Hey everyone, my name is Justin Carmical. I make import video game reviews online under the name JewWario. I'm here to let you know about a project that I have in the works coming up next year. It's a project that is separate from Channel Awesome and RetrowareTV, which are the two sites that post my videos, but it's one that I am very excited about and I want to get you excited about it too.
It's going to be a series that will be shown on every internet site I can muster and I really want to see it succeed BECAUSE... it's a tokusatsu series.
Now for those of you who don't know, “tokusatsu” means special effects and relates to live-action shows that have special effects in them. Kamen Rider, Ultraman, Godzilla, which is what this series will be. It's going to be a live action film and will star my homemade character the FamiKamen Rider.
This series will be separate from my regular series and will be a non-review show. It will focus on characters that I came up with... but there will be no gaming in it and no reviews. I'm going to try my very hardest to make it look as though you just turned on the telly and came across this show.
Now there are several others who have done tokusatsu sereis like this before and you might be saying, hey, JDub, why should I support you? THEY did it independently of asking for funds.
And you would be right. They did. But I am poor.
This series is something I think I can do and is a product that I believe in. Come this December I would have been doing video game reviews online for four years.
I have done two storyline episodes for my internet show You Can Play This and I liked the way they turned out on a budget of nothing. Other people liked them too... which is why I am diving in head-first to make this something special.
Each episode is going to be 12-15 minutes in length. Some episodes might be longer than that but that's the time that I'm aiming for each episode to be.
I have several people working on this project including myself. I will have the trickers who worked on the You Can Play This third year anniversary with me doing the fight choreography and stunts, I am looking for actors in the art colleges around town, and I have Featherweight helping with costume design and production.
I have several people working on scripts who are well versed in kamen rider shows and tokusatsu, as well as myself.
But, I am needing help funding production, accommodations, costuming, paying for shooting at places around the Colorado Springs area, and the like. And even though the people involved here were planning on not being paid I want to actually see if I can pay them for their time and hard work. And so, I am aiming for 8 thousand dollars for this project.
Now so you don't think that I am going to be wasting this on booze and hookers, I have included below a list of what I would be spending this money on. That way you KNOW what you're paying for. I want to be totally transparent on how I am spending the funds and will even have a separate blog that will show what I am using the funds for.
Now, if we should go over the target then I will be able to not only pay for a better quality DVD copy for purchase, and pay the actors who would normally be working for lunches, but I would be able to save it for any possible future project I do.
This is an ambitious series and I think I can do it. The scripts are tight and I cannot be more pleased with them. We have seven of the eleven scripts so far and I am looking forward to the final four in the upcoming months during this campaign.
I do have some incentives and perks that I hope will draw in some of you into supporting me here, and you can see them at the IndieGoGo link site below here... unless you're watching this on the indieGoGo site already in which you'll just look below and to the side.
DVDs, signed photos, credits in the film, and other special things. And for those who are excited and give generously, I have some VERY special 'thank you' perks for you all. I hope you will consider them.
After the campaign is over, I will be making orders for show costumes and making the filming schedule. Pending weather and school and work schedules of people, I would look to shoot this in November and December. Colorado weather has been irratic these past several years and I actually think we can get some good sunny days to film.
And this series will actually be filmed pretty quickly. With the episodes being short I think we can shoot it all within three weeks to a month. This is taking into account who will be needed for what shot and filming several episodes in one location in several days. I can already tell you that the stunt and fight scenes will need several back-to-back days to shoot.
Editing will take a month or two but I plan on putting them on the web in-order as soon as they are edited... meaning that I'd be looking at early February for the first episode with each subsequent episode airing every week afterwards for 11 weeks. I would like the DVD to be available soon afterwards.
Now with this coming closer to the holidays, I understand that not everyone can help out the incentives are for those who have the ability to do more but anything will help.
The best help besides supporting here is to support the series when it comes out. Watch it with your friends and family. Tell others. Post the links of the episodes onto toku fansites. Spreading the word and getting people to watch it are the best things you could do for this show because THAT determines what will happen AFTER the DVD comes out and what I will do next.
I always say that I have the BEST fans on TGWTG and I would like you all to show me that it's true. Thank you for your time, and here's to the FamiKamen Rider!
Thank you sincerely for your help.