Imagine a future where computer viruses can infect humans as well as machines. A future where corporations are allowed to own states. A world where an android can channel the frequency of the Big Bang, bringing herself to life and threatening the balance of power between man and machine forever.
- Science Fiction, or Science Fact?
Hi there, my name is ROBERT LEESHOCK. I played Liam Kincaid in a late 90's science fiction television show entitled "EARTH: FINAL CONFLICT". The original creator of the series was Gene Roddenberry, the visionary behind the legendary "Star Trek" science fiction franchise.
GODMACHINE is the story I co-wrote with several friends of mine to explore these issues further. It is darker, more controversial, and perhaps more poignant than anything I did while on EFC. Yet this is exactly what attracted me to the story in the first place, and why we're looking for support here on indiegogo.
I think it's the best thing in science fiction in a long time. And I would love your help in bringing it to the screen.
What We've Achieved So Far...
So far we've already achieved a considerable amount. I executive produced a SHORT FILM of the material and posted it to VIMEO. This short film played at a few film festivals and science-fiction conventions. We are currently using this short film as a promotional piece for showing investors and production companies. We also have a full length feature script with a business plan, budget, etc.
I've also attached some friends of mine in the sci-fi community who will star in the feature film. You might recognize some of the following...
MARINA SIRTIS (played Counselor Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation)
JG HERTZLER (played the Klingon General Martok on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
JASON CARTER (played Marcus Cole on Babylon 5)
ROBERT LEESHOCK (I played Liam Kincaid on Earth: Final Conflict)
VON FLORES (played my nemesis Sandoval on Earth: Final Conflict)
We are still in the early stages of casting the film. Expect to see more familiar faces from the sci-fi world and beyond as our campaign progresses. In fact, you might even see your own alongside them! (See perks section).
There is a very high profile character in the script named the Omega Man. He is a "guru-hacker" and a former NASA scientist who developed the Khodamaha, the virus that grants sentience to AI. When the virus backfired and began infecting humans, he fled to the Forbidden Zone where he remains a recluse. John and Grace must find him to learn the secrets of the Khodamaha and what the virus is using them for, along with other secrets to the universe only the Omega Man knows.
He is a very pivotal character, and we're curious...WHO WOULD YOU CAST? Let us know in the comments section! We'll update the campaign reguarly to let everyone know which actor has gotten the most votes. Age range is 45+...race is open. Once we have a winner, I'll see if I can't convince him to join our film! It will certainly help knowing there are fans out there who would already like to see him in this starring role.
Where The Money Is Going
Making a sci-fi film is fun, but full of technical challenges. We made our short film for around $23,000, and were able to successfully pull off the "world" to a certain degree, but for a feature film the bar is raised much higher. We'd like to limit the CGI to just what's needed, and instead build real-world sets and props as much as possible.
It will take every dollar we raise on indiegogo to make a film of the scale and quality our fans deserve. I promise EVERY DOLLAR you contribute will end up on-screen, and the closer we get to our 300,000 goal the better the overall film will be. Here's a list of a few things your donations will help create:
- Military uniforms and tactical gear for the elite Black Dragons, the corporate army in control of the United States.
- An android opium-themed brothel, staffed with gorgeous robot women.
- A secret, underground city hidden in the Forbidden Zone.
- CGI and Visual Effects work that will compliment our real-world sets and stunt work.
- Set Design and Prop Contruction to bring the future to life.
- Stunts, Stunts, Stunts.
- Celebrity day rates and travel expenses.
- Post-production.
What You Get In Return
In exhange for your generous support, we are offering all kinds of cool stuff like digital downloads, signed Blu-rays/movie-posters, scripts to set visits, tickets to the movie premiere and after-party, as well as perhaps even getting a chance to star in the film yourself!
- Digital download of the film
- Signed Blu-rays and DVDs
- Signed movie poster
- Signed T-shirt and script
- Special Thanks in the movie credits
- Tickets to the premiere and after party
- A dream movie vacation, come and visit us on set!
- A featured extra role
- Be a big shot executive producer!
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Just a few of the perks available!
*For perks that are $500 or more you will have to create a PayPal account, it's free and simple so don’t worry! None of the perks listed on this site include travel or accomodation.
The Impact
I think it's important then that newer, fresher, perhaps even controversial subject matter is explored and availabe to all audiences - material that is relevant to our current cultural landscape, its politics, and to our humanity itself.
I would love to create something of value with all of you. WITH YOUR HELP, WE CAN MAKE A GREAT MOVIE!
Other Ways You Can Help