Thank You for taking this time to visit the fundraising request.
My name is Ken McDonald (Kendomacaroonbar) and I am a passionate supporter of Scottish Independence as well as the excellent and innovative website Wings over Scotland.
The owner of the WoS website very kindly allows me to use his intellectual property rights at no cost, enabling me to use his design and digital content to make high quality promotional material. Much of this material is sold to generous individuals, and an even larger amount is given away as promotional material at events throughout the country.
What We Need & What You Get
You will see the items available for sale below.
Your funding covers the cost of the manufacture, packaging, labelling, taping and posting of the items.
Surplus funds enables the design and manufacture of promotional video material similar to the Friends of WoS advert on the main landing page of this fundraiser.
That's what I'm hoping to achieve.
In return for helping generate surplus funds to make more promo material, you will have access to very high quality, and limited edition keepsakes; momentoes of this unique referendum opportunity.
Thank you,
Yours Aye