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Furie, ArcanePunk Antica Skirmish Game

Furie is a hight speed miniature skirmish game in an awesome "fantasyverse". Play different and lead your patrols to victory!!!

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Furie, ArcanePunk Antica Skirmish Game

Furie, ArcanePunk Antica Skirmish Game

Furie, ArcanePunk Antica Skirmish Game

Furie, ArcanePunk Antica Skirmish Game

Furie, ArcanePunk Antica Skirmish Game

Furie is a hight speed miniature skirmish game in an awesome "fantasyverse". Play different and lead your patrols to victory!!!

Furie is a hight speed miniature skirmish game in an awesome "fantasyverse". Play different and lead your patrols to victory!!!

Furie is a hight speed miniature skirmish game in an awesome "fantasyverse". Play different and lead your patrols to victory!!!

Furie is a hight speed miniature skirmish game in an awesome "fantasyverse". Play different and lead your patrols to victory!!!

Furie The-Game
Furie The-Game
Furie The-Game
Furie The-Game
1 Campaign |
Gradignan, France
$3,676 USD $3,676 USD 57 backers
136% of $2,693 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

Thank you to Forja y Desvan TV for the Video! 

Main artwork by Nicolas Siner (

Et comme Furie c’est à la base des joueurs Francophones, la version VF de la page est disponible ici : Indiegogo en VF

The Pictures of miniatures and Previews below

About Furie and Whispe Editions

Furie : A powerful, fast and lethal skirmish game, in an ancient arcanepunk universe... where each faction is defined by its psychology as well as by its powers, giving a unique « touch » to the different populations on the battlefield.

At the heart of a continent dominated by an orcish Empire on the decline, endless Dwarf caravans flee the return of powerful Yetis, servants of the god of winter, Ygmir, battles rages !!!

Will you decide to join the expansionary Goblin Soviet Republic, who according to the wisest men could soon become the greatest power of the continent ? Will you be a preacher of the usurpers Gods from the stars in the heart of the Kingdom of Esialdes ? Will you contribute to spread the madness of the elfic hordes on the continent ?

And many other amazing populations !!!

The author : Hello, I'm Jerome Labadie, passionate painter of figurines and player since long years.

Eager to bring some innovations in the world of the skirmish game, i've decided two years ago to create my game in order to regain the pleasure of playing the "common" races of the fantasy worlds on a small format. Like many of you I do not always have time to align hundreds of figurines on huge tables. I was missing a game for this, in order to preside with dignity to the sides of my futuristic and post-apo confreres... This game has to be Furie.

The tests and the development of Furie were conducted from the perspective of a lethal, fast, fun and little invading game, whether it be of time or space. Being also a passioned player of RPG and Video games, I inspired myself of the best principles of the both to create Furie. Eager to see again Orcs, Elves, Goblins and other Dwarves on the tables of skirmishes players, I worked the personality, design and gameplay of each races of Eseltraia, with a new approach to distinguish them from their more traditional counterparts... Furie was born.

In December 2012, I created Whispe Editions in order to materialise this idea and to bring you Furie. This game is inspired by the classics and renews the kind. It will be supported by a consistent range of products, with an "interactive" world, and dedicated to evolve with the shares of its community.

Indeed, over time the tournaments results and parties reports will affect the timeline of the universe of the game (Will Ygmir be freed ? Will the GSSR become a major power of the continent? Will the Esialdesiens manage to carry the word of the Gods within the human colonies of the Empire of Azerkelar ?), it is YOU who will influence all that !

Rules and army lists are free and in open access, allowing everyone to enjoy the game on the medium of their choice (tablet computer or paper) and avoiding to invest in too many books.

The game is played with some D10 on a table from 60 * 60 cm for 150 points of patrols to 60 * 120 cm for larger formats, with factions ranging from 4 to 12 figurines according to the chosen army...

Once mastered, the play is fast, a game last between 30 minutes and 1 hour for a 120 to 150 basis points... 6 scenarios are already online, and will be regularly followed by others. For Furie, I opted for short rules (the small formats don't require hundreds of pages of rules) but full of subtleties and parameters that make tactical and gameplay of each faction and each figurine unique.

Leaving somewhat the intuitive side and tending towards oversimplification of many games, I preferred the analysis and adaptation factors .

In fact, you can easily know the combinations figurines/fighting stances to use against various enemy units in order to impact them with the most effectiveness .

The special feature of the game lies in the "Fury", a bit like in video games. Some "officers" of combatant type have the capacity, while having accumulated enough Fury's points, of launching a fighting technique that can turn the course of a game if it's well managed. The rules are currently available in French and are being translated into English !

With Furie, play differently !

Why this Indiegogo ?

Develop a figurines game results in substantial costs, whether it be for sculpture, molding, illustration or communication.
In order to provide to the peoples of Eseltraia the chance to live one day, I need your help. Indeed, if these costs are easy to cover by large companies with substantial financial support, the emerging businesses, wishing to provide its players with a maximum of free content and quality molding parts, need the help of the impassioned !

Whispe Editions has a lot of ideas, dreams and projects, for figurines, role-playing games or wargames (trays). Fury is the first stone of a building which I hope will grow with and for his players. Each of your contributions will be a great help for the construction of this building...

What will be developed with this indiegogo ?

The purpose of this indiegogo is to finance and support the sculpture and the molding of Goblins, Yetis, Elves as well as many mercenaries and special figurines. In addition, I intend to bind this one to a large painting competition and, in the longer term to a campaign that will allow to write the fate of Eseltraia. Each battle report will be taken into account and according to the results of each faction (with the proportion players/results) the geopolitical balance of the world can switch at any time !

How will take place the campaign ?

The campaign will consist of two phases, presentation and teasing phase, on facebook :, on the Forum :, and especially on our new website :

I invite you to share this campaign to a maximum of people in order to make this indiegogo a success...

Then, once the campaign is launched, and according to its evolution, numerous stretch goals will be announced and, if the objectives are achieved, unlocked. The campaign's goal is to make you access Furie's figurines at more attractive prices and give you access to unique and surprising exclusivenesses.

Once the funds raised we will initiate or conclude the necessary productions, and you will be contacted to confirm your contact details in order to send you your figurines in the course of the next winter.

Once that everyone has received its figurines, the Furie painting competition will be launched on internet, with a prize depending on the level of financing reached !!!

In addition, each figurine proposed in the indiegogo can be individually added to your pledges to the cost indicated in the list below.

How can you tell us what you want ?

Once your subscription registered, indicate in the comment the chosen figurines. If goodies and stretchs goals are reached, you can simply add your choice in the comments. The requested goods will be delivered before the end of the first quarter 2014.

And you can change your choice until the announcement of sending orders by contacting us !

In addition, each figurine proposed in the indiegogo can be individually added to your pledges to the cost indicated in the list below.

Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help:

  • Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign.
  • Remind them to use the Indiegogo share tools!

And that’s all there is to it.

What this Indiegogo propose you:

Don't forget to Add Shipping participation: 5 Euros for France, 7 Euros for International Shipping!

Every Mini is provided with a Square base that is used for gaming.

Starters and Complements:

Individual Prices : 9 euros By Mini (Number 11 is a one man Army!!!)

Those Miniatures are going to be limited édition based on the number of order we gonna have, I make cast by Series of 30 (for exemple if 10 of this guys are ordered , they gonna be casted on 30 exemplars)... If there is an overage, it will be only available on shows and tournament!!!)

Vixens: 9 euros by Vixens Individually.

Death Bearer 9 euros; Sister of carnage (by 2) : 12 euros ; Idriel: 9 euros; Archer: 7 euros

Defenders of Equality (by 2):11 euros ; Commissar Motan: 9 euros; Soldier Of GSSR (by 2) : 11 euros

Yetis (48/50 mm can Also be Used as Big Guy for fantasy football team ): 12 euros by Yéti.

Caravan Guards (by 2):11 euros; Hiren-Akar:9 euros ; Knife throwers (by2):11 euros

Empire's soldier:12 euros; Hagrad:9.50 euros ; Phénix Order Paladin: 10 euros

Nomadic Hunter:9 euros ; Esialdes Pharaon Soldiers (by 2):12 euros ; Archasis: 9 euros

Esialdes Slaves:10 euros ; Scorpion Guard 10 euros; Sun Warriors:10 euros

Orc Gladiator:10 euros; Praetorian of the Empire: 11 euros; Conscripts (by 2): 12 euros

The Miniatures will be sent as soon as received and we gonna make our possible to send it before during the fist Quarter of 2014...

I'm here to answer about every question you could have to ask!

Thanks to Everyone and, follow the pledge announcement as soon as the goal reached... You gonna be really surprised!!!

Xandra; The frightful Pirate Roberto; The Invincible Goldwarf, Fobba Bett... and a lot of mercenaries will join the battle if you're with us!!!

It's Time to reveal the first stretch goals to obtain:

Opening the Goals

3000 euros

Xandra , The Old Warrior Princess!!!

(Concept By Louis and Colored by Sebastien Lamirand

5000 Euros: Intermediary Goal: 200% Special

Concepts of the 200% Special Intermerdiary Goal are here (Artworks by Josselin Fosset )

The Frightfull Pirate Robeto, Fiz the Strong , "Cunning" Vezi 

8000 euros:

Fobba Bett

13000 euros,

The Traveller:

The Goblerine 18000 Euros Stretch Goal:

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


Full Collec' Special!

Currency Conversion $183 USD
€170 EUR
9 choosen Starters or Complements All the special Indiegogo miniatures and all the reached stretch goals. Free Shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
4 out of 8 of claimed

Generous funder

Currency Conversion $1 USD
€1 EUR
Your named will be added on the hall of Heroes of Furie Website!!! You Can follow and Add to your pledge every stretch goals e reach!!! Thank you friends!!!
8 claimed


Currency Conversion $10 USD
€9 EUR
Choose one of the Indiegogo Mercenary... Shipping : 5 euros for France, 7 euros for International Shipping
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $38 USD
€35 EUR
- One Starter or one Complement + One special Indiegogo figurine or one goodie among the ones unlocked by achieved stretch goals. Shipping : 5 euros for France, 7 euros for International Shipping
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
20 claimed


Currency Conversion $65 USD
€60 EUR
- Two Starters or Complements + Two special Indiegogo figurines or two goodies among the ones unlocked by achieved stretch goals. Shipping : 5 euros for France, 7 euros for International Shipping
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
10 claimed


Currency Conversion $97 USD
€90 EUR
- Three Starters or Complements +Two special Indiegogo figurines and all the reached stretch goals - Free postage
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
6 claimed

Phenix Lord

Currency Conversion $189 USD
€175 EUR
Six Starters or Compléments +All the specials Indiegogo minatures and all the reached goodies ! - Free postage
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $226 USD
€210 EUR
All the Starters and all the Complements All the special Indiegogo figurines and all the reached stretch goals Free postage
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 claimed

Lord of Equilibrium

Currency Conversion $485 USD
€450 EUR
- Two Starters or Complements painted at studio level +All the special Indiegogo figurines painted at studio level +All the reached stretch goals (unpainted) - Free postage
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 4 of claimed

God level Pledge!

Currency Conversion $916 USD
€850 EUR
All the starters+ All the complements + every Indiegogo specials and every reached strech goals painted at Studio Furie Level!
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 2 of claimed
sold out

Primipile Centurion

Currency Conversion $86 USD
€80 EUR
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
5 out of 5 of claimed

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