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Festival Firenze Suona Contemporanea

Become part of a unique festival in Italy that merges contemporary art & music!

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Festival Firenze Suona Contemporanea

Festival Firenze Suona Contemporanea

Festival Firenze Suona Contemporanea

Festival Firenze Suona Contemporanea

Festival Firenze Suona Contemporanea

Become part of a unique festival in Italy that merges contemporary art & music!

Become part of a unique festival in Italy that merges contemporary art & music!

Become part of a unique festival in Italy that merges contemporary art & music!

Become part of a unique festival in Italy that merges contemporary art & music!

Andrea Cavallari
Andrea Cavallari
Andrea Cavallari
Andrea Cavallari
1 Campaign |
Florence, Italy
$2,545 USD 27 backers
10% of $25,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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  2. Choose if you want a perk and which one. Otherwise decide only the amount to donate
  3. Login through Facebook or type your e-mail address.
  4. Click the "Continue to payment" button and choose if you want to pay with credit card or pay pal.


  1. Clicca sul pulsante rosa "Contribute now" alla tua destra
  2. Scegli il tuo omaggio (perk), altrimenti  semplicemente decidi la somma da donare
  3. Loggati con Facebook o inserisci la tua e-mail
  4. Clicca sul bottone "Continue to payment"  e scegli se vuoi pagare con carta di credito o pay pal.

Firenze Suona Contemporanea "Aprire Venere"

Founded in 2008 by composer Andrea Cavallari - with 25 years of experience on  experimental and contemporary music - and co-directed since 2013 by Luisa Valeria Carpignano - pianist, composer and curator. FIRENZE SUONA CONTEMPORANEA was the first festival of its kind in Italy that presented an international repertoire of solely contemporary music.
In 2013 the festival decided to duplicate efforts and introduce visual arts to its project with the unique collaboration of Maria Gloria Conti Bicocchi - art critic and historical founder of Art/Tapes/22.
FSC began its news challenge: to create   a multidisciplinary event that concentrates experimental contemporary music with visual arts.

Fondata nel 2008 dal compositore Andrea Cavallari -  25 anni di esperienza nella musica sperimentale e co-diretto dal 2013 da Luisa Valeria Carpignano - pianista, compositrice e curatrice. FIRENZE SUONA CONTEMPORANEA è stato il primo festival di questo tipo in Italia a presentare un repertorio internazionale specializzato in musica contemporanea.
Nel 2013 il festival ha deciso di raddoppiare gli sforzi introducendo al suo progetto le arti visive con la preziosa collaborazione di Maria Gloria Conti Bicocchi - critica di storia dell'arte e fondatrice di Art/Tapes/22.
FSC ha iniziato le sue nuove sfide: creare un evento multidisciplinare che concentri musica contemporanea e arti visive.

The last edition of our festival saw an incredible success with the performance, for the first time in Florence, of South African artist William Kentridge and composer Philip Miller.

L'ultima edizione del nostro festival ha visto un incredibile successo con la performance, per la prima volta a Firenza, dell'artista Sud Africano William Kentridge e del compositore Philip Miller.

  • To preserve artistic inventiveness always on the highest levels

  • To engage emerging musicians, composers and artists.

  • To commission and to fund brand new productions that will debut in our Florentine festival.

ha tre principali obiettivi:
  • Preservare l'inventiva artistica al più alto livello

  • scovare musicisti, compositori ed artisti emergenti.

  • Commissionare e finanziare un brand di nuove produzioni che debutterà nel nostro Festival fiorentino.

Part of the 2015 program:

  • Philosopher and art historian Georges Didi-Huberman
  • Contemporary artist Jannis Kounellis with a specific on-site installation for Bargello Museum courtyard  that will be presented with a concert by Alter Ego Ensemble
  • Contemporary artist Alfredo Pirri will appropriate the cloister of the Novecento Museum to create an acoustic installation next to musician Alvin Curran.
  • Audio visual installation by IRCAM institute
  • And musicians: Kammeroper Frankfurt, the ensemble FLAME, the Nordic Voices, trio 7090, among others.
Parte del programma 2015:

  • il filosofo e storico dell'arte Georges Didi-Huberman
  • l'artista contemporaneo Jannis Kounellis con una sua installazione  specifica per il cortile interno del Museo del Bargello che sarà presentata con un concerto dell' Alter Ego Ensemble
  • l'artista contemporaneo Alfredo Pirri che si approprierà del chiostro del Museo Novecento per creare un installazione acustica insieme al musicista Alvin Curran.
  • un installazione audio visiva dell'istituto IRCAM
  • ed i musicisti: Kammeroper Frankfurt, l'ensemble FLAME, i Nordic Voices, trio 7090 e tanti altri.

    Contemporary means new, means fresh, means evolution!!

    What we need

    We are a NON-PROFIT organization, which means that all funding received goes straight to artists and musicians' fees, their productions as well as all expenses related to travel and lodging while visiting the festival. YOUR HELP will encourage the diffusion of contemporary culture among new generations.

    We need your donation to keep the festival alive!

    What You Get

    Each donation has a series of benefits like:

    • Complimentary tickets,

    • Name listed on our website among the festival patrons

    • YOUR Logo under "Our Network" page that redirects to your website.

    • DVD's and CD's

    • Posters signed by the artist

    Cosa Necessitiamo

    siamo un'organizzazione NON-PROFIT quindi tutti i  finanziamenti che riceviamo verranno interamente investiti negl' artisti e musicisti, nelle loro produzioni e nelle loro spese di alloggio durante il festival. IL TUO AIUTO servirà alla diffusione della cultura contemporanea fra le nuove generazioni.

    Abbiamo bisogno del tuo aiuto per mantere il festival in vita!

    Cosa Ricevi

    ogni donazione ti darà la possibilità di ricevere una serie di benefici:

    • Biglietti omaggio,

    • il tuo nome sul nostro sito internet nella pagina dedicata ai sostenitori

    • Il tuo logo sulla pagina "Our Network" che reindirizzerà al tuo sito.

    • DVD's and CD's

    • locandine autografate dall'artista

    Please share, share, and share!!!

    Per favore condividi, condividi, condividi!!!

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    Choose your Perk

    The baby FAN

    $20 USD
    2 free tickets + your name listed under the "Become a BIG fan" page of our website and shared on our social media
    4 claimed

    The FAN

    $50 USD
    4 free tickets + your name listed under the "Become a BIG fan" page of our website and shared on our social media + 1 festival's t-shirt
    2 claimed

    The BIG FAN

    $150 USD
    10 free tickets + your name listed under the "Become a BIG fan" page of our website and shared on our social media + CD with Jannis Kounellis performance + CD with Alfredo Pirri performance + festival poster + 3 festival's t-shirt
    0 out of 100 of claimed


    $300 USD
    unlimited entrances to all festival events for 2 + your name listed under the "Become a BIG fan" page of our website and shared on our social media + CD with Jannis Kounellis performance + CD with Alfredo Pirri performance + festival poster signed by artist + your company logo under "Our Network" page that will redirect to your website + 6 festival's t-shirt
    1 out of 50 of claimed


    $700 USD
    invite to private dinner with artists + unlimited entrances to all festival events for 5 + your name listed under the "Become a BIG fan" page of our website and shared on our social media + CD with Jannis Kounellis performance + CD with Alfredo Pirri performance + festival poster signed by artists + your company logo under "Our Network" page that will redirect to your website
    0 out of 25 of claimed
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