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Going Public Documentary

The "Inside Job" of Education.

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Going Public Documentary

Going Public Documentary

Going Public Documentary

Going Public Documentary

Going Public Documentary

The "Inside Job" of Education.

The "Inside Job" of Education.

The "Inside Job" of Education.

The "Inside Job" of Education.

Going Public
Going Public
Going Public
Going Public
1 Campaign |
NY, United States
$8,927 USD 124 backers
35% of $25,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


There's a crisis in education... and our entire democracy is at risk.

Going Public, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit, is raising funds to complete our documentary on the privatization of public education. It's the untold story of why it's happening now... who's winning and why we're all losing.

Think of it as the "Inside Job" of education.

Read our full thesis | Visit our website

The project is spearheded by Nancy Letts, who's worked as an educator for the last 50 years. She is the author of Scholastic's "Creating the Caring Classroom" and her work has been the subject on pieces in The New York Times, "All Things Considered," Journal of Philosophy for Children, among others.

Why We Need Your Help

We've scraped together 10 hours of footage with the help of supporters who have graciously donated their time and energy, but we need to start moving faster. This is a time-sensitive issue and the stakes are high. Our $25,000 goal will help us:

  • Visit Miami to see how how money men are scoring by leasing buildings to charters and raking in the profits.
  • Pay our crews so we can continue interviewing thought leaders including Diane Ravitch, Naomi Klein and Peter Cookson (And hopefully the Michelle Rhees and Arnie Duncans of the "reform" movement)
  • Travel to New Orleans, to explore what's happened with charter schools in the wake of Katrina. 
  • Visit Cincinnati and Baltimore to view the amazing things that are happening in public schools that have buy-in and political will. 

The Impact

Public Education is the last bastion of democracy and if we don't stop the "reform" movement we'll be back to "Separate, but Equal" before we know it. But it's not too late... the conversation can be re-framed... and we believe that with your help, this documentary can start that process.

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Choose your Perk

Digital Download

$10 USD
We'll send you a link to download your very own copy of the documentary! High-tech!
21 claimed


$25 USD
We'll mail you a copy of the completed documentary. (International Shipping not included)
8 claimed

Signed DVD, Screening Inivite

$50 USD
DVD signed by Nancy Letts and some of the thought leaders we've interviewed (International Shipping not included), Invite to advanced screening in NYC, digital download, thank-you letter, name and link of your choice on our website,
6 claimed

Coffee, Screening, Download

$100 USD
Coffee in NYC with Nancy Letts (Transportation not provided) Invite to NYC screening, digital download, Signed DVD, thank-you letter, t-shirt or bumper sticker)
6 out of 25 of claimed

Tickets to Premiere, et al.

$250 USD
2 tickets to the Red Carpet Premiere, Coffee in NYC with Nancy Letts (Transportation not provided), digital download, Signed DVD, thank-you letter, t-shirt or bumper sticker)
1 claimed

Dinner with Nancy & Premiere

$500 USD
Dinner in NYC with Nancy Letts (Transportation not provided) 2 Tickets to Red Carpet Premiere, digital download, Signed DVD, thank-you letter, t-shirt or bumper sticker)
0 claimed

Co-Executive Producer Credit

$10,000 USD
You'll be billed in all media as a co-executive-producer on the documentary. We'll also fly you in to attend the world premiere. (Plus everything else listed)
0 claimed

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