This campaign is closed

Fund Our Station For 2014

We are reaching out to you our fans, friends, and family to help us fund the station for 2014. We appreciate your continued support of our podcasts and shows.

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Fund Our Station For 2014

Fund Our Station For 2014

Fund Our Station For 2014

Fund Our Station For 2014

Fund Our Station For 2014

We are reaching out to you our fans, friends, and family to help us fund the station for 2014. We appreciate your continued support of our podcasts and shows.

We are reaching out to you our fans, friends, and family to help us fund the station for 2014. We appreciate your continued support of our podcasts and shows.

We are reaching out to you our fans, friends, and family to help us fund the station for 2014. We appreciate your continued support of our podcasts and shows.

We are reaching out to you our fans, friends, and family to help us fund the station for 2014. We appreciate your continued support of our podcasts and shows.

Jamal Smith
Jamal Smith
Jamal Smith
Jamal Smith
4 Campaigns |
Baltimore, United States
$119 USD 4 backers
7% of $1,500 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

Who is V V C

We are a small internet radio station located in Baltimore MD, that has been blessed to broadcast for 8 years come April 2014. We produce live radio shows and podcasts to entertain and expose our listeners to great music, news, and events happening worldwide. 

We invest a great deal of money over the years obtaining equipment and online services to help us create the content you guys enjoy. We also spend alot of money producing the shows. No complaints, we love doing this for you guys! We consider it an honor to have you guys press play, log on, chat, and comment like ya'll do. However things are really tight. Here are 4 reasons why:

1) Online service prices are going up

2) We have to move our studio (by March we can handle this)

3) Our individual finances are tight

4) The station hasn't been generating enough income on it's own

This leaves us in a position where we need to reach out to you guys to help us keep what we do alive. Help us to continue to provide great radio for your entertainment.

If we can reach our goal we will be able to broadcast the entire year with no interruptions, put more money into the shows to make them better. We can also start to slowly expand to create more original content.

What We Need & What You Get

What we need:

1) We want to pay for our Soundcloud Premium Service

2) Pay for Our Ning Hosting

3) Pay for Our Streaming Services for VVCRadio & Black Comedy Radio

4) Pay for Our Url's & Cloud Hosting

5) Pay for Our Skye Services

These are all the services we use daily to keep the station online. Knocking these out for an entire year would not only help us grow faster, but also allow us to focus on producing better shows and develop a better home website for VVCRadio.

What you get:

If we reach our goals the following is guaranteed: 

1) All our Anchor shows will broadcast on time every week for the entire year.(With 1 month Break) 

2) Hip Hop Mixtape Reviews weekly

3) R&B Reviews weekly (No more breaks in releases this year if funded)

4) Great Podcasts like Recap News, Scandal Podcast and much more!!

5) Great giveaways For our high level contributors 

Other Ways You Can Help

Some of ya'll just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:

  • Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
  • Remind them to use the Indiegogo share tools!
  • Donate your twitter & Facebook Account to our campaign by going to

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Silver Pledgee

$25 USD
You are a true supporter of our cause and we will include your name on our sponsors page on VVCRadio. We will be shouting you out on your favorite show and will receive a thank you letter in the mail.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

Gold Pledgee

$50 USD
You are a dedicated suporter of VVCRadio and we will not only give you everything from Silver level, but we will also call you live on Air to thank you for your support.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

Sponsor a Segment

$60 USD
Maybe you can't sponsor the whole show or the whole station. Maybe you just want to make sure your favorite segment is being done every week on VVCRadio! Well if you select this option you can sponsor a segment on anyone of our shows on This means we Shout out your product or company as the sponsor for this segment during every show of 2014. Plus a banner ad on
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 16 of claimed

Sponsor a Segment

$60 USD
Have your company, product, or just you associated and shouted out with 1 of your favorite show segments on You will be the official Segment sponsor for the entire 2014. We will also put up a banner ad on
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 16 of claimed

Executive Producer

$75 USD
Become an Executive Producer of any one of our great shows on VVCRadio!! You will receive a special VVCRadio Producer hat, shoutout on every show for the entire year and everything from the Silver & Gold Pledge Level
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

Sponsor Recap News

$100 USD
Your Business or product will Sponsor For Recap News for the entire year! You will receive the following: 1) "Co Branding" your company or product will be mentioned along side Recap News for every show of 2014, event, and all marketing for show. 2) 30 second audio ad will be created 3) 30 second audio ad played twice per show. 3) 30 second audio ad will be played 6 times per day on VVCRadio stream & Black Comedy Radio 4) banner ad on the front page of VVCRadio.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed

Sponsor For Movies In Review

$200 USD
Business or product will Sponsor Movies In Review for the entire year! You will receive the following: 1) "Co Branding" your company or product will be mentioned along side MIR for every show of 2014, event, and all marketing for show. 2) 30 second audio ad will be created 3) 30 second audio ad played twice per show. 3) 30 second audio ad will be played 6 times per day on VVCRadiostream & Black Comedy Radio 4) banner ad on the front page of VVCRadio.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed

Sponsor of Aries Lounge

$300 USD
Business or product will be the Sponsor For Aries Lounge Radio for the entire year! You will receive the following: 1) "Co Branding" your company or product along side ALR for every show of 2014, event, and all marketing for show. 2) 30 second audio ad will be created 3) 30 second audio ad played twice per show. 3) 30 second audio ad will be played 6 times per day on VVCRadio stream & Black Comedy Radio 4) banner ad on the front page of VVCRadio.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed

Sponsor Mixtape Reviews

$300 USD
Your Business or product will Sponsor For Mixtape Reviews for the entire year! You will receive the following: 1) "Co Branding" your company or product will be mentioned along side HHMR for every show of 2014, event, and all marketing for show. 2) 30 second audio ad will be created 3) 30 second audio ad played twice per show. 3) 30 second audio ad will be played 6 times per day on VVCRadio stream & Black Comedy Radio 4) banner ad on the front page of VVCRadio.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed

Official Station Sponsor

$500 USD
Your Business or product will Sponsor VVCRadio for the entire year! You will receive the following: 1) "Co Branding" your company or product will be mentioned along side VVCRadio for every show of 2014, event, and all marketing for station. 2) 30 second audio ad will be created 3) 30 second audio ad played once on all shows & Podcasts. 3) 30 second audio ad will be played 8 times per day on VVCRadio stream & Black Comedy Radio. 4) banner ad on the front page of VVCRadio.
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed
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