn the skills of the trade from the Duplass Brothers.
Kevin Wilson (Executive Producer, Editor), founder of 29 Frame Productions, is an award nominated filmmaker (The Silver Moonlight) with dreams of being the supervising editor on a major motion picture. He would love nothing more than to be mentored by Walter Murch (Apocalypse Now, The Godfather Part II) and cites his grandmother as the biggest influence on his career.
Adam Padilla (Art
Department, Special Effects) is an award winning art director (Spanish Gold) who most recently held same position on the feature film, Dear Eleanor (Directed by Kevin Connolly,
Starring Jessica Alba). Adam is the founder of Carne FX Studios and would love
to further enhance his knowledge of special effects under the guide of Tom Savini (Dawn of
the Dead) and Rick Baker (An American Werewolf in London). One day, his dream is to work on a Grindhouse movie with Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez.
We have all come together on Drain Babies and are excited to work together as a team. Your help is not just supporting our film but also supporting each and every member of the Drain Babies team as we strive to make the best film possible for all of our fans.
Drain Babies has begun the casting process and has locked up two of the four available roles in the film.
Brandon Apel plays Rick Little, the creator of the sperm monster. Brandon has acted in six movies over the past year and models his acting after John Krasinski (The Office) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (The Dark Knight Rises). Brandon's dream is to one day act in a Marvel movie. He is beyond talented, and we are lucky to have him on our team and see what he brings to the role of Rick Little.
Andrew Olas plays Rick's best friend, Todd, the hilarious and lovable douchebag. Andrew is an award winning filmmaker (PostMortem) who has acted in eighteen films. Andrew looks up to Cillian Murphy's (Inception) fearlessness as an actor and would love nothing more than to steal scenes with a one liner in multiple Hollywood comedies. We look forward to seeing what Andrew brings to the role of Todd with his improvisational skills and humor.
To view Andrew in a dramatic role
Our cast is extremely talented and we look forward to seeing what each person brings to their individual role as we make this movie together.
There are many risks and challenges that go along with making a film. The first is the process itself. It's not easy; however we have a very talented team to help us get it done. We are experienced and have done this plenty of times before. In addition to making the movie we need to make others just as passionate about what we're doing. We need to market our movie to the right demographic and make sure the right people see what we're trying to do so that they want to help out.
In all honesty, the whole concept of Drain Babies has been a tough sell since the first time we decided to write the script. It's going to be a battle but it will also be the best time of our lives. There is nothing like taking a risk, involving others, and just hoping a few things land in our favor. We are going to succeed on this though. We will give it our time, love, money, and energy. We will give it everything we have; I promise you that. If we fail, it won't be because we didn't put every single ounce of ourselves into the project. We are up to the challenge, and quite honestly, welcome it with open arms.
- Exclusive T-Shirts that will not be sold separately. These are exclusive to our Indiegogo givers and Drain Babies Street Team.
- Posters that will only be available through our Indiegogo page.
- Digital Download of the finished film.
- A once in a lifetime chance to become one of our Drain Babies and have your name immortalized in our credits forever. You will also be an integral part in helping our group of filmmakers get a foot in the door and start a career in this industry.
- 29 Frame Productions is a Denver based creative editing studio founded by Kevin Wilson in 2009. Over the course of five years, 29FP has edited over a dozen shorts, three feature films, a television pilot, countless corporate videos, and multiple weddings, promos, and concerts. 29FP is currently attached to three feature films along with several other short films. 29 Frames Productions in an internationally recognized company that strives for excellence in everything they do. For more information go to
- Advent Creative was founded by Drew Byerly and Joshua McQuilkin in 2012. Since its inception, Advent Creative has produced five short films, one feature film, and many other training and instructional videos for businesses throughout Colorado. To take a look at some of Advent Creative's work go to
- Carne FX Studios was founded by Adam Padilla in 2009 and specializes in special fx makeup. Carne FX has worked on numerous shorts, commercials, music videos, and many films spanning different genres. They have also provided their services for the zombie crawl, zombie 5k, haunted houses, and other events.
We are excited to start this adventure and hope that you will join us on our journey to making this happen. This will be an experience that we can all make together and we hope you will one day look back, with pride, at what you have helped us accomplish.
All in all, thank you. The fact you are reading this page means more than we can express. If you can help in ANY way it would mean the world to us. We have very lofty goals for what we want to do with this film and where we want it to get us, and we cannot do it without your help. Together, you can help us chase the dream. We may get it, we may not; but with everything in us, we believe in the film we are making and the team we have put together. Drain Babies will be a horror comedy classic some day and we'd love for you to be able to look back, with pride, and say to yourself, "I was a part of that. I helped make that happen." Every single one of you will be.
Let's chase the dream together.