Project Update:
Thank you to all 105 of you who helped us raise $3,468 toward our Exposing Darkness budget of $5400. We are overwhelmed by your enthusiasm and generosity. And we’re SO excited to share this music with you when the album is released in October!
We’ll be working with artists to record songs in May, then getting to work on getting you your perks this summer. Thanks for your patience!
FYI, we’ll continue to honor Indiegogo perks for gifts made through July 1, if you or friends want to help us reach our goal. Donations can be made via Pay Pal to Water Mirror Records, Inc. / info@janiechu.com.
Thank you for continuing to shine with us!
The Exposing Darkness Team
Imagine you're a college student.
You hear about human trafficking - 27 million people enslaved in this day and age -- and it breaks your heart. You want to do something about it but what can you do, you're just an ordinary student?
But your campus club or church also wants to make a difference. You work together to plan awareness events. You're inspired by art and music about seeking justice. You connect with other campuses across your city getting involved. And suddenly you think hey, maybe I'm just one student, but I can do something.
![Columbia students educating their campus about trafficking.]()
What is Your Slavery Footprint? - Kyle, from the Columbia Price of Life team, helps educate people on his campus about the cost of their consumption patterns.
You get your friends, your family, your clubs, your church excited, and all these people cobble together their small offerings and together you engage over 10,000 students at campuses across New York City about human trafficking and raise over $150,000 to support organizations fighting it.
Even though you're "just college students."
And suddenly Restore NYC, the only housing for international survivors of sex trafficking in the Northeast US, can offer safe haven to more recovering women. Suddenly Nomi Network can fund a new project, teaching job skills to survivors and at-risk women. Suddenly World Vision and its Cambodia network can provide 1000 kids with school uniforms, making them instantly less vulnerable to being trafficked.
All because a couple (thousand) ordinary people did just a little something.
Pretty cool image, right?
![Price of Life student at protest against Backpage.com]()
Girls Are Not For Sale! - Price of Life summer interns joining Coalition Against Trafficking in Women and Girl Be Heard! at protest against Backpage.com & owner Village Voice, who separted from Backpage a few months later.
And just like "just students" can do a big something when they work together, so can we, even though we're "just artists," "just moms," "just computer nerds." It doesn't matter who you are: you have something valuable to make a difference.
Putting it all together and starting to make that difference: that's our vision.
Who Are We?
We are a team of students, artists, and ordinary people from across the US, using what we have to fight human trafficking. We're a small part of a big campaign called the Price of Life Invitational, spearheaded by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, along with World Vision and a diverse coalition of other organizations. The Price of Life is calling students to end one of the world's greatest injustices, human trafficking.
We believe faith calls and empowers us to fight injustice, and we believe in building barrier-breaking partnerships toward seeking justice. We believe ending modern slavery requires teamwork & creativity. We believe students can make an impact. We believe in the power of the arts.
![Price of Life staff prepare to spread the word.]()
What is the Price of Life, NYC? Price of Life team members Mike, Diane, and Jonathan, preparing to hand out Price of Life SWAG & build the team.
![Sharing about child trafficking at Hunter College]()
Share a Childhood Memory - Hunter students share about child trafficking with their classmates, using an artistic display created by Hunter student Vanessa, & invite people to get involved in fighting human trafficking.
![Price of Life & IAM present Just Art]()
Just Art - Price of Life intern Maria leads a training & discussion on art and justice, co-presented by Price of Life & International Arts Movement.
What Are We Doing?
The Price of Life involves programming in every field - business plan competition, events about law and health care, interactive art exhibits etc. Read more here.
We're musicians, so we're making music.
Our music compilation is a soundtrack for the modern abolitionist journey, music to expose darkness and inspire change. It features a variety of artists who believe in using their gifts to create beauty and truth.
Artists like rock singer-songwriter Janie Chu, who helped an Atlanta coalition create a PSA aimed at ending demand for child trafficking.
Artists like Andy Mineo, who helped CCNY students get over 100 members of the Price of Life team on their campus:
![Andy Mineo at CCNY]()
In fall 2013, when Price of Life takes on New York City, we'll sell the album to thousands of college students in NYC, and through the national networks of Price of Life organizations like InterVarsity and World Vision. We aim to raise $50,000 to support organizations fighting human trafficking: Restore NYC, Nomi Network, and World Vision.
![World Vision Logo]()
Why Indiegogo?
To cover album production costs.
Our Goal: 100% of album proceeds go to fight human trafficking.
Most of the songs, studio time, album art, and other fees are being donated, but we still have about $5000 in production costs. By helping us cover these in advance, you help us make a bigger impact later.
Our campaign is simple: Raise $5000 to support this album now, generate $50,000+ to fight human trafficking in October.
Who is Contributing Music?
Here are some of our partners - most contributing new music you can only hear on Exposing Darkness. Click through to their music pages & check out their sounds - you won't be disappointed.
![Jonny Rodgers]()
![Pamela Rose Rodriguez]()
We can't wait to introduce you to these talented and passionate musicians. That's why we'll be dedicating one day of the Indiegogo campaign to each artist, presenting YOU with special "deals of the day" featuring music & merch.
We're still working out agreements with additional represented artists -- working with labels takes time! We'll keep you posted.
What We Need
We only need to raise $5000 because almost everything is donated: Music. Some studio time. Art and design.
The $5000 you invest in our project will pay for mixing and mastering, to provide the highest quality sound; marketing, to get the word out further; additional studio time; so artists contributing songs don't have to pay recording expenses out of pocket.
Our campaign is hosted by Water Mirror Records, Inc., the record company behind singer-songwriter and abolitionist Janie Chu. Janie is the leader of this project and has rallied fellow musicians to the cause. Her company will collect Indiegogo funds and cover album costs.
What You Get
We know you're giving because you believe in standing against human trafficking and making beauty from brokenness -- not to get a prize. But we're grateful for your participation, so we've worked hard to come up with some concrete ways to show it.
CAVEAT: One thing you won't see much of: giving away the music itself. We're giving you just about everything but the music, so next fall the music YOU make possible can support the cause we all care about.
Special bonus: We've got a variety of promotional supporters "owning" a day of the campaign, spreading the word as social media partners. You guys are awesome and get a special thanks. Want to add your name to this prestigious list? Sign up to help us support the campaign!
Gratitude Gifts
Your gift helps prevent, rescue, and restore people trapped in modern slavery. Here are some ways we would like to say thank you. See descriptions to the right for more info.
Undying Devotion:
Let us thank you publicly for your stand for beauty in the face of darkness.
- All backers will be noted in a special section in the Price of Life website' Abolitionist Hall of Fame.
- $15+ backers will be thanked in album liner notes.
- $25+ backers will be thanked in daily round-up shout outs on Facebook.
- $50+ backers may offer a dedication of up to 140 characters describing their motivation for fighting human trafficking.
Party for Freedom:
Connect with other art-loving activists & be the first to hear the abolitionist soundtrack!
- $10+ backers get first dibs on buying the album & free tickets to the CD release party (fall 2013), featuring performances by album artists, inspiring stories from people fighting trafficking on the ground, tasty eats, and more.
- $15+ backers also get free tickets to our preview concert (summer 2013) where select album artists will perform new works and old favorites.
Details TBA; we regret that we cannot provide alternate options for those unable to attend.
Get Inspired
- $15+ backers receive a free download of Dear John, a powerful song standing against trafficking demand, by the woman leading the Exposing Darkness team, artist-abolitionist Janie Chu.
- $25+ backers get a free digital download of Janie Chu's entire album (on which Dear John appears), The Human Condition + an early digital download of select songs from the album.
- $50+ backers also get an MP3 of justice poet and spoken word artist Jonathan Walton performing works related to human trafficking.
Other Ways You Can Help
Can't give money? That's ok! You may not cash but you have a voice. We appreciate you spreading the news to your networks. Here's how you can help:
No matter who you are or what you have to give, there's a way you can be part of the movement to end human trafficking. Get connected with Price of Life here.
World Vision and the World Vision logo are licensed trademarks of World Vision.
Marian Call photo - Brian Adams, http://baphotos.com.