Welcome to SEA Biofuels!
What is our mission?
Our mission is to save lives, improve human health and livelihood, and to preserve our shared global environment. Through innovation and development of new-clean technologies, we confront the growing-global concerns of indoor air pollution (IAP), Energy Poverty, maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH), and gender inequality in developing nations, as well as combat climate change in all global regions. SEA Biofuels, LLC is a partner of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, a public-private initiative led by the United Nations Foundation to save lives, improve livelihoods, empower women and preserve the environment by creating a thriving global market for clean cooking solutions.
What motivated us?
1.3 Billion People rely on high-pollutant fuels for cooking and heating. This same population does not have access to electricity, or clean water. We will change that! We are working towards creating a world where access to clean water and affordable energy is not reserved solely for the wealthy.
How do we plan to achieve our mission?
Our research has resulted in a series of biofuels that are game changers for impoverished peoples throughout the developing world. These fuels are comprised primarily of agricultural waste, and can be produced in virtually any country. Our ongoing research with our US based University partner(s) is focused on developing additional fuel formulas, and processes through which cost to the consumer can be driven down even further - which is impressive given that the cost of our present formulas to the end consumer is less than the cost of chopped wood or charcoal, in most regions.
Why do we need the crowd-funding?
We started Sea Biofuels, LLC with the mission of making an ACTUAL and POSITIVE change in the lives of as many people as possible. We are proud to be a part of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves promoting the adoption of clean cookstoves by 100 MILLION households by 2020! Yes, we are a for-profit entity, and, yes, we intend to make a profit – and hopefully a substantial one at that! Missions like ours cannot be sustained by donations or government subsidy alone. History tells us that even partial reliance on donations and government subsidies is a recipe for failure in the “do-gooder” world. It simply is not sustainable business practice.
Where will your money be used?
Our Philosophy clearly states, “Philanthropy over Profit– Our bottom line is not our Bottom Line.” Our overhead is low, and is limited to manufacturing, production, and R&D costs – no rent/mortgage payments, no utilities or service payments, and no wages expenses – as we have yet to pay ourselves a dime! Our profit potential is modest, but sustainable; but most importantly, our potential to improve the lives and livelihoods of millions upon millions of underserved people is TREMENDOUSLY HIGH!
We have also designed, developed, and have manufacturing capacity at our disposal to manufacture our patented clean cookstove. Prior, and less efficient designs, were tested independently by a well-known US University and found to produce less Particulate Matter and Carbon Monoxide emissions than the leading "high-efficiency" stoves presently being produced. Further, the prior design of our improved stove boasted higher thermal efficiency and reduced "time to boil - (5 liter Water Boil Test)" than any other clean cookstove in its class. Our newly redesigned will blow the pants off our prior design.
We are also working on a couple other “top secret” projects right now that will further our cause for ending energy poverty and lack of access to clean drinking water. It is amazing what can be accomplished when the right minds intersect with the right mission!
We need your help because……..
Every Man, Woman, and Child deserves the opportunity to live a healthy and prosperous life!