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Dyniaqs - the Pumpkinhead Adventurers miniature set

A set of 28 mm heroic fantasty miniatures set of pumpkinhead adventurers - Dyniaqs!

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Dyniaqs - the Pumpkinhead Adventurers miniature set

Dyniaqs - the Pumpkinhead Adventurers miniature set

Dyniaqs - the Pumpkinhead Adventurers miniature set

Dyniaqs - the Pumpkinhead Adventurers miniature set

Dyniaqs - the Pumpkinhead Adventurers miniature set

A set of 28 mm heroic fantasty miniatures set of pumpkinhead adventurers - Dyniaqs!

A set of 28 mm heroic fantasty miniatures set of pumpkinhead adventurers - Dyniaqs!

A set of 28 mm heroic fantasty miniatures set of pumpkinhead adventurers - Dyniaqs!

A set of 28 mm heroic fantasty miniatures set of pumpkinhead adventurers - Dyniaqs!

Spellcrow Miniatures
Spellcrow Miniatures
Spellcrow Miniatures
Spellcrow Miniatures
1 Campaign |
Warsaw, Poland
$1,717 USD $1,717 USD 32 backers
53% of $3,232 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

Welcome to Spellcrow’s first crowdfunding campaign!

Who are we?

Spellcrow is a company from Poland with a wide range of fantasy heroes and creatures as well as sci-fi range of bits. We have years of experience in sculpting high quality miniatures in 28mm scale. You can find our previous works at or on our facebook.

We are building our range constantly – lately we have released a bunch of big beasts. We have noticed that adding new miniatures to our range needs much time and money. But we think that this process could be speeded up with your help!

Some time ago we have released Helloween Mage miniature – our first representative of our pumpkinhead race the Dyniaqs. It attracted great interest and lots of people were sending us positive feedback. Next was Helloween Lord (the one on the right) who also was well received.

As the next halloween is coming we have an idea to expand our line with new high quality miniatures and we want to release the set of six pumpkinhead adventurers. They are going to depict the heroic fantasy archetypes such as mage, barbarian and other characters you can find in any fantasy RPG. Whether you are the collector, painter or gamer you should enjoy those miniatures! The starter set will include new and the existing miniatures. 

Also as the campaign develops we are going to expand the range by new miniatures as you can see in the 'Strech goals' section. All miniatures will be cast in metal. All the models are supplied unassembled and comes with slot base. The rules for starter set will be released and available for download as are the main rules which you can find here.


We would like to release whole set at once. To do so we need your aid as the Indiegogo campaign will help us raise funds to start production process. It is probably the most cash consuming part of releasing new minis. Your pledges will help us start making molds and casting process. We are planning to release our miniatures box within 4 weeks after the campaign ends but we hope to do that sooner. Last but not least this is the great way to get feedback from you and much positive energy to keep up with our work!

As we are really grateful for your support we created those cool perks for you! Depending on how much you would like to contribute you can select the right one for you. Postage costs are not included in the perks total so you will have to add +3 EUR so we can send yours miniatures to you. When picking multiple perks you pay shippng cost only once.

As the Seed Man you will receive high quality Halloween wallpaper and a big thank you on your e-mail.

As the Root Warrior you will receive one metal miniature of Dyniaq with a whip. Please add 3 EUR for shipping.

As the Leaf Master you will receive the Dyniaq mage miniature. Additionally you will receive the Dyniaq spawn for free! Please add 3 EUR for shipping.

As a Squash Prince you will receive Dyniaq starter set which contains 6 high quality metal miniatures. Also it is ready to play set - shortened version of the main rules and the party sheet are included. Please add 3 EUR for shipping.

As for special offer we offer you the Squash Prince level with additional 5EUR off the price. It only goes for first 10 persons so better be quick! Please add 3 EUR for shipping.

With Savagetable level you will get a savage Dyniaq beast - the Arachniaq. It's big, it's lethal and it is worth to have one. Arachniaq is high quality resin miniature and comes with scenic base. Please add 3 EUR for shipping.

As the Chancellor of Lanterns you will receive the Dyniaqs starter set, Dyniaq with whip, Dyniaq spawn and the Arachniaq - high quality resin beast model. Please add 3 EUR for shipping.

As the Pumpking you will receive the Dyniaqs starter set, Dyniaq with a whip, Dyniaq spawn, Arachniaq - the big high quality resin beast, resin Wicked Tree model and also you will receive the two additional Dyniaq miniatures - the kid and the vampire! Please add 3 EUR for shipping.

Stretch goals:

Creating those pumpkinheads is really enjoyable and we would love more minis that go with this theme! To help this happen we have set first two stretch goals to release new miniatures. Gathering more money than in our goal will allow us to release even more extra miniatures and some other stuff. Here is a list of possible stretch goals. As we will rise close to next level we will surely post some new stretch goals so try to keep up with updates!

1000 Euro - First leaf

Unlocks new model - little Dyniaq kid. Available for 8EUR in additional perk. Concept art coming soon.

2000 Euro - Fruit-thirsty Pumpire

Unlocks new model - bloodthirsty Dyniaq vampire lookalike :) Available for 8EUR in additional perk. Concept art coming soon.

3000 Euro – Rapid growth

To celebrate reaching our goal we would like to add free Dyniaq spawn miniture to each starter set. It means that each contributor of level 4 or more will receive one additional miniature for free!

4000 Euro - Bookworm trouble

Unlocks new model - Dyniaq with a book. Perfect as a scholar or wizard apprentice. Available for 8EUR in additional per. Concept art coming soon.

5000 Euro - Arrrr!

Unlocks new model - Dyniaq pirate! Available for 8EUR in additional perk.

6000 Euro - All hail Jack the King!

Unlocks new model - the Dyniaqs great PumpKing, Jack the King! Available for 8EUR in additional perk.

Thanks to all of you for your support and for helping us in expanding our range!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Level 1: Seed man

Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
As the Seed Man you will receive high quality Halloween wallpaper and a big thank you on your e-mail.
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $3 USD
€3 EUR
Please add 3 EUR to claimed perk for shipping cost. When picking multiple perks you pay shippng cost only once. Thank you!
0 claimed

Level 2: Root Warrior

Currency Conversion $9 USD
€8 EUR
As the Root Warrior you will receive one metal miniature of Dyniaq with a whip. Shipping cost not included.
0 claimed

First leaf

Currency Conversion $9 USD
€8 EUR
NEW!: You will receive one Dyniaq kid - high quality metal miniature. Shipping cost not included.
0 claimed

Level 3: Leaf Master

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
As the Leaf Master you will receive the Dyniaq mage miniature. Additionally you will receive the Dyniaq spawn for free! Shipping cost not included.
0 claimed

Level 5: Squash Prince Speed

Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
As for special offer we offer you the Squash Prince level with additional 5EUR off the price. It only goes for first 10 persons so better be quick! Shipping cost not included.
0 out of 10 of claimed

Level 6: Savagetable!

Currency Conversion $27 USD
€25 EUR
With Savagetable! level you will get a savage Dyniaq beast - the Arachniaq. Arachniaq is high quality resin miniature and comes with scenic base. Shipping cost not included.
0 claimed

Level 4: Squash Prince

Currency Conversion $32 USD
€30 EUR
As a Squash Prince you will receive Dyniaq starter set which contains 6 high quality metal miniatures. Also it is ready to play set - shortened version of the main rules and the party sheet are included. Shipping cost not included.
0 claimed

Level 7: Chancellor

Currency Conversion $75 USD
€70 EUR
As the Chancellor of Lanterns you will receive the Dyniaqs starter set, Dyniaq with whip, Dyniaq spawn and the Arachniaq - high quality resin beast model. Shipping cost not included.
0 claimed

Level 8: PumpKing

Currency Conversion $97 USD
€90 EUR
As the PumpKing you will receive the Dyniaqs starter set, Dyniaq with a whip, Dyniaq spawn, Arachniaq - the big high quality resin beast, resin Wicked Tree model and also you will receive the two additional Dyniaq miniatures - the kid and the vampire! Shipping cost not included.
0 claimed

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