
Food Lies Post

Food Lies Post

Food Lies Post

Food Lies Post

Food Lies Post

The sordid history of our dietary guidelines, what we should be eating, and how to do it sustainably

The sordid history of our dietary guidelines, what we should be eating, and how to do it sustainably

The sordid history of our dietary guidelines, what we should be eating, and how to do it sustainably

The sordid history of our dietary guidelines, what we should be eating, and how to do it sustainably

Brian Sanders
Brian Sanders
Brian Sanders
Brian Sanders
4 Campaigns |
Los Angeles, United States
$154,035 USD by 2,568 backers
$30,243 USD by 452 backers on Apr 2, 2019
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects
A documentary featuring the world’s leading scientists and nutrition experts, sharing the entire story on what we as humans are supposed to eat, why over the past 60 years dietary recommendations took a turn for the worse, and how you can be part of the solution.


Even though the campaign is over and it says we exceeded our goal, we still need additional funds for post production! We set the goal low so we would be sure to hit it but we need triple this amount to create quality product that the subject deserves.

We are personally matching all funds we raise with our own money. Post production is the most expensive part of making a film so please help us finish off the project with the full quality this film deserves. Thanks!


Hi Everyone,

I’m Brian Sanders, and I’m making a feature length documentary called Food Lies. It's the sordid history of our dietary guidelines, the epidemic of chronic disease and obesity that followed, what the new science is telling us humans should actually be eating, and how to eat that food sustainably.

“What should we eat?” There’s so much conflicting information out there, you can even find a website espousing the miracles of an all-twinkie diet. You spend money and willpower trying to make healthy decisions, but you just gain more weight. It seems hopeless

Misinformation and bad science has led us astray over the past 60 years. It wasn’t malicious; it wasn't a government conspiracy; we just got some things wrong. 'Eating fat makes you fat' seemed logical. Cholesterol in food and cholesterol in clogged arteries seemed like an obvious connection. 'Heart healthy grains' was repeated so many times by so many reputable organizations, we just accepted it as fact. The problem is, none of it’s true.

I’ve been a filmmaker since middle school. I’ve also built and sold a tech company, worked as a mechanical engineer, and now, I’ve quit my job to devote the rest of my life to this cause. I’ve researched every conflicting dietary approach and it’s all finally starting to make sense—even some of the vegan arguments. I’ve put this research into practice, and now, at age 35, I’m in the best shape of my life. My vitals and blood work are flawless and I haven’t been sick in 3 years. The same goes for countless family, friends, and millions around the world.

We’re so close to finishing this film, but we need your support. With your contributions, we can shoot the remainder of the documentary, complete post-production, and inform the public about this crucial issue. Please pre-order a copy of the film and check out our great rewards. Thank you for your support.




The Story

This film will cover much more than what's depicted in the trailer. Highlights will include:

  • How we misunderstood nutrition and spread the wrong information
  • The resulting epidemic of chronic disease and obesity
  • Lies, myths, and propaganda
  • What humans are supposed to eat
  • The unifying theory of nutrition
  • Tons of graphics to explain things easily
  • How to source these foods both ethically and sustainably
  • Multiple narrative storylines 
  • And a lot more!


This film will be handy for:

  • Someone who’s confused by continuously conflicting headlines on what’s supposedly healthy.
  • Your vegan coworker who not-so-subtly accuses you of killing yourself and the planet every time you have meat for lunch.
  • Someone with chronic disease or family history of one and wants to learn how diet can help treat, prevent, or reverse it.
  • Your aunt who doesn't know anything about nutrition and wants a tight 90-minute audio-visual presentation of all the info.
  • You to send to someone as a recap of everything you’ve been trying to tell them for the past 3 years.
  • Someone who lost their roommate—and their roommate’s Netflix subscription—so they have nothing to watch.
  • Sharp people who already know this stuff, eat this way, and want to expand their knowledge base.


Find out more about the film at  <-----


Our Status

We've already shot most of the film!

We won't accept money from any outside interests, food companies, or organizations. We aren't even accepting money from traditional production companies. We know they will take some creative control and influence the final product.

In other words, we're doing this all on our own—and with the help of generous contributors like you!

We still need your support to finish post-production and shoot the remaining little pieces.

We filmed with Gary Taubes when he was visiting Santa Monica. We also shot with Dr. Ted Naiman and Denise Minger in Seattle. Everyone has been so amazingly generous with their time and resources!

Above is the "Meeting of the Minds" with Gary Taubes, Prof. Tim Noakes, Nina Teicholz, and Dom D'Agostino.



The simple answer is - this is my life.

I've truly gone all-in on this "movement." I've left the world of well-paying, stable jobs behind, and jumped into this fully. I'm excited where it's going to take me.

I also live by these principles and have achieved optimum health. I recently got a full physical and cholesterol panel and am (in the doctor's words) "in perfect health." My cholesterol and other markers show I am totally free of all indicators of heart disease, diabetes, or any metabolic disease.


I also am the host of the Peak Human Podcast which so far has 27 episodes with the top minds in nutrition, health, the environment, and human evolution. 


To me, this is more than just a film, this is my life's work. I've committed to continue on after the film is completed to contribute to the health of our world in areas such as:

- working with doctors to create health plans that prevent and reverse chronic disease instead of just masking the symptoms

- reduce our reliance on industrial agriculture

- continuing to research, promote, and support accurate, unbiased information on health


Our Team


Brian Sanders


You’ve heard enough about me by now.


Yaniv Fituci


Yaniv studied Media Arts at the University of Arizona and co-founded Attack Media with Kevin Pereira. He is producing the Food Lies film and handles all business & operations at SAPIEN.


Jay Hanamura

Director of Photography

Jay is a Director/Writer/DP/Editor living in Honolulu. Having recently been awarded with Hawaii’s Young Ad Person of the Year Award, Jay’s mother feels compelled more than ever to tell strangers that her son is a prodigy.

When not referring to himself in the third person or impressing people with his humbling humility, he can be found surfing, hiking, cooking meat/veggies, traveling, and pulling all-nighters to make brands come to life.


Peter Estermann


Peter is a Screenwriter and Copywriter who has worked for some of the most prestigious advertising agencies in Los Angeles, New York, and Seattle. In his spare time, he reads books on nutrition, evolution, and psychology and attempts to engage in civil online debates, which he always regrets.

Although Peter loves espousing the benefits of ancestral diets, his wallet loves the low demand for organ meats, and he's felt conflicted about this project from the start.


We couldn't have a more dedicated team - each one of us is so passionate about spreading the correct information about nutrition. We live and breath this daily!


Above we see Brian, Jay, and Peter in Hawaii where they grew up together and on a recent trip to Tokyo. Side note: instead of encountering a bunch of rice and noodles in Japan, we found a huge focus on fatty meat, seafood, and vegetables.


We need you to finish the film! So far we've squeezed by on our personal dime. I've basically gone broke making this film. I believe in it so much, I'm ok with this. We do need your help to finish it, however. We still have to:

  • Editing & graphics - we want this to look great
  • Animation
  • Sound & color
  • All other post production costs
  • Legal costs


We have so many great rewards we're offering in exchange for your support!


Copy of the Film

Pre-ordering a copy of the film is the easiest way to support it's creation. You'll be the first to receive a digital download in high quality 4K.


Copy of the Film w/ Extra Features

You'll get the film along with the bonus and behind the scenes content. We have so much content already, there's no way it can all make the final cut. This exclusive content will not be available elsewhere.


Private Slack Group

Anyone contributing $50 or more will receive an invite to the private Food Lies Slack group where you can interact with fellow supporters and the filmmakers. Special content will be released there as the film is being made. 

What is Slack?


Signed Movie Poster

Receive a high quality print of the official movie poster signed by Brian. Printed on semi-gloss paper at 18" x 24". 


Real Foods Limited Edition Coin

This coin symbolizes your commitment to a "Sapien Diet" - one which focuses on nutrient density, embraces healthy fats, and is free of sugar, refined grains, and vegetable/seed oils.

Sapien Victus - Human Nourishment. What Homo Sapiens are meant to eat. Victus means sustenance, nourishment, means of living, food.

Cibus Est Medicina - Food is Medicine. Our ancestors knew this - it's sad that we ever forgot this.

This unique coin will never be sold outside of this crowdfunding campaign. Get this limited edition collector’s item today!


Butcher Box

The kind people at Butcher Box are supporting us in creating this film. They are offering discounts on their grass-fed meat delivery service. It’s one of the best and most affordable ways for anyone to get the healthiest meat possible. Now that we know meat is good for our health, let’s get the good stuff!


Lunch with the Filmmaker

This goes a step beyond just a phone call - let’s meet in person! Let’s schedule an extended lunch in the LA area and discuss anything and everything to do with nutrition and the film. I can’t wait to meet and hear from you!


Dinner and Special Credit in Film

Have dinner with Brian in Los Angeles and talk his ear off about what you'd like to see in the film. We'll highlight you as a top contributor in the credits.


If you are unable to contribute monetarily, you still can help! Please help us spread the word. Post about us on social media. Email your family and friends. Text your cousin. Talk about it with your barista. Do whatever you can to let people know they can be part of a very important film that changes the way we think about health and nutrition.

Follow our journey and get a bunch of super fun info along the way:





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$10 USD
Estimated Shipping
Original: March 2019
Current: December 2024
137 claimed

Digital Copy of Film

$30 USD
Estimated Shipping
Original: July 2019
Current: December 2024
1141 claimed
Eat Meat shirt

Eat Meat shirt

$45 USD $55 USD (18% off)
Estimated Shipping
Original: May 2019
Current: December 2024
293 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Special Features

Special Features

$50 USD
Estimated Shipping
Original: July 2019
Current: December 2024
435 claimed


$100 USD
Estimated Shipping
Original: July 2021
Current: December 2024
50 claimed

Dinner + Special Credit

$1,000 USD
Estimated Shipping
Original: April 2019
Current: December 2024
Only 1 left

Assistant Producer

$3,000 USD
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2023
Current: December 2024
2 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

$50 off Butcher Box special

$69 USD $100 USD (31% off)
Estimated Shipping
Original: May 2019
Current: December 2019
40 out of 40 of claimed
sold out

Early bird Digital Copy

$25 USD $30 USD (16% off)
Estimated Shipping
Original: July 2019
Current: July 2021
100 out of 100 of claimed
sold out

Last call special Copy of Film

$25 USD $30 USD (16% off)
Estimated Shipping
August 2019
100 out of 100 of claimed
$50 off Butcher Box
sold out

$50 off Butcher Box

$65 USD $100 USD (35% off)
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
20 out of 20 of claimed
Real Foods Coin
sold out

Real Foods Coin

$70 USD $80 USD (12% off)
Estimated Shipping
Original: May 2019
Current: December 2020
25 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$50 off Butcher Box
sold out

$50 off Butcher Box

$75 USD
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
20 out of 20 of claimed
sold out

Poster, Shirt & Special Feat.

$115 USD $155 USD (25% off)
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
10 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
FREE Butcher Box + Film
sold out

FREE Butcher Box + Film

$160 USD $200 USD (20% off)
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
1 out of 1 of claimed
FREE Butcher Box + Film
sold out

FREE Butcher Box + Film

$160 USD $200 USD (20% off)
Estimated Shipping
April 2019
10 out of 10 of claimed
sold out

Lunch w/ Filmmaker

$500 USD
Estimated Shipping
Original: April 2019
Current: December 2024
10 out of 10 of claimed
sold out

Assistant Producer

$3,000 USD
Estimated Shipping
Original: May 2019
Current: January 2023
5 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

Assistant Producer

$3,000 USD
Estimated Shipping
Original: April 2019
Current: July 2021
2 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Assistant Producer

$3,000 USD
Estimated Shipping
Original: December 2019
Current: July 2021
3 out of 3 of claimed
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