Lightercase was designed to provide users with the convenience of a smartphone case with multiple functionality so that mobile users have access to a lighter while on the go.
Lightercase works safely via a heated, metallic coil, just like a car lighter. When the protective Latch covering the coil is slid back and held for two seconds, the coil produces just under five watts of heat energy - enough to light one cigarette, but not damage the phone - then automatically shuts off within four seconds.
Though it's intended only for adults eighteen years and older, a latch guards the metallic coil and also keeps the lighter from activating while in your pocket or bag.
Lightercase can ignite up to five hundred cigarettes before needing one hour recharge. A built-in USB port provides easy recharge options, including your smartphone's power adapter, or a desktop or laptop computer.
When the case is being charged, there is a red light to indicate the charge, which also flashes when the case is fully charged.
The case also features a rear LED flashlight - handy if the phone's battery is dead, and light is required.
Sleek and durable polycarbonate plastic protects your phone from drops or bumps, and it just flexible enough for easy removal.
Lightercase's heat-insulating properties is being tested by MET Labs in Santa Clara, CA, a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) with approved to perform safety testing by the US federal agency Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Lightercase comes in four color combinations:
- Black with black metal accents
- Black with blue metal
- White with white metal
- White with pink metal
Lightercase models are designed for:
- iPhone 5 and 5S
- iPhone 4 and 4S
- Samsung Galaxy S3 and S4
- HTC One
Hello. My name is Jason Buzi and I'm the creator of Lightercase. I've been an entrepreneur for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, I used to sell cookies door to door. The only problem was I ate most of my profits :) Then, when I got a little older, I got a paper route. Getting up before 6 AM to deliver the papers was a challenge, to say the least. But my natural creativity and curiosity meant I was always coming up with ideas - for stories, businesses, and just new ways of doing things. Some things haven't changed. I've had a successful career in the mortgage and real estate business. One of the great things about it has been the time and freedom it has given me. I've used that to travel the world, and volunteer as well. I volunteered at a school in Gdansk, Poland and helped establish a library in Ghana, West Africa. I have tutored underprivileged children closer to home.
Last year, I decided it would be a nice idea to make a nice functional case. Just as I was brainstorming trying to come up with a neat idea, I noticed people kept asking me for "a light", wherever I went. I also noticed that I often need "a light" myself, but as a non-smoker, more of the flashlight kind. So I decided to build a smartphone case with a lighter and flashlight in one.
Prototyping was a process that took quite a bit of revision to get it right. The first cases were beautiful and worked well, but they had one big problem: They were much too hard to put on the phone and nearly impossible to remove. We had to make the plastic a little more flexible, while keeping the look, feel, and durability. We tinkered quite a bit with the switch to, concerned with making it both safe and easy to operate. We are happy to report that after months of trial and error and tinkering and testing, we have the perfect Lightercase. We even began working on an injection mold to mass produce them.
Now all we need is your support to complete the injection mold process and bring the Lightercase to the general public! With your enthusiastic contribution we may be able to get the Lightercases to you in time for the holidays!
The success of the Lightercase will also allow us to fund libraries in Africa such as the one I volunteered at in Ghana. So, pick a perk and feel good about it!
Lightercase is so simple. Watch a caveman use it: