Please feel free to contact either of us through the blog/website if you have any questions about this project or whatever, such as how you can contribute outside of IndieGoGo. (Yes, honey, we're looking at you!) Thanks.
Ringing endorsements:
“A graphic novel written by the fabulous Ginger Mayeron (of Hackenbush fame) and the amazing Molly Kiely (Diary of a Dominatrix, Tecopa Jane)? And it takes place in a parallel universe? And there are magical elk headdresses? So there IS something to look forward to! I support this project with all my heart, and you should too. It's gonna be awesome.”
Lene Taylor, Comics Reading Diva, 'I Read Comics' and 'Look at his Butt' podcasts
"News of new comic art from Molly Kiely is not only long overdue, but also very welcomed. I can't wait to read it."
Eric Reynolds, Associate Publisher and Very Cool Guy at Fantagraphics Books, Seattle, Washington
“In 2008, I directed a well-received production of Ginger Mayerson’s bloodily biting political satire, Darkness at Sunset and Vine. This work embodies what I like best about Mayerson’s work – muscular, lightening-paced plotting that has the brains to match its brawn, and quirky characters that despite being drawn in shades of soul-scorching neon and unflinching black, still retain their power to engage the reader’s empathy. Mayerson’s novels are a swift left hook to the right frontal lobe -- wicked, witty, and wonderful.”
Kelly S. Taylor, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Communication Studies and Storytelling Prima Donna at North Texas State University, Denton, Texas (no relation to Ms. Taylor, or Liz Taylor, Zachary Taylor, or Taylor Swift for that matter)
If you would like to join the Skype conference calls and/or the Google Hangouts to hear how the campaign is going, see new videos and images before they're public, or talk about whatever, here's how to do that: on Skype please add eschatonagogo to your Contacts so I can put you on the calls. For Google+, add us to your circles at Molly Kiely Ginger Mayerson, which makes Google+ good for something. All Hangouts will be public and we can only wait 10-15 minutes for people to show up. Talk to you soon!
All times are Pacific Times:
Skype; Monday; September 9; 10AM
Google Hangout; Thursday; September 12; 11AM
Skype; Tuesday; September 17; 12PM
Google Hangout; Friday; September 20; 1PM
Skype; Thursday; September 26; 2PM
Google Hangout; Saturday; September 28; 3PM
Skype; Thursday; October 3; 4PM
Google Hangout; Sunday; October 6; 5PM
Skype; Friday; October 11; 6PM
Google Hangout; Monday; October 14; 7PM
Skype; Thursday; October 17; 8PM
Google Hangout; Tuesday; October 22; 9PM
Skype; Friday; October 25; 10PM
Google Hangout; Wednesday; October 30; 10PM
If you'd like to get the reminder emails, please sign up on our ReachMail email blast (where you will also get to see new art before it goes public) or find it on the blog sidebar. We're only using it for Eschaton-a-Go-Go and not very often after the IndieGoGo campaign ends.
Oh, and also:
Unlockable rewards, because unlockable rewards are cool:
If we raise $15K, all contributors above the $800 level will receive a copy of the graphic novel.
If we raise $18K, all contributors above the $600 level will receive a copy of the graphic novel.
If we raise $21K, all contributors above the $300 level will receive a copy of the graphic novel.
If we raise $25K, all contributors above the $200 level will receive a copy of the graphic novel.
If we raise $30K, all contributors above the $100 level will receive a copy of the graphic novel, and if you contributed over $1,000, and you are in Los Angeles, Ginger Mayerson will take you on her Blade Runner mini-tour and buy you lunch at Grand Central Market, as well as personally hand you your signed by Ginger and Molly, gift wrapped copy of the graphic novel.
Please feel free to contact either of us through the contact page of our blog/website if you have any questions about this project or whatever. Thanks.