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Fusion Powered Car Part 2

Fusion is the ultimate green energy source. Cold fusion may be real or not, but now is the time to take a lab curiosity out and road test it. (restarted)

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Fusion Powered Car Part 2

Fusion Powered Car Part 2

Fusion Powered Car Part 2

Fusion Powered Car Part 2

Fusion Powered Car Part 2

Fusion is the ultimate green energy source. Cold fusion may be real or not, but now is the time to take a lab curiosity out and road test it. (restarted)

Fusion is the ultimate green energy source. Cold fusion may be real or not, but now is the time to take a lab curiosity out and road test it. (restarted)

Fusion is the ultimate green energy source. Cold fusion may be real or not, but now is the time to take a lab curiosity out and road test it. (restarted)

Fusion is the ultimate green energy source. Cold fusion may be real or not, but now is the time to take a lab curiosity out and road test it. (restarted)

Dennis Cravens
Dennis Cravens
Dennis Cravens
Dennis Cravens
2 Campaigns |
Cloudcroft, United States
$894 USD 34 backers
4% of $19,640 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

The hope of clean limitless power

You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.

Martin Luther King, Jr

I will be a year constructing and modifying a Model A to run on fusion power.

I am a 62 year old retiring physics prof who has been working on “cold fusion” for 24 years. I am ready to stop turning knobs and actually try putting it to the test. I am not getting any younger. Now is time to dream big and “go for it”. It is bold. It is daring. It is crazy but I have to try. I have a few “hot” samples and I have a ’28 Model A Ford that I will use for a standalone test of the concept. It will take about $25,000 to get fancy Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries, steam engine, a generator, mechanical and electrical items. I need to raise $20,000 for it. (questions- check out )

I will be scaling up an existing experiment involving electric stimulation of a deuterium containing metal lattice system for higher levels of heat. I will be using “Cold Fusion” (also known by its current "politically correct term" as LENR) to generate heat to boil water** to drive a steam engine ** and turn an electric generator. I don’t expect to have enough power to run the car directly but I hope to “trickle charge” some batteries enough to run the car after very long charging times. I am hoping for about 5 Watts of net electrical energy. I am close. The heating should scale with volume/mass and my losses will scale just as surface area. I even have a few samples that have been “self heating”.

It is a long shot. I cannot promise success but I definitely will give it my best effort. Please spread the word to friends and those you think would be interested. I will post updates as I go via

See I told you it was bold and daring but after 24 year of seeing so much hope for a better world in the bottom of a test tube, I need to see if I can make it work. Researchers have amassed a lot of data but it sits mostly ignored and or disbelieved. (see and specifically see my paper there: ) If I can demonstrate a credible application of “cold fusion”, it will change the entire world.

What Happens If I Surpass My Goal?

I would opt for 1) +$20K, the more efficient and powerful Stirling generator from WhisperGen instead of the steam engine 2) +$10K, larger batteries and better current control for more range 3). +$10K, Scale up samples for higher thermal output levels and shorter charging times 4). +$5K, have some special parts machined.

If underfunded

If I get less than half, I will not have enough for the car project. However, I would try for a scaled down demo. Perhaps a simple LED and a small “toy” ¼ W Stirling.



Nerd stuff in rough numbers:

Model A because: 1) exempt from state inspection restrictions, 2) can move with just 1 to 2 HP, 3) high gas tank can be used for gravity feed water to steam system, 4) keeps fusion system as focus, 5) easy access to system, 6) and the mystique – people smile at a slow old Model A; Steam because: 1) Peltiers only get me 2% efficiency, steam about 8% conversion, 2) Stirlings at this level are very costly; Target power levels: 1) COP 20, 2) 100 W thermal, 3) net electrical output 6 W, 4) drive motor at 2 kW ave, 4) charge to run time ratio 333 hours(2 weeks) charge for 1 hour drive time. Battery storage: 1) Lithium Iron Phosphate 2) >80 AH, 3) 72 Volt array; Fusion approach: electric stimulation of D and Pd loaded Carbon mesopore powder spiked with rare earths and thorium.

Fusion? I will leave it to theorists to debate if it is really fusion, virtual neutron fusion, or something else- strong nuclear force or weak nuclear force events. I just want to take it out of the lab and use it.

 Note: this is part 2 since "they" terminateded it early.  I had $360 pledge the first time- hence this is only for $19640.


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$1 USD
Like" us on facebook, spread the word. It doesn't cost you anything (it would not let me list zero) but it could really help me. follow us along at
1 claimed

Thank you email

$2 USD
Sincere email of gratitude and thanks- Every little bit helps!
9 claimed

You're fabulous!

$25 USD
An Email and a personlized thank you
3 claimed

Help buy some nuts and bolts

$50 USD
A personalized email telling you what I am doing and how you helped.
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
6 out of 100 of claimed

Be well informed

$250 USD
Monthly updates of progress during the first year
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 100 of claimed

Digital Album

$500 USD
A file of pictures of the first year’s work chronicling its progress, data, diagrams, and sketches of the final system at the end of the first year. (and the above)
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

Get Notices

$750 USD
A small placard (3x6) of your design on the car as a sponsor (and the above)
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Ride of a lifetime

$1,000 USD
A ride in the car to town IF successful (from my home to Cloudcroft) or a tour of the lab if not.
0 out of 15 of claimed

Be Famous

$2,000 USD
A large placard (6x6) of your design on the car as a sponsor.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 4 of claimed

Bill Gates level generous

$5,000 USD
Listed in the acknowledgement in any scientific paper write up. (and the above)
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 4 of claimed

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