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Fusion Ticket Event Ticketing On Line Box Office - Production release and beyond

Help us in preparing our popular Event Ticketing Web-Shop and Box Office Open-Source Software Application for Production Release.

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Fusion Ticket Event Ticketing On Line Box Office - Production release and beyond

Fusion Ticket Event Ticketing On Line Box Office - Production release and beyond

Fusion Ticket Event Ticketing On Line Box Office - Production release and beyond

Fusion Ticket Event Ticketing On Line Box Office - Production release and beyond

Fusion Ticket Event Ticketing On Line Box Office - Production release and beyond

Help us in preparing our popular Event Ticketing Web-Shop and Box Office Open-Source Software Application for Production Release.

Help us in preparing our popular Event Ticketing Web-Shop and Box Office Open-Source Software Application for Production Release.

Help us in preparing our popular Event Ticketing Web-Shop and Box Office Open-Source Software Application for Production Release.

Help us in preparing our popular Event Ticketing Web-Shop and Box Office Open-Source Software Application for Production Release.

Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor
Michael Taylor
1 Campaign |
Reading, United Kingdom
$3,325 USD $3,325 USD 61 backers
102% of $3,247 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

Fusion Ticket Solutions Limited is a small Company developing an Open-Source Event Ticketing Web Shop and Box Office application.  Initiated in early 2007 by Christopher Jenkins and derived from the now defunct phpMyTicket script, the first beta version of Fusion Ticket was released in early 2008. In spring 2008 Niels v/d Spek joined Chris as Developer and worked on the next beta release. Several further beta releases followed with the latest public release (beta 7.1) having been made available in autumn of this year. Following the departure of Chris the development has progressed thanks to the hard work and dedication of Niels with Mike Taylor, who joined the team in 2010, taking care of the more administrative tasks.

Fusion Ticket is Open-source software released under the  GPL3 license and available for use by the Community with a Registered User Base of over 4000. Although still at beta status, the software is used extensively in many countries. We provide support through a Forum, Live Chat, a dedicated IRC channel and a Wiki.

However work still needs to be done before the software can be confirmed to be suitable for use in a production environment.

To date we have largely relied on donations from our Community but these barely cover our running costs thus to carry out the necessary tasks to bring the software to Release Status we need further income. Quite apart from the time constraints placed on our small team, the tasks we propose to implement are outside the capabilities and experience of the in-house developers and will need to be out-sourced.

We propose to introduce a further step in our current testing. Releases to date have been tested mainly by making pre-releases available to VIP Donors who in return get access to additional Payment Handlers and the latest patches. Bugs that are found are reported on the Forum or documented on Mantis, our Configuration Control and Bug Tracking software.

Task 1: A formal test script will be written by a specialist Test Specification writer and subsequently applied to each Version before release. The Test Specification will need to be written in a manner that will allow deletions/additions to be made by a non-specialist to reflect changes as detailed on Mantis.

Task 2: Write and test a Plug-in suitable for both Android and IOS mobile phones that interfaces with the Fusion Ticket Control function (Ticket Taker) using the supplied Application Programming Interface (API) and sample code.

To complete these tasks we believe we need to raise £2500 over and above our normal income taking into account the fees we will need for specialist skills, the cost of the rewards and postage and the other administrative costs of running the Campaign. The tasks to be covered by this expenditure and an approximate time-line are shown in the graphic.

The Chart shown below shows the tasks required to implement the Funded Project. We are aiming for a duration of approximately three months, finishing early in 2014. Rewards will be finalized and ordered as soon as we reach our target and dispatched as soon as they are available.

Success in completing the Project to budget and to time is key to our future as a recognised developer of software for this segment of the market. It is vitally important to us to maintain our position as a source of good quality open-source software who responds to customer's requirements with secure and reliable code.

The 'Rewards' we offer are aimed at providing you with useful acquisitions that will add to your experience of Fusion Ticket. We hope you feel able to support us.

We offer 3 kinds of Rewards:

  1. We offer a nice credit-card style USB stick for backups. This stick will have our logo on it.

  2. Or a USB stick with a running version of FusionTicket.

  3. Nice T-Shirt's with our logo and Label 'Assistant'. For every batch of 50 T-shirts we will change the label.  With the next batch we'll add 'Ticket Taker', then we will add 'Sales' and after that we'll add 'Organiser'

Software Support:
  1. Get the barcode APP asap. As soon we have the APP ready you will get the possibility to BETA test this new APP.
  2. Get the newest Fusion Ticket tested with the new testing platform and test the latest functionality.
  3. Become a GOGO VIP donor with lifetime membership for £5 less then the normal VIP Donor price.
Hosting options:
  1. Become a Standard Hosting user with £3 reduction. for the first year.
  2. Become a Professional Hosting user with  £15 reduction for the first year.
Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Thank you from the Team

Currency Conversion $1 USD
£1 GBP
A big thank-you from the Team.
2 claimed

Standard Plan subscription

Currency Conversion $16 USD
£12 GBP
One year subscription to 'Standard Plan' on our Hosting server providing a fully working version of Fusion Ticket with 10 Events. You will need to Agree to the Terms and Conditions that will be emailed to you.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
1 out of 10 of claimed

USB stick with our logo

Currency Conversion $19 USD
£15 GBP
Back up on this USB stick. Everyone knows the importance of back-ups particularly when upgrading. Use this easily identifiable credit card style flash drive to back-up your database and custom files.
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 out of 100 of claimed

Barcode Scanner Mobile App

Currency Conversion $23 USD
£18 GBP
Get a copy of the Mobile Barcode Scanner plugin for use on your iphone or Android in advance of its Community availability.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
6 out of 50 of claimed

USB flash drive with FT files.

Currency Conversion $26 USD
£20 GBP
Credit card style Flash drive loaded with Fusion Ticket. Can be used on local machine to familiarise yourself with the system and/or upgrades before making changes to your main site. Installation guidance notes provided. Not suitable for 'on-line' use.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed

Event Personnel T-shirts

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
Identify your personnel with these printed T-shirts. The more funding then the more lettering options. (Read the campaign text) We will have a mix of small, medium and large but it will be 'first come first served' when allocating sizes. Email size and labeling preferences when providing shipping address.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed

GoGo Donor VIP Status

Currency Conversion $39 USD
£30 GBP
GoGo Donors will get access to all the interim releases, bug fixes and enhancements for life. In addition to all the existing VIP privileges, GoGo Donors will be given access to the Mobile Phone Barcode Scanner in advance of its release to other VIP Donors. This reward gives real value to Users.
38 claimed

Professional Plan subscription

Currency Conversion $65 USD
£50 GBP
One year subscription to 'Professional Plan' on our Hosting Server providing a fully working version of Fusion Ticket with 52 Events. You will need to Agree to the Terms and Conditions that will be emailed to you.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed
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