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Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action

Activists - We hear you. Protesters - We are you. You have power. You can speak your mind at the New York Times!


Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action

Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action

Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action

Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action

Full Page Ad for Turkish Democracy in Action

Activists - We hear you. Protesters - We are you. You have power. You can speak your mind at the New York Times!

Activists - We hear you. Protesters - We are you. You have power. You can speak your mind at the New York Times!

Activists - We hear you. Protesters - We are you. You have power. You can speak your mind at the New York Times!

Activists - We hear you. Protesters - We are you. You have power. You can speak your mind at the New York Times!

Murat Aktihanoglu
Murat Aktihanoglu
Murat Aktihanoglu
Murat Aktihanoglu
1 Campaign |
New York, United States
$108,371 USD 2,653 backers
201% of $53,800 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal



Dropbox links are currently down, see:


All assets are open-source, please feel free to translate, print, distribute.

LEFTOVER FUNDS: FINAL REFERENDUM RESULTS: 83% Agree, 10% Undecided, and 7% Disagree. 

The campaign is officially over. We will make periodic announcements especially as the funds get utilized per the overall guidelines (but with modifications per the comments received especially from the minority "disagree" voters." Please keep in touch with us demokratikproje [at] gmail . com. AND THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for making this the fastest crowdfunded political campaign!

  • Form a global coordination team of 10 experts, and provide a yearlong stipend/honorarium for their expenses in the amount of 200 TL each for a total of $12,000.
  • -> This goal was achieved through the forming of GB ( as a nonprofit in the US. Startup costs such as legal, corporate fees, etc. were covered.
  • Using advertorials on a variety of Internet platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. reach at least 1 million undecided voters and inform them (50-100k direct reach at $0.2-$0.4 each) for a total of $21,000.
  • -> This goal was achieved through various online/offline campaigns and events. Please see for the events. We also gave a $10,000 non-recourse grant to 
  • Reserve $12,000 for the technical cross platform needs of the internet platforms such as security, hosting, etc.
  • ->This goal was achieved through developing, and GB's magazine (dergi). 
None of your donations went to any of the various expenses of any of the organizers they incurred during their volunteerism. They have all paid their own travel and other miscellaneous expenses on top of the countless volunteer hours they spent.

Text of the NYT AD created through deliberative democracy by you:

What is Happening in Turkey? 

People of Turkey have spoken: We will not be oppressed!

Millions are outraged by the violent reaction of their government to a peaceful protest aimed at saving Istanbul’s Gezi Park.

Outraged, yet not surprised.

Over the course of Prime Minister ErdoÄŸan’s ten-year term, we have witnessed a steady erosion of our civil rights and freedoms. Arrests of numerous journalists, artists, and elected officials and restrictions on freedom of speech, minorities’ and women’s rights all demonstrate that the ruling party is not serious about democracy. 

Time and again, the Prime Minister has mocked and trivialized his nation’s concerns while Turkey’s own media have remained shamefully silent. 

The people protesting bravely throughout Turkey are ordinary citizens. We span several generations and represent a spectrum of ethnic, religious, socioeconomic, ideological, sexual, and gender identities. We stand united because of our concern for Turkey’s future. Our future.

We demand an end to police brutality. 
We demand a free media. 
We demand open democratic dialogue between citizens and those elected to public service, not the dictates of special interests.
We demand an investigation of the government’s recent abuse of power, which has led to the loss of innocent lives. 

Join the conversation and stand with us in solidarity. 

Crowdfunded Entirely by Concerned Individuals from Around the World

Many thanks to everyone for donating and all of the highly qualified professionals who have helped make this campaign possible by contributing their time and skills.

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