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Estes Park - Drake CO Flood Victims Fund

To help people who need some short term funding for food, clothes and housing. I drove to Drake & saw homes totally destroyed & want to make a difference.

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Estes Park - Drake CO Flood Victims Fund

Estes Park - Drake CO Flood Victims Fund

Estes Park - Drake CO Flood Victims Fund

Estes Park - Drake CO Flood Victims Fund

Estes Park - Drake CO Flood Victims Fund

To help people who need some short term funding for food, clothes and housing. I drove to Drake & saw homes totally destroyed & want to make a difference.

To help people who need some short term funding for food, clothes and housing. I drove to Drake & saw homes totally destroyed & want to make a difference.

To help people who need some short term funding for food, clothes and housing. I drove to Drake & saw homes totally destroyed & want to make a difference.

To help people who need some short term funding for food, clothes and housing. I drove to Drake & saw homes totally destroyed & want to make a difference.

Paul Sterling
Paul Sterling
Paul Sterling
Paul Sterling
1 Campaign |
Estes Park, United States
$1,081 USD 10 backers
7% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

I was woken up at 6:30 AM Thursday morning September 12 by my neighbor pounding on the door and yelling that "The river is flooding and we have to leave NOW!"

There was an evacuation notice because the beautiful river that I live right next to, the Big Thompson River, in Estes Park, CO., was starting to flood it banks.

It was about six days later that I got to go back to my home and see how much damage had been done. 

My downstairs office and shop were flooded and needed to be gutted, my greenhouse was gone, my deck was destroyed and the contractors tell me that anywhere from $25-$45,000 worth of damage was done… and I was one of the lucky ones.

When I evacuated I only had time to grab my computer and several cameras - some people didn't have a chance to grab anything…

Recently I got to drive the 7 miles downstream to Drake Colorado on Highway 34 and see the damage that happened downstream where they suffered the biggest devastation.

When I sat down and reviewed the pictures I took from the trip I decided I needed to do something and that's how this fundraiser got started. I just knew I had to do something.

You can see more videos and photos at

The youtube video on there was show on ABC, NBC & CBS and has had over 100,000 views.

3 Ways You Can Help

1)  make a contribution & pick your gift

2)  give a gift that others can pick when they contribute

3)  share this event on facebook or twitter or media...

I am a relationship and intimacy coach and decided I would give you a gift for contributing to the fund. Here are some of them...

  • 'STOP... In The Name of Love' my ebooks on relationship communication
  • The 'Magic Relationship Method' MP3s on how to transform your relationship
  • Teleseminars on compassionate communication skills
  • 1-on 1 personalized private coaching…

Thanks so much in advance.

Paul Sterling

Relationship & Intimacy Coach

100% of the funds will be used for the short-term needs of family impacted by the flood. It will be used for food, clothes, housing and transportation.

3 Ways You Can Help

1)  make a contribution & pick your gift

2)  give a gift that others can pick when they contribute

3)  share this event on facebook or twitter or media...

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Choose your Perk

Magic Relationship Videos

$10 USD
Magic Relationship Method videos. This is a series of videos I made to introduce people to some of the common and painful mistakes that can destroy intimacy. They are easy to avoid once you know what they are. YES you can find them for free on the internet but that is not the point here...
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 200 of claimed

STOP... In The Name Of Love

$20 USD
This eBook dives into the 5 most common intimacy... and sometimes relationship destroying mistakes - what they are and how to avoid them. It sells for $19.95 and you can download right to your computer.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
3 out of 250 of claimed

Opening your Heart to Love

$35 USD
Are you ready for more love? If you're ready to open your heart to the full potential of love, then this program was designed for you An Audio Guide to Loving and Being Loved. During this 1-hour program you'll then be guided by Intimacy & Sexuality Expert, Joanna Kennedy, through experiential exercises and processes that heal past heart-aches and pain so you can fully open your heart and soul to the love awaiting you now.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 3 of claimed

Secrets of Greater Loving

$55 USD
Men & women have just 3 primary needs in relationship... find out what they are & how to fulfill them. COUPLES, stimulate the passion, joy, excitement, & fire you had when you first met!SINGLES, make conversations with a prospective date or partner intriguing & exciting... and made you highly attractive! 5-Hour Video Program, 4 teaching modules, hosted by Relationship and Intimacy Experts, Joanna Kennedy & Phil Gilliam.
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 3 of claimed

A Taste Of Tantra

$67 USD
A Taste Of Tantra: Sacred Sex for the Lover's Soul Learn how to love at a deeper, richer and sweeter level. Create profound pleasure and intimacy. Fill your life with love, passion and sensuality.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 3 of claimed

Magic Relationship MP3s

$75 USD
The Live Recorded MP3 Audio Files of the “5-4-7 Teleseminar Series” Includes the Following 3 Recordings: "The 5 Heart-Breaking, Intimacy-Destroying and Relationship-Wrecking Communication Mistakes" "The 4 Simple Steps To Creating Instant Intimacy and Understanding" "The 7 Keys to a Magic Relationship" (Normally $97.00 for all three) for more info
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
1 out of 15 of claimed

A Break-through Session

$100 USD
I hour private, personalized 1-on-1 relationship/intimacy coaching over the phone. Turning your relationship breakdown into a breakthrough. Normally $125 hour
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Can You Hear Me Now?

$200 USD
A 4 week teleseminar series - taking you through the 3 phases of the Magic Relationship Method. Phase 1) Stop doing damage - Phase 2) Bridging the Gap Between Us - Phase 3) Building a Bright Future. This teleseminar will be live and interactive and starts in January 2014 - It is normally $297 - $397
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 25 of claimed

MRM - Package

$500 USD
You get the 'Can You Hear Me Now?' teleseminar ($297 value) - the Magic Relationship Method MP3s ($97 value) - the STOP... In The Name of Love' ebook
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 15 of claimed

VIP DAY - personal & private

$1,200 USD
This is a VIP DAY - when you are dealing with a VERY IMPORTANT PROBLEM in your relationship. This Day is personalized and private and focused on having breakthrough in ONE KEY AREA of your relationship. This is done live and in person in my home Estes Park or your home in Boulder/Denver. Normally $1,295
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

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