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The Ark Encounter is a water park based on a representation of Noah’s Ark. They are receiving state tax incentives while maintaining their discriminatory hiring practices. Scheduled to open in Williamstown, Kentucky on July 7, 2016, the park celebrates a biblical parable of genocide and incest. While they have a legal right to celebrate their mythology, we find it immoral and highly inappropriate as family entertainment. Help us remind the surrounding community and potential patrons that the biblical story of Noah’s Ark is immoral and should not be encouraged as a family fun day.
- REACHED! $10,000 – With our new mobile billboard, we have raised enough to drive our billboard around the Ark Encounter every weekend for the entire summer!
$15,000 – Organize a protest in front of the Ark Encounter on their opening day and one kick-ass after party celebrating science and reason with comedians, live music, speakers and possibly a debate!
$30,000 – Fly a plane over the Ark Encounter opening weekend with a 125 foot banner displaying “Genocide and Incest Park”
$150,000,000 - we will build our very own Genocide & Incest Park and ask for state tax incentives and we will not discriminate during hire
They are portraying the story of Noah's Ark as an actual historical event. This is scientifically not possible. Help us raise awareness to this immoral story! Genocide is not a reason to celebrate. Incest is not a reason to profit. When this amusement park opens to entertain children and celebrate genocide and incest, we want to spread awareness by placing our billboards in as many locations as possible.
All funds raised will be used to bring awareness through billboards, social media, etc. Any excess funds will be used to throw our own celebration promoting science and reason on their opening day.
Note: Donations can be made anonymously. Choose to hide your name when you make a donation.
About Tri-State Freethinkers
Tri-State Freethinkers is a social, academic, and activist group with over 1,300 members in Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio. We are advocates for equal rights and the separation of church and state. We empower our members to make positive change by giving back to our community. We make our decisions based on facts, logic and reason, not superstitions, myths, or dogma.
The Tri-State Freethinkers are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Your donations are tax-deductible.
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