My. Name is avis obrien, my traditional name is Nalaga. I come from the Haida and Kwakwakw'wakw peoples of the Northwest coast.
Physically, emotionally and spiritually i dedicate my days to ensuring that my culture is preserved.
In order to continue on my path of cultural preservation I am in need of your support to ensure that my culture continues to uplift, empower and heal my people.
Due to colonization, residential schools and assimilation , the Cultural knowledge and tradition was lost for the women in my family for 4 generations. I grew up disconnected from my culture and carried a lot of shame for who i was and where I came from. I had no desire to take part in my culture.
5 years ago my sister brought the cultural knowledge of weaving back into my family and shared this knowledge with me. I felt my spirit come alive. it was as though my ancestors had been waiting for me to start practicing this art form. This was the beginning of my journey out of shame and into empowerment , excitement and pride for who I am and where I come from.
I am an artist apprenticing with master Haida carver jay Simeon learning the foundations of Haida art. I just completed my first project with him, this drum. This drum is very important to me because it is the story of my family. It represents where I come from. I want to get prints of this frog made so I can share my culture with the world.
My goal is to raise $7000 so I can get limited edition photo etched prints made of this frog design. This project is so costly because the prints are all photo etched by hand by Peter Braune.
If you donate 25$ you will recieve 2 greetings cards with this frog printed on it.
If you donates $300 you will receive a limited edition photo etched print of this frog
If you donate $1000 I will come to you within a 100 km radius and give a cedar bark weaving workshop for up to 10 people. I will share the spiritual and cultural teachings of cedar bark weaving as well as all of the materials
My culture had almost been wiped out due to colonization. my people were imprisoned for practicing our culture, but the culture did not die. It is now my responsibility to ensure that my culture is perserved
I hope you find it in your heart to support my project and help me to materialize my vision
If you just can’t contribute financially you can contribuite by getting the word about my campaign. And dont forget to use the Indiegogo share tools!
Howa'a for taking the time to listen to my campaign