DVD-o-matic is a free, open-source program for converting video, sound and image files to Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs). It has been in constant development for the last year, and is in use by people all over the world. People use it to ease their lives as projectionists, to improve presentation quality, to encode independent films for cinema presentation and many things besides.
Development is undertaken in my spare time, and although I sometimes receive donations, I derive almost no income from its development. And this is fine! It is nice to have created something that people can and do use, free from the shackles of proprietary costs and licensing.
The world's many operating systems
Currently, DVD-o-matic is released as source, and also in binary form for Linux and Microsoft Windows. This is primarily because, thanks to the work of many open-source authors, both operating systems can be targeted using free software.
Mac OS X is a little different, however; it is really pretty much essential to have the real thing, both for development and testing.
A Mac OS X port
Several people have asked about the possibility of a Mac OS X port of DVD-o-matic. This funding campaign is to make that possible. In a nutshell, with the money I will buy a Mac Mini and port DVD-o-matic to work on it. Henceforth, Mac OS X binary releases will be available as free downloads (alongside the existing Linux and Windows versions).
This is a "fixed funding" project; if you donate, and the campaign does not subsequently reach its goal, your money will be refunded by indiegogo.