This campaign is closed

Eschaton-a-Go-Go Graphic Novel

30% off Perks over $300 for our last week! Demigoddesses, Lake Baikal lake spirits, librarians, comic book fanboys, & the All Girl Rapture."Eschaton-a-Go-Go."

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Eschaton-a-Go-Go Graphic Novel

Eschaton-a-Go-Go Graphic Novel

Eschaton-a-Go-Go Graphic Novel

Eschaton-a-Go-Go Graphic Novel

Eschaton-a-Go-Go Graphic Novel

30% off Perks over $300 for our last week! Demigoddesses, Lake Baikal lake spirits, librarians, comic book fanboys, & the All Girl Rapture."Eschaton-a-Go-Go."

30% off Perks over $300 for our last week! Demigoddesses, Lake Baikal lake spirits, librarians, comic book fanboys, & the All Girl Rapture."Eschaton-a-Go-Go."

30% off Perks over $300 for our last week! Demigoddesses, Lake Baikal lake spirits, librarians, comic book fanboys, & the All Girl Rapture."Eschaton-a-Go-Go."

30% off Perks over $300 for our last week! Demigoddesses, Lake Baikal lake spirits, librarians, comic book fanboys, & the All Girl Rapture."Eschaton-a-Go-Go."

Ginger Mayerson
Ginger Mayerson
Ginger Mayerson
Ginger Mayerson
1 Campaign |
Los Angeles, United States
$2,094 USD 48 backers
16% of $12,999 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Well, this campaign is over, but you can still get news about our project at

See you later

All Perks over $300 discounted 30% for our last week!

One more Perk!  Color prints, signed and mailed by Molly in mid-November.  Print sizes approximately 8”x12” printed on Strathmore paper.  See below:

Color prints, signed and mailed by Molly in mid-November.  Print sizes approximately 8”x12” printed on Strathmore paper.  $45 each.

Eschaton-a-Go-Go.  In a parallel universe, Dr. Ravana drags her sister, General Kumbhakarna, into a war on the Gods.  They lose, and are sentenced to a period of exile and penance in our universe.  They meet up with Lake Baikal lake spirits on a spree and help out evolving humanity as best they can.  This ranges from fighting off monsters from another universe to fixing the internet to witnessing the All Girl Rapture and how this affects the future of mankind.

Kumbhakarna in our universe

Eschaton-a-Go-Go IndieGoGo Campaign. Molly Kiely and Ginger Mayerson really need you, your help, and well, your money to raise $12,999 to create the art and publish “Eschaton-a-GoGo,” a rollicking tale of two or more universes, demigoddesses, lake spirits, librarians, comic book fanboys, and how the All Girl Rapture affects the future of mankind.  And the cheesecake, beefcake, panoramic landscapes, cityscapes, surreality, romance, humor, horror, action and emotion as only Molly Kiely can draw.

Ravana and a woolly mammoth

The script was finished in 2009 (Sample), but due to massive time constraints (ie: motherhood) on Molly, only a few sketches and drawings were created.  Fast forward to 2013, and the only thing stopping us from finishing the artwork for a 70- 80 page graphic novel and publishing it is money.

All Girl Rapture 

Yes, money.  We need money for Molly Kiely to have the time and supplies to draw/ink/letter/and in some cases paint 70-80 pages of this epic, and epically wacky epic, fun-filled, sexy, action-packed, and thought provoking graphic novel.

Ginger Mayerson needs money to put it together as a book and publish it.  Yes, Molly is going to have more fun than Ginger, but that’s okay because this book is very much worth it.  And Ginger has an excellent track record for publishing books at the Wapshott Press.

The War in Heaven

Our Perks are the perkiest and only available as fundraisers for this project.  Ever.  These wonderful perks will never ever be available in any other way except as a fundraiser for “Eschaton-a-Go-Go.  So get ‘em while you can.  

One of our very fine perks:  the Postcard Perk for $20 or more (more for postage if outside of the U.S. And, no, sorry, you don't get all of these postcards. You get 2 each of these, so 12 postcards cards in the set)

Also check our blog/website  for updates, social media, and all the news that fit to post to a blog.  If you'd like to help us get the word out about the campaign, there are web banners and graphics you can hotlink to on our website.

As for Ginger and Molly.  Well, the eyes have it.

Please feel free to contact either of us through the blog/website if you have any questions about this project or whatever, such as how you can contribute outside of IndieGoGo. (Yes, honey, we're looking at you!)  Thanks.

Ringing endorsements:

“A graphic novel written by the fabulous Ginger Mayeron (of Hackenbush fame) and the amazing Molly Kiely (Diary of a Dominatrix, Tecopa Jane)? And it takes place in a parallel universe? And there are magical elk headdresses? So there IS something to look forward to! I support this project with all my heart, and you should too. It's gonna be awesome.”
Lene Taylor, Comics Reading Diva, 'I Read Comics' and 'Look at his Butt' podcasts

"News of new comic art from Molly Kiely is not only long overdue, but also very welcomed. I can't wait to read it."
Eric Reynolds, Associate Publisher and Very Cool Guy at Fantagraphics Books, Seattle, Washington

“In 2008, I directed a well-received production of Ginger Mayerson’s bloodily biting political satire, Darkness at Sunset and Vine.  This work embodies what I like best about Mayerson’s work – muscular, lightening-paced plotting that has the brains to match its brawn, and quirky characters that despite being drawn in shades of soul-scorching neon and unflinching black, still retain their power to engage the reader’s empathy.  Mayerson’s novels are a swift left hook to the right frontal lobe -- wicked, witty, and wonderful.”
Kelly S. Taylor, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Communication Studies and Storytelling Prima Donna at North Texas State University, Denton, Texas (no relation to Ms. Taylor, or Liz Taylor, Zachary Taylor, or Taylor Swift for that matter)


If you would like to join the Skype conference calls and/or the Google Hangouts to hear how the campaign is going, see new videos and images before they're public, or talk about whatever, here's how to do that:  on Skype please add eschatonagogo to your Contacts so I can put you on the calls.  For Google+, add us to your circles at Molly Kiely Ginger Mayerson, which makes Google+ good for something.  All Hangouts will be public and we can only wait 10-15 minutes for people to show up.  Talk to you soon!

All times are Pacific Times:
Skype; Monday; September 9; 10AM
Google Hangout; Thursday; September 12; 11AM
Skype; Tuesday; September 17; 12PM
Google Hangout; Friday; September 20; 1PM
Skype; Thursday; September 26; 2PM
Google Hangout; Saturday; September 28; 3PM
Skype; Thursday; October 3; 4PM
Google Hangout; Sunday; October 6; 5PM
Skype; Friday; October 11; 6PM
Google Hangout; Monday; October 14; 7PM
Skype; Thursday; October 17; 8PM
Google Hangout; Tuesday; October 22; 9PM
Skype; Friday; October 25; 10PM
Google Hangout; Wednesday; October 30; 10PM

If you'd like to get the reminder emails, please sign up on our ReachMail email blast (where you will also get to see new art before it goes public) or find it on the blog sidebar.  We're only using it for Eschaton-a-Go-Go and not very often after the IndieGoGo campaign ends.

Oh, and also: 

Unlockable rewards, because unlockable rewards are cool:

If we raise $15K, all contributors above the $800 level will receive a copy of the graphic novel.
If we raise $18K, all contributors above the $600 level will receive a copy of the graphic novel.
If we raise $21K, all contributors above the $300 level will receive a copy of the graphic novel.
If we raise $25K, all contributors above the $200 level will receive a copy of the graphic novel.
If we raise $30K, all contributors above the $100 level will receive a copy of the graphic novel, and if you contributed over $1,000, and you are in Los Angeles, Ginger Mayerson will take you on her Blade Runner mini-tour and buy you lunch at Grand Central Market, as well as personally hand you your signed by Ginger and Molly, gift wrapped copy of the graphic novel.

Please feel free to contact either of us through the contact page of our blog/website if you have any questions about this project or whatever.  Thanks.


Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Thank you!

$5 USD
For $5 or more you receive an Eschaton-a-Go-Go signed thank you postcard via the good old U.S. Postal Service. (U.S. addresses only, or add $2 if you're not in the U.S., thanks! We love the US Postal Service, but their international rates are on the high side.)
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
5 claimed

Eschaton-a-Go-Go script

$10 USD
PDF of complete Eschaton-a-Go-Go script (email address required)
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed

Custom Artist Trading Card

$15 USD
The artist being Molly, and the card being a 2.5 by 3.5 inch card of the sci-fi character or golden age screen goddess of the buyer's choice. (U.S. addresses only or add $10 for outside the U.S.) Will deliver sooner than Jan 2014 if possible.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
15 out of 25 of claimed

Eschaton-a-Go-Go postcards

$20 USD
Eschaton-a-Go-Go postcards (U.S. addresses only, or add $10 if you're not in the U.S., thanks!) If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
3 claimed

Color Print

$45 USD
Color prints, signed and mailed by Molly in mid-November. Print sizes approximately 8”x12” printed on Strathmore paper. Indicate which print you want.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

Color Print

$45 USD
Color prints, signed and mailed by Molly in mid-November. Print sizes approximately 8”x12” printed on Strathmore paper. Indicate which print you want.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

Color Print

$45 USD
Color prints, signed and mailed by Molly in mid-November. Print sizes approximately 8”x12” printed on Strathmore paper. Indicate which print you want.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

Color Print

$45 USD
Color prints, signed and mailed by Molly in mid-November. Print sizes approximately 8”x12” printed on Strathmore paper. Indicate which print you want.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

Eschaton-a-Go-Go playing cards

$50 USD
A custom deck of Eschaton-a-Go-Go playing cards (U.S. addresses only, or add $20 if you're not in the U.S., thanks!) If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
9 claimed

Eschaton-a-Go-Go sketch book

$75 USD
An Eschaton-a-Go-Go b/w sketch book (paperback w/color covers) If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
0 claimed

Molly Kiely 2014 calendar

$85 USD
A Molly Kiely 2014 calendar (U.S. addresses only, or add $20 if you're not in the U.S., thanks!)
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

MK Calendar and playing cards

$95 USD
A Molly Kiely 2014 calendar and Eschaton-a-Go-Go playing cards (U.S. addresses only, or add $25 if you're not in the U.S., thanks!) Calender will be delivered in November, but the playing cards might be in January. However, if we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
4 claimed

Sketch book and postcards

$115 USD
An Eschaton-a-Go-Go b/w sketch book and postcards (paperback w/color covers) If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 claimed

Sketch book and playing cards

$125 USD
Eschaton-a-Go-Go b/w sketch book and playing cards. If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed

Sketch book and calendar

$150 USD
An Eschaton-a-Go-Go b/w sketch book and Molly Kiely calendar (calendar in November 2013, sketch book, March 2014) (U.S. addresses only, or add $20 if you're not in the U.S., thanks!) If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
1 claimed

Sketch book signed by Molly

$200 USD
An Eschaton-a-Go-Go b/w sketch book signed by Molly (paperback w/color covers) (U.S. addresses only unless you can work it out with Molly). If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
1 claimed

Eschaton-a-Go-Go Supporter

$225 USD
You'll be sincerely thanked in the Eschaton-a-Go-Go book and on the website as a Supporter and we'll send you some swag (postcards, playing cards) as well. If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed

Eschaton-a-Go-Go Patron

$227 USD
30% off! (Was $325.00) You'll be thanked profusely in the Eschaton-a-Go-Go book and on the website as a Patron and we'll send you some swag (calendar and postcards in November 2013, playing cards, January 2014) If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 claimed

Character sketch

$367 USD
30% off! (Was $525.00) An original Eschaton-a-Go-Go character sketch of your choice (U.S. addresses only unless you can work it out with Molly) If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 12 of claimed

Inked page

$507 USD
30% off! (Was $725.00) An original inked Eschaton-a-Go-Go page (U.S. addresses only unless you can work it out with Molly) If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 out of 8 of claimed

Eschaton-a-Go-Go Angel

$647 USD
30% off! (Was $925.00) You'll be thanked profoundly in the Eschaton-a-Go-Go book and on the website as an Angel and we'll send along some swag (calendar, postcards in November 2013, sketch book, playing cards in March 2014), too.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 claimed

Eschaton-a-Go-Go painting

$997 USD
30% off! (Was $1,425.00) An original watercolor, mixed media, or gouache Eschaton-a-Go-Go painting on illustration board (U.S. addresses only unless you can work it out with Molly) If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 4 of claimed

Eschaton-a-Go-Go painting

$2,047 USD
30% off! (Was $2,925.00) An original Eschaton-a-Go-Go acrylic on canvas painting 18” x 24” (U.S. addresses only unless you can work it out with Molly) If we can deliver perks before the estimated delivery date, we will!
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
0 out of 2 of claimed

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