Experience a cyberpunk world in a legendary card game. Become CEO of your own megacorporation and defeat any opposition!
Play the Alpha Version now on www.duskofdawn.com!
Dusk of D.A.W.N. is a collectible card game which sets itself apart from the mass.
The combat against enemy corporations breaks up the typical restrictions of most lane based card games and creates a whole new realm of tactical and strategical opportunities.
Players have the ability to create a deck out of over 100 cards and four different card types with cards of different qualities ranging from common to legendary. This deck is then used in battle against other corporations in PvE and PvP matches. The goal ist to defeat the opposing corporation by lowering its energy to 0. This is done by breaking the opponent’s line of defense, created with his own cards, by using attacks and a multitude of different abilities. To give the tactical depth another level, many cards have specific resistances to the two available damage types - physical and digital!
In this turn-based combat, it is vital to economically make use of actions and credits. You will receive credits each turn, but you can gain more or less due to certain card effects. However, to play the most fearsome cards, you will have to save up a lot of credits and the process of saving credits can be quite dangerous!
Each turn, you’ll have 5 actions at your disposal. They are consumed for each attack, for each played card, but also when using certain abilities of your cards. We want our players to think about their actions and not to mindlessly attack with everything they got.
Our very own cyberpunk setting also comes with a sophisticated and distinct art style. Every card in the game has its unique illustration that comes with much detail and reflects certain aspects of the card itself and it’s inherent abilities.
There are about 120 different cards that have already been added to the game. They fall into one of four categories: Unit, Building and Strategy Cards have a place on the playing field in their respective colums while Tactic cards are used instantly to shift the direction of a given match. Many cards also have a specific subtype that deepens the strategic possibilites even further. The "Field Medic" for example can only heal humanoid unit cards, but not vehicles or drones.
Units are your foremeost line of defense on the field. Almost every unit is able to attack the enemy, but many also have very unique special abilities relating to their own likeness, e.g. the Replicating Crawler possesses the ability to charge his power cells and then use this energy to create a clone of itself if free space is available.
Buildings form the mighty foundation of your corporation. As the last line of defense, they are usually well protected and therefore you can safely rely on them. They are even more special because you can equip your deck with up to two starting buildings that will be placed on the field at the beginning of a match! Buildings range from simple “MG Nests”, to “Barracks”, and even to a “Missile Silo”. But also business-related buildings like a “Marketing Department” or a “Management Office” will be available to add some more business flavor to the game … you are the CEO of a corporation afterall.
Could you imagine a cyberpunk game without software like viruses, trojan horses and such? We can’t! Why not play the “Attacker Worm” for instance which will deal some digital damage to your enemy? But strategies even reach beyond just software. In the business world, there are a lot of different strategies, like holding a conference, having a backup plan or committing to the recycling of your scrambled vehicles and drones. Strategy cards will be the vanilla topping of your decks!
Actions like using an instantaneous artillery strike, forging the orders of your enemy units or performing a fusion with another corporation (to strengthen your own corporation) count as tactics. They always result in a direct effect to the game board and are removed afterwards. Use them wisely to surprise your enemy and gain the upper hand!
If you know other CCGs already, you will know that most of them come with one inherent problem: You are supposed to create a deck of a fixed amount of cards. Logically, this leads to one major problem … the more powerful cards a player receives, the more powerful his deck will become. Tactics and versatility alone won’t matter and a new player rarely stands a chance against a veteran player (taking game experience aside).
Dusk of D.A.W.N. will revolutionize this part of the gameplay! A deck in our game is only limited through the “deck capacity”. It’s not referring to the amount of cards, but points! The more powerful a card is, the more deck capacity it will consume. This way, if you are only using the most powerful cards, your deck will run empty quite fast, which will result in a deadly effect while in a match.
So if you opt for using a deck of few, but powerful cards, you will have to rely on good luck and your ability to perfectly play these cards. Otherwise, you might be defeated pretty quickly ...
In a card game with so many cards available you need a quick way to test different strategies. That is why we created our deck management system with an easy-to-use interface and the ability to create multiple decks to choose from. Keep score on how you fare in your matches and replace cards that don't fit your strategy on a whim.
Collecting the same cards over and over out of bad luck feels … well, bad. This is why we wanted our players to be able to counter this problem of old.
Whenever you have a surplus of cards, you can disassemble these to gain research energy. This energy will enable you to craft cards of a higher rarity - and you are the one to decide which rarity you are aiming for! Just select the edition of cards and the desired rarity and you are good to go. The higher the rarity, the more research energy will be consumed and the less likely the success chance will be.
But even if the process of crafting a card fails, you will still get a random card being one grade lower than the desired rarity level. And if you are the type of person who wants to defy the odds, you can even spend shares and increase your chance of success to a whopping 100%.
With this feature, even collecting already owned cards won’t feel like bad fortune!
Every player can create a maximum of ten different decks with different strategic directions, but we wanted to add an additional layer in order to offer even more strategic diversity. Every time you win a match, your corporation will gain experience points and advance over the course of 20 levels. With each gained level you will unlock a new division which you can assign to your deck.
These divisions offer bonuses that will be available during your entire match with a specific deck. If you as a player want to specialize in vehicle combat, you might want to unlock the “Vehicle Manufacturer” which reduces the playing costs of all vehicle cards and also bolsters their defensive capabilities by improving their resistances. If you have many expensive cards in your deck you might think about activating the division “Prosperous Corporation” and gain additional credits every turn.
The game will always be free to play. Everyone with a modern device can access it from anywhere they want. We do offer additional virtual items, accessible for "Shares", which represent the virtual currency in our game. Everything in our store can also be earned by just playing the game. There is no shop-exclusive premium currency.
Every time you complete a match, your corporation will not only gain experience, but also a certain number of shares which you can use for any item available in our shop. The number of shares are dependent on how well you do in a match.
And there is more: When you deal damage during a match there is a chance that your enemy will drop a random card which will be added to your card pool after the match is finished. Just like that. You can then decide to utilize this card in one of your decks or you can also invest it to get some research energy.
And as we told you above, decks only have a limited capacity, so players will not be able to incorporate all their rare and powerful cards into a single deck and simply obliterate any opposition. Also, our legendary cards are only available through our Research & Development feature (aside from being a reward for backers) and will not be sold directly in the game store.
We are very grateful for every pledge we receive and we know how important it is to give back. Right now we are not in a position to do so, but with your help we will get there. That is why we have decided to spend 5% of the profits from
Dusk of D.A.W.N. to back other campaigns on Indiegogo. And we want to encourage other people to do the same. Crowdfunding does not work without giving, and if you believe in the keepitgogoing factor we would like to encourage you to visit
www.keepitgogoing.org to find out more about the project and the possibility to participate in this campaign.
We opted for modern technologies under the umbrella that is called HTML5. We didn't want to bother our players with the need to install plugins or the necessity to download huge software packages before they can play. Playing the game is as easy as opening a web page and logging in. Dusk of D.A.W.N. will work on almost every modern device capable of displaying websites. You can play almost anywhere you like. Start a match on your break at the office and continue at home on your couch with your tablet. It is as easy as that. And before you ask: Matches against other players are synchronous. There is no click-and-wait in our game. You can play directly against other players and chat with them like in any modern client game.
Fjord Games is a young company and Dusk of D.A.W.N. will be our debut title. Nevertheless every project member brings experience to the table. Our artist Hjalmar Boulouednine has worked as an illustrator for a couple of well-renowned publishing companies in the past. The game designer Marcel Zons is currently employed in that capacity in an AA-Studio and working on a highly-appraised game while Patrick Nimmich, the project manager and developer, has been working in web development for years for some very large companies. He also has extensive experience as technical project manager and has worked in quality assurance during his studies at the Hamburg University.
Over the last couple of months two more people joined our team. Martin Saß has just finished writing his bachelor thesis about Dusk of D.A.W.N. after having made a very positive impact on our development progress as an intern and he went on to became a crucial member of the team. Merlin Györy is a sound designer and composer by trade and got so inspired by the project that he wanted to contribute. He became the Sound Designer of the game and is now responsible for not only the amazing soundtrack, but also the sound effects of the game. You can already find some of his work on our Youtube-Channel.
In order to create the best gaming experience possible, a lot of work needs to be done. The final product has to surpass what is usually available on the browser game market. To make this game a reality, we need to spend money on development, art, music and content production. While we do most of the work ourselves, there might arise the need to hire additional illustrators or software developers. Then there is also the need for bigger servers, because a consistent gaming experience comes with the necessity for stability and lots of bandwidth. We don't want you to experience lag or server breakdowns and we need to prepare for that. Finally there is the matter of legal fees. In Germany, setting up an international game with international players and customers comes with lots of regulations and we don't want to close down because of legal mistakes.
Should we surpass our goal, we have prepared some very interesting features, which we will reveal in detail as we approach our goal.
We do realize, that we are a startup company, which does come with a lack of a track record. But even though we are a young team, we have already gained a wealth of experience in our respective fields. And we are very engaged. We have been working as a team for over a year now and have taken our time to come up with the right concept to start with. We have already put in lots of 16-hour-days and have been foregoing most of our free time. Also the game is already in a basic playable state, so the final product is already in reach. This is something most campaigns for games do not have. People are actually playing Dusk of D.A.W.N.
The Technology - We are working with cutting-edge technologies in web development. Most of these technologies can change very rapidly and with that come certain risks. Certain updates could force us to rebuild parts of the game and that could lead to delays. We have actually postponed the launch of this campaign to be sure, that we could deliver on the game and as it stands now, we are convinced that we can. We also stay ahead by constantly preparing for future updates and developing our game in a very modular fashion.
While we have thourougly planned ahead for any foreseeable risks and challenges, there is always a chance that something goes wrong. We will do everything in our power to mitigate any delays and we will communicate transparently and frequently about the development process and the state of the project.
In case you want to upgrade your already claimed perk: We are tracking how much money you have pledged so far. We will provide the highest possible perk to you considering all your previous pledges. Unfortunately, IndieGoGo doesn't seem to offer a function to upgrade perks automatically.
Please note that any given dollar values have been calculated by us according to exchange rates at the time of the campaign creation. Due to different conversion fees and varying exchange rates these values will probably not be 100% accurate.
Booster Pack Alpha contains:
Booster Pack Delta contains:
- 1x Random Common Card
- 2x Random Uncommon Card
- 2x Random Rare Card
Booster Pack Beta contains:
- 4x Random Common Card
- 1x Random Uncommon Card
Booster Pack Gamma contains:
- 3x Random Common Card
- 1x Random Uncommon Card
- 1x Random Rare Card
Epic Card:
- Epic cards are the second rarest type of cards in the game!
Virtual Shares to:
- Buy items from our game store.
- Boost your research efforts ingame.
"Recruit-A-Friend" Gift Package:
You receive a gift code to give to a friend. On redeeming this code, your friend receives:
- In-Game Title "Business Associate"
- 2x Booster Pack Beta
Starter Packs contain:
- Specially themed card sets to get you started.
Legendary Card:
- Own one of the rarest cards in the game right from the start!
Exclusive Epic Card "Digital Samurai":
- This card is exclusive, so you won't get it as a loot drop, via development or by opening booster packs.
- Set your strategy and keep the Digital Samurai alive, so he will become more powerful in combat!
- Whenever you win a match, your experience points are doubled as long as this booster is active.
Permanent +5% Development-Booster:
- Whenever you craft a card via the "Research & Development" feature, your success chance will be permanently increased by 5%.
- This special booster won't be available in our in-game store!
While your Premium Membership is active you:
- Receive 1,000 free Shares per month
- Get 20% more experience points from matches
- Get 20% more Shares as match reward
- Receive a 5% success bonus on your development efforts
- Can use 3 additional deck slots
- Gain access to our test server and can experience new features before everyone else
Exclusive Legendary Card "Angel Investor":
- This card is exclusive, so you won't get it as a loot drop, via development or by opening booster packs.
- When playing the Angel Investor, keep him alive to get your expensive cards into play earlier.
Premium Membership is granted through the use of key codes.
You can use these codes for your own account and of course also gift these codes to whomever you want.
Immortalize yourself within the game by creating a card together with the development team. Come up with an idea together with our game designer Marcel and let Hjalmar create an illustration after your vision. Of course you will be the first to receive the card ingame added to your own card pool. (The card has to fit reasonably into the game)
The Lifetime Premium Membership will be added to your own account. The additional 30 months of premium membership from lower pledge levels will be made available to you in form of gift codes.
You get the opportunity to create an articifial intelligence together with the development team that players will fight against in the skirmish PvE mode. This consists of:
- A special illustration only usable by this AI
- An own deck this AI will be using
- A unique name for this AI