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Fundraiser for Casa Marianella in ATX

The Liberal Arts Council at UT Austin has taken the initiative to fundraise for Casa Marianella, a local shelter for recently arrived immigrants to the states.

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Fundraiser for Casa Marianella in ATX

Fundraiser for Casa Marianella in ATX

Fundraiser for Casa Marianella in ATX

Fundraiser for Casa Marianella in ATX

Fundraiser for Casa Marianella in ATX

The Liberal Arts Council at UT Austin has taken the initiative to fundraise for Casa Marianella, a local shelter for recently arrived immigrants to the states.

The Liberal Arts Council at UT Austin has taken the initiative to fundraise for Casa Marianella, a local shelter for recently arrived immigrants to the states.

The Liberal Arts Council at UT Austin has taken the initiative to fundraise for Casa Marianella, a local shelter for recently arrived immigrants to the states.

The Liberal Arts Council at UT Austin has taken the initiative to fundraise for Casa Marianella, a local shelter for recently arrived immigrants to the states.

Stephanie D. Piña
Stephanie D. Piña
Stephanie D. Piña
Stephanie D. Piña
1 Campaign |
Austin, United States
$245 USD 6 backers
4% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

Hi, my name is Stephanie Piña, I am a chair member of The Liberal Arts Council at The University of Texas at Austin. I am a third year Government and International Relations student. Below is our proposition and our goal.

The Liberal Arts Council, the official student voice of the Liberal Arts students at the University of Texas at Austin, has pledged efforts for the Spring 2013 semester to raising money for a local Austin charity. The charity we have chosen is Casa Marianella, and emergency sherlter for recent adult immigratns to the United States. Casa provides housing and food for up to 35 immigrants, English classes, and a shelter for women and children escaping violent situations, among others. This charity is very worthy and in need of your support so that the Austin area may provide more support for recent immigrants, helping them acess resources and education. Casa Marianella's website is:

This year, my committee, Campus and Community Focus, along with our council (LAC) has decided to take on the philantrophic initiative of fundraising for a local charity in Austin, TX. As a council we voted and decided it would be of most fitting to fundraise for Casa Marianella. Casa Marianella is an emergency homeless shelter that has served recently-arrived men and women immigrants, seekers for asylum for over 26 years in the East Austin area. This organization means much for Liberal Arts Council. We have faculty who serve on their board, we have members who have volunteered for Casa Marianella, and we really value and appreciate the work Casa has done for the Austin community. 

Raising this amount of money won't only help Casa Marianella, but it will also silence our challengers. Besides challenging ourselves to raise $5,000 we have a few Council members who have challenged my committee by proposing to shave their heads, go complete bald if my council, succeeds in funding this amount of money. These individuals are three council members who decided to make our initiative a bit interesting and we simply cannot lose, the satisfaction from seeing them go bald will be pretty amazing to all of council. But more so, because we were able to cross the finish line, reach our goal, and prove the skeptics wrong. We need your help! 

What We Need & What You Get

Our goal is to raise $5,000. This money will be fully donated to Casa Marianella. We wish to have this amount by the end of the school semester where we will then introduce Casa Marianella with a big fat check that will help them provide the individuals they aid with food, blankets, extra clothing, shoes, and for all other miscellaneous activities for which they need funding.

The Impact

This project is valuable to council in so many different ways and its extremely valuable to me and those who have volunteered in the past and those who have worked for Casa Marianella. It's near to our hearts and we would appreciate any dollar to be donated to us.

I can be reached at if you are interested in helping us in any other way.

Other Ways You Can Help

We kindly ask you let your friends and family members know what the Liberal Arts Council is doing to help Casa Marianella. Any amount of monetary donation would be much appreciated. If you are unable to donate through our online platform and would prefer to submit a check, please contact us at
Casa Marianella also accepts donatins of cloting and househols items, which can be dropped off at their location:
821 Gunter St.
Austin, TX 78702

Thank you for your time!

Hook 'Em!

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