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"Like Google Docs for Audio!" "Finally a way to bring citizen journalists together" "Your phone = editing central for audio"

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"Like Google Docs for Audio!" "Finally a way to bring citizen journalists together" "Your phone = editing central for audio"

"Like Google Docs for Audio!" "Finally a way to bring citizen journalists together" "Your phone = editing central for audio"

"Like Google Docs for Audio!" "Finally a way to bring citizen journalists together" "Your phone = editing central for audio"

"Like Google Docs for Audio!" "Finally a way to bring citizen journalists together" "Your phone = editing central for audio"

The Scope at Ryerson
The Scope at Ryerson
The Scope at Ryerson
The Scope at Ryerson
1 Campaign |
Toronto, Canada
$504 USD $504 USD 18 backers
5% of $8,489 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Meet us enRUe!


Using the enRUe app, citizen journalists can make and load audio collaboratively, see each other's edits, and comment back and forth in real time - like Google Docs, but with audio.


enRUe will reduce the technology – and the time – needed to make news content - and the best news is, we already have a proto-type!


The Problem

  • Imagine posting a call for personal stories from a flood, a city services strike or from a major arts events. Dozens- even hundreds- of citizen journalists can answer the assignment, report and collect sound, using their phones to record audio.
  • In the old days, all these reporters would have to go back their community radio station or studio to load the audio into an editor. To work on audio with co-producers, the only options were face to face meetings or a fileshare service, uploading version by pain-staking version.


Not anymore! Record it, see what others are adding on the same news assignment and where they are on the map. Comment on their edits in real-time, from anywhere. Get instant feedback and load your story for air faster than ever before.



The Solution


enRUe will be the first to make it possible to record and edit audio collaboratively. It saves time and maximizes the power of crowd sourcing talent. Editors can give instant feedback and journalists can review edits as they happen. Editing is a true conversation.


enRUe will be geo-tagged and uploaded by mobile app contributors. Everyone can see the editing, map the contributors and immediately give and receive feedback. 


Help us make news for the community, by the community.



Who will use it?

Community radio stations, podcasters, students and journalists.

With enRUe, crowd-sourced community radio and podcast production is quick and easy.


enRUe's vision is grassroots: using the unmatchable volunteer power of citizen journalists!


We cannot do it without you: Citizen journalists, please donate and meet us enRUe!

Who are we?

Campaign for 2013:

Naomi Aro from SourceFabric: Building the nuts and bolts

Bart Murphy from Keel Media: Doing up design

Emily Joveski (Kootenay Co-op Radio- thanks you!) and Jacky Tuinstra Harrison from The Scope at Ryerson: Testing, launch and incubation via a new Ryerson student media project

*****With many thanks to the National Campus and Community Radio Association and the GroundWire project: big thanks to C.J Albinati, Gretchen King, Shelley Robinson, Freida Werden, Omme Rahemtullah, David and Giana at CKDU and Anabel Khoo among the many other supporters who have helped along the way!

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Currency Conversion $1 USD
$1 CAD
For the last day of our campaign, all contributors receive a pin and a FREE SHIPPING coupon to Plus EVERYONE who donates get to be part of our test group! Donate today!
1 claimed

Test group and a PIN!

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
We plan to test in the Fall and you could be part of the exclusive reporter testing team! Plus you get a nifty and stylish enRUe pin.
7 claimed

Discount Code at

Currency Conversion $17 USD
$25 CAD
Your generous donation will earn you a place in the app testing group, a nifty enRUe pin, AND a free shipping code at Good Roots is a Toronto-based site offering healthy and environmentally and socially conscious cosmetics and personal-care products.
1 claimed

Co-Creator credits

Currency Conversion $69 USD
$100 CAD
Get credited as a co-creator on the enRUe mobile application and be part of the testing group. Plus you get that awesome pin!
2 claimed

Sponsorship on a podcast

Currency Conversion $695 USD
$1,000 CAD
All of the above, plus get a 15 second sponsorship message aired on a podcast at The Scope at Ryerson: a new student media project incubating at Ryerson University. Check out some of our programs at Receive a memorable thank-you pin
0 claimed

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