What up!?!? This is George Moss, thanks for checking out this page!
When I released my first solo album back in 2008, I thought I knew exactly what I was doing, and exactly where God was taking me. But over the years I've learned time and time again, that God almost never does exactly what you want Him to do... He does it better!
First and foremost, I've had the amazing opportunity to see God change peoples lives for eternity though my music and ministry! I've gotten to perform in front of hundreds of thousands of people, tour across the U.S. and around the world with some of the biggest names in Christian music. I've heard my songs on the radio, seen myself on TV, and gotten to ride in some big ole tour buses! I've even been able to support myself and my son financially doing music full time!
Up until this point, I've been proud of the fact that I've accomplished all of these achievements as an "independent" artist. But as I started writing and recording songs for my next album, God has been re-shaping my heart and vision to shake the mindset of independence, and learn what it means to be interdependent with community that is totally "dependent" on Him!
If you follow me on twitter or facebook, you probably know that one MAJOR way that God has been teaching me this lesson is by blessing me with a wife! (Well... almost. I get married only a couple days after this campaign launches!)
I can't even begin to explain what it feels like to enter this new chapter of life, love, and responsibility in this brief little write up, but believe me, it's a gargantuan influence in the new music I'm formulating for this new album!
It's one thing to support myself and son as a single father, but it's quite another experience and responsibility to now have a wife (and step-daughter, and a dog named Handsome) to add to the mix! If you haven't gotten a chance to meet my new family, then you can check out the video below:
Along with starting a new family, I feel God's call to build relationship with all of my most dedicated fans and supporters that have come into my life over the past several years; and that begins with this campaign.
Inspired by "Go Hard or Go Home,"
my most downloaded song to date and my personal motto I live by, I am
creating a team of people who embody the message of that song.
This isn't just a fan club or promotional street team, but
it is a group of people who are willing to put "...the plow to the ground...," and help cultivate the type of "good soil" that's talked about in Matthew 13.
The name of this team is called OXEN
The bare minimum that we need to move forward with producing this next album is $30,000 and it's going to take a TEAM effort to make it happen. So here is how the money will be spent:
8% Fees - There really is no getting around this one. Indiegogo charges a percentage, and credit card companies take a certain percentage from each transaction too. This is taken out before I even see a dime.
10% Giving - If you are willing to give generously, it's only right that I am generous with the funds raised as well. This campaign is about more than just music, it is about living out the lifestyle that God has designed for those who follow Him. So these funds will be designated to specifically meet the needs of those who are poor.
30% Music Production & Studio Time - This is where the majority of the funds will go! I am committed to making this next album with EXCELLENCE, and I'm going to dedicate the largest portion of funds into making that happen.
10% Mixing - Producing a great album is like baking a great birthday cake, and each song is one layer. First thing you want to start with is the best ingredients you can get. After you have those great ingredients, you have to mix them together just right and in the proper order to get the cake to turn out great. Music production and the song writing are the ingredients, but handing it off to great mix engineers is like giving all those ingredients to a master pastry chief. When he mixes them together, the batter is almost as good as the final cake!
3% Mastering - Once you have a great tasting cake batter, you've gotta bake it just right for all of the elements to come together. That's what mastering does. Is your mouth watering yet? Mine is!
3% Photo Shoots - Cake is great, but some would argue that the best part of the cake is the icing. And rather or not you think it's the best part, we can all agree that it's almost always the first thing you see. The photo's ain't quite icing, but it is the sugar, cream, and vanilla that you need to make it.
5% Graphic Artwork & Design - The frosting is like the cake, all the elements separately aren't good unless they are whisked together in the good old kitchen-aid or folded together with care just right.
9% CD Manufacturing - After we've got a delicious cake, and some outstanding frosting, its time to put them both together, and that's manufacturing. Only CD manufacturing is better than cake because once you make one, you can make a bunch of em over and over that taste just as good as the original!
22% Reward Production & Fulfillment - You know what they say "you can't have your cake and eat it too." But you know what I say? I say that is the dumbest "saying" in the world! What's the point of having cake if you ain't gonna eat it?!?! This is the most exciting part! But for those of you that help in the kitchen, not only do you get to celebrate and eat the cake when it's finished, but you also get to taste the cake batter, lick the icing spatula, and have the joy of knowing that you helped make it!
0% Marketing & PR - It's awesome to enjoy a good cake, but it taste so much better when you can share it with the world! Unfortunately, we won't have it in the budget to promote and market this album financially, but if we have a great cake sitting around, we ain't gotta to pay for marketing and advertising, cuz word will travel fast!
But I think we can all agree that the world would be a much better place if there was more great cake! (not literally folks, I can already hear the comments about sugar, fat, and calories. Just stick with me on the analogy ok?!?)
If we go beyond the $30,000, we have a plan to use every dime to go towards sharing this new music, and the timeless gospel message of Jesus with the world. Lets first knock out the first goal, and then stay tuned for the update of what will happen if we can reach our stretch goals far beyond the bare minimum.
Prayer - By far the biggest way you could support this campaign is through prayer. I'd appreciate any prayer, but if you can, get together with a friend, your youth group, or even your entire church to lift this project up in prayer.
Pick up the phone! It's great to send out a tweet or a facebook status, but most of the time, they get over looked. But if you really want to help, pick up the phone and send a personal text message to a friend about the campaign. Please don't send mass text messages on my be half, those are annoying! Better yet call them personally and let them know how important it is that they get involved.
Team up! If you want to get one of the higher priced perks, how about you split the cost with a friend!?! This is a great way to get more people involved, and is what the idea of a team is all about!
Fund raise! Feel free to do a bake sale, car wash, or take up a special offering during church. Get creative!
Social Media - Yea, not many people actually respond to a message that's not personally directed towards them, but something is better than nothing. One sure fire way to get a re-tweet or share from me is if you include the link to this campaign in one of your status updates!
This is my first time ever attempting something like this, and I'm honestly unsure of what kind of response to expect. But I'm incredibly grateful to every fan and supporter that has been behind me over the years, and
with your help, we are going to keep the music coming!!!
It's a blessing and a privilege to do
what I do! Thank you in advance for being a part of this
project. It's an honor to have your support, and I can't wait to look back on this project and know that I didn't do it alone, but I did it with your help!
God Bless,
~George Moss
PS: If you have any questions about anything, please feel free to email courtney@dreamlightent.com. But before you do, be sure to read through things again carefully, and check the FAQ's below to make sure your question hasn't already been answered. Cool? Okay den!
------------------------------------------------ FAQ's -----------------------------------------------------
Q: What happens if you don't reach your goal?
A: If we're not able to reach the full $30,000, I will still do my best to record as many songs as possible, but I will not be able to guarantee that I'll be able to offer the same amount of perks in each package.
Q: Do all of the packages include the stuff from previous packages?
A: Not all of them. At the end of the perk, it will say what other package is included, if that package also includes another package, you get that too, and so on and so on.
Q: What is the OXEN Access pass?
A: The OXEN Access pass will give you and 1 guest access to a special room I have set up at each live concert where we can hangout. This may be my personal dressing room back stage, or it may just be a special hangout after the show at Applebees, Waffle House, In-N-Out, or something like that. This pass does NOT include free tickets to every show, but once you get in, you will have some special privileges.
Q. Where is the studio that you will be recording in?
A: There will be various studios that I work in to make this new record. Cities include Grand Rapids, MI, Racine, WI, Nashville, TN, Los Angeles, CA, San Diego, CA, Miami, FL, & Atlanta, GA.