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After the sudden death of her father a woman struggles to save her farm and, ultimately, her family.

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After the sudden death of her father a woman struggles to save her farm and, ultimately, her family.

After the sudden death of her father a woman struggles to save her farm and, ultimately, her family.

After the sudden death of her father a woman struggles to save her farm and, ultimately, her family.

After the sudden death of her father a woman struggles to save her farm and, ultimately, her family.

Morgan Schmidt-Feng
Morgan Schmidt-Feng
Morgan Schmidt-Feng
Morgan Schmidt-Feng
2 Campaigns |
Berkeley, United States
$35,401 USD 194 backers
101% of $35,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects



“True to life and effective.” –Hollywood Reporter

“A must-see.” –MovieMaker Magazine

“This doc goes beyond the romance of farming . . 

Unflinching, compassionate, and beautiful.”

–Michael Pollan, Omnivore’s Dilemma & The Botany of 





About the Film

“The land is our identity. The animals we raise are our livelihood. We care for the land the same way our ancestors did. This is our home and these are our children, our neighbors, our community we provide for.” Nancy Prebilich (Gleason Ranch)

ON HER OWN tells a compelling story of a family struggling to salvage their relationships and their 150 year-old, 5th-generation family ranch in Bodega, California. The project began four years ago with the intention of documenting the everyday difficulties of maintaining a family farm. Now, however, it has turned into a much larger, much more personal story of loss, life, pain, and resilience. 

Nancy Prebilich and her sister Cindy spent their youth on Gleason Ranch. Their grandmother passed away in 2005, and since then they have been working tirelessly to save the 90-acre ranch, and save their family in the process.

As time passes, mounting pressures arise. In the face of great loss—the death of their parents in a six-month period—they struggle to hold onto their farm, their home, and their heritage. And while the ranch becomes more difficult to maintain, so do their relationships. Gradually, the story begins to ask what it means to give up everything for your history, your land, and your identity. Harnessing moments of both celebration and sadness, Gleason Ranch becomes a powerful place of life, death, and the precious connection we hold with the natural world.

To tell this story, we need your help. Funding a documentary film is not easy, so we humbly ask for your support in this journey. Although we’ve been working on this for many years, we can’t do it alone. This is why we’ve come to Indiegogo.

ON HER OWN is a representation of what is happening all across the country as farmland is being taken away from farmers--the very families behind our nation's food production. Our food system is at threat and every year multi-generational family farms are getting bought out because they can’t sustain such harsh economic times and effectively stand up to large corporations and land developers that want to take their land. In a time when demands on local farmers are ever-increasing, and developers are continually buying out small farms, forcing families to leave the land that holds their heritage and history, we deserve to really understand what this looks like on a personal level. In other words, we believe people need to see what is happening to humanity when large agribusiness buys out local farms, further corporatizing our food culture and supply. 

The future of family farmland is at stake. This film shows the human side of a much larger process, asking us to think about what it means for our environment, as well as our humanity.

We believe in family farmers and their stories, and if we don’t stand up for them, our rural economies will fall apart beneath us. 

In making this film, we hope to support local farmers and their communities everywhere. We hope you will too! Our health and sustainability rely on them.

Why We Need Your Support / How Indiegogo Works

ON HER OWN is an incredible story that needs to be told, and we need your contribution to tell it. Filmmaker Morgan Schmidt-Feng has been filming on Gleason Ranch for the last 5 years. He has documented the ups, downs, and everyday activities of a family struggling to survive. Now, we are nearly finished collecting footage and are hoping to move forward with editing and wider distribution. However, we have run out of funds to support the project’s development, and that’s where you come in. There are several more interviews to conduct, as well as an intensive editing process that requires financial backing. The idea is to complete the film by the Fall, 2014. The documentary will then be submitted to major film festivals across the country and will hopefully obtain wider distribution subsequently.

Our goal is to raise a minimum of $35,000. That's right. $35,000 in 35 days! Every contribution counts, and we’d like to thank you for helping us make this a reality. To the right you will see all the ways that we can say thanks!

If you can't help us financially, that's okay. We understand. HELP US GET THE WORD OUT! Anything you can do to help us finish ON HER OWN would be greatly appreciated. Please tell your friends, family members, and colleagues by sharing it on Facebook, Twitter, or through email. The more people that hear about it, the better. This project can’t happen without you!

We’re incredibly grateful.

Where Your Money Will Go

Most of the money we raise will go to the post-production process. The work it takes to put together a documentary film is not easy, as there will be countless hours spent organizing and logging footage. Furthermore, sound design, color correction, and music production will demand enormous amounts of time and energy, and will require the coordination and communication of numerous dedicated individuals. We hope to finish the editing process and have a rough cut by July, 2014, but in order to do so, we need all the help we can get to make this possible. 

Here is where the money raised on Indiegogo will go:

  • Editing Costs
  • Color Correction and Color Grading
  • Sound Design and Mix
  • Sound Effects and Foley
  • Titles
  • Translation and Subtitles in Spanish
  • Legal Costs (including rights and clearances for the film's music)
  • Festival Submission Fees
  • Website and marketing for Theatrical Release in the U.S.

Distribution Plans

Theaters. Festivals. Television. Our goal is for this to be shared with and experienced by as many people as possible.

Our track record speaks for itself: Filmsight Productions won the 2011 regional Emmy® for Best Documentary for The Next Frontier, a feature length television documentary on solutions for climate change, which had over 700 broadcasts on over 300 public television stations. We've Got the Power, its sequel, begins airing this year. So hop on the bandwagon while you can!


We want to say thank you to all the local Bay Area businesses that have donated their time and services to help us say thank you to the highest donors of each day! 

Gather Restaurant, The Cheeseboard Collective, Bi Rite, Pegasus Books, Cafe Gratitude, Spoon Restaurant, Oakland Floats, Monterey Market, Monterey Fish Market, Northbrae Bottle Shop, Be Well Integral Healing, Whole Family Acupuncture, Iscream, Chater Camera, Quetzal Farms, Bay Area Bikes, Jerusalem Organic Kitchen, Anchalee Thai Cuisine, Berkeley Natural, Artist David Mintim, ...and more!


Why Donate?

In today’s film market, films that can’t ensure large financial profits have serious trouble obtaining support from investors. It’s unfortunate, but that’s the reality: independent documentaries need to raise their own funds these days, and not just for the production side. It's also becoming harder and harder to obtain distribution deals to ensure that the film gets seen by as many people as possible. We’re making ON HER OWN to speak genuinely about a personal, social, and environmental issue that is affecting our country deeply. It’s a story that can touch people. That's what drives us. If we reach our goal with your support, we’re confident that ON HER OWN will find its way to the right communities, the places where it will have the most meaningful effect. 

Please help us in any way that you can!

About the Filmmaker

Morgan Schmidt-Feng - Director / Director of Photography

Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Schmidt-Feng's inspiration for this project came from his desire to understand more about his own family's history. Morgan's mom, grandmother, and great-grandparents grew up on a fourth-generation family farm in Badger, Iowa, and it was after a visit to this land several years ago that he began shooting ON HER OWN.

Morgan Schmidt-Feng, the founder of Filmsight Productions, is an award-winning filmmaker with two decades of client-based and creative production experience on commercial projects, television, documentaries, and independent feature films. Filmsight Productions won the 2011 regional Emmy for Best Documentary for The Next Frontier, a feature length television documentary on solutions for climate change. As a commercial cinematographer and producer/director, he has shot for companies such as Google, Tesla Motors, Nissan Leaf and Solazyme. Clients such as ABC's GMA, House Hunters International, History Channel, Lucasfilm, Pixar, and the Olympic games have turned to Morgan for compelling behind-the-scenes and documentary-style footage. His feature films and documentaries have screened at numerous film festivals in the U.S. and abroad, such as Sundance, New Directors/New Films NY, the Berlin International Film Festival, and the Mill Valley Film Festival. Morgan holds a degree in Film/Video and Performance from the California College of Art.

Learn More

Gleason Ranch Film:

Filmsight Productions:

Acclaimed San Francisco-based photographer Anthony Lindsey has been photographing this project from the very beginning. He was initially drawn to it based on his interest in the Bay Area "locavore" movement and a desire to learn more about the realities of farming & ranching sustainably. Soon, however, he was captivated by the story of the Gleason/Prebilich family and their struggles to hold onto the family's homestead and history in a rapidly changing agricultural landscape. Anthony has been an independent commercial photographer in San Francisco since 2000. After graduating from Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara (with concentrations in Advanced Photojournalism and Advertising/Illustration) he moved to San Francisco to begin working. In 2006 he was recognized by American PHOTO Magazine as one of the "Top 10 Young Photographers in America". Alongside his commercial work he continues to search for compelling documentary projects to pursue personally. To see more of Anthony Lindsey's work:

Risks and Challenges

Producing a documentary is a massive endeavor that surely brings with it many risks and challenges. Nothing ever goes exactly as planned, as there is always a possibility of unexpected delays and schedule setbacks. However, with a proven record and many years of professional experience, we definitely feel confident in producing a compelling result on time. We are fully dedicated to completing GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING and ensuring that as many people as possible will have the chance to see it.

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Choose your Perk

Outreach Partner

$5 USD
Become an Outreach Partner. Spread the word about the film to your friends and family and you will be formally recognized on our website as an Outreach Partner. We rely on your help, network, and communication in getting the word out about this campaign. Let us know if you have any ideas and we'd be more than happy to talk with you!
10 claimed

Online Viewing via Streaming

$10 USD
See the film from the comfort of your own home upon its release! You will also be formally recognized on our website as an Outreach Partner.
17 claimed


$25 USD
Receive a DVD of GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING upon its theatrical release in the U.S.! You will also get an online viewing of the film and will be listed as an Outreach Partner on our website.
18 out of 40 of claimed

Bringing in the Hay

$50 USD
Receive an official GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING poster signed by director Morgan Schmidt-Feng upon the film's release! With this, you will also receive 3 digital downloads of stunning landscape photographs by acclaimed photographer Anthony Lindsey, an online viewing, and will be listed on our website as an Outreach Partner.
9 out of 15 of claimed

Shearing the Sheep

$75 USD
Limited-edition DVD autographed by director Morgan Schmidt-Feng. Get a copy of the film signed by the director! You will also receive an official GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING poster signed by Morgan Schmidt-Feng upon the film's release, 3 digital downloads of stunning landscape photographs by acclaimed photographer Anthony Lindsey, an online viewing, and will be listed as an Outreach Partner on our website.
2 out of 15 of claimed

Thank You Credit

$100 USD
THANK YOU credit on the official completed film, including the U.S. theatrical version and the U.S. festival premiere. Get your name on the big screen! You will also receive a DVD of GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING upon its release in the U.S., as well as an Outreach Partner credit on our website.
31 claimed

Framed Landscape Photo

$250 USD
One framed and signed landscape photograph by acclaimed still photographer Anthony Lindsey. You will also receive a THANK YOU credit on the official completed film, as well as a DVD of GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING upon its theatrical release in the U.S.
6 out of 10 of claimed

Feed & Water

$500 USD
Morgan Schmidt-Feng DVD Package. Receive signed editions of Morgan Schmidt-Feng's previous films, including Morgan's Cake and The Next Frontier: Engineering the Golden Age of Green. Also one signed + framed landscape photo by still photographer Anthony Lindsey, THANK YOU credit on the official completed GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING, including the US theatrical version, and the 2014 DVD.
1 out of 10 of claimed

Graze the Fields

$750 USD
30-minute Skype session with filmmaker Morgan Schmidt-Feng. Take this opportunity to acquire advice from a successful independent filmmaker and ask him about the filmmaking process. You will also receive an autographed limited edition pre-release DVD of GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING, a THANK YOU credit on the official completed film, and 2 stunning landscape photographs by director/cinematographer Morgan.
1 out of 10 of claimed

Summer Harvest

$2,500 USD
2 Tickets to U.S. Premiere. Meet the director in person! THANK YOU credit on the official completed GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING, including the US theatrical version, which will play on the big screen all over the United States! Plus the 2014 Official DVD signed by filmmaker Morgan Schmidt-Feng. Travel-related expenses not included.
0 out of 5 of claimed

Farmers' Market

$7,500 USD
ASSOCIATE PRODUCER credit. You will be credited as an Associate Producer on the official completed GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING, including the US theatrical version, and the 2014 DVD. You will also receive 2 tickets to the U.S. premiere, a 30-minute Skype-session with the director Morgan Schmidt-Feng, a limited-edition pre-release DVD signed by the director, and an official GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING poster signed by the director.
0 out of 5 of claimed

Rancher Special

$10,000 USD
EXECUTIVE PRODUCER credit. You will be credited as an Executive Producer on the official completed GLEASON RANCH: RISKING EVERYTHING, including the US theatrical version, and the 2014 DVD. You will also receive 2 tickets to the U.S. premiere, an hour-long Skype session with the director Morgan Schmidt-Feng, a limited-edition pre-release DVD autographed by the director, and an official GLEASON RANCH poster signed by the director.
1 out of 5 of claimed
sold out


$25 USD
25 out of 25 of claimed
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