Short Summary
The Goldenrod Showboat was built in 1909. Since its first day out, it has been a unique boat. It was the most elaborate showboat ever built. The Goldenrod has visited many cities along the rivers of the United States when she traveled. Since the 1950's the Goldenrod has been an important part of the St. Louis community. She has exchanged many owners, survived fires, and will survive this phase as well. The Goldenrod has been sitting in Kampsville IL since 2001. The new owners (landlords) have given us until the end of March to get funding or the historic showboat will face the scrap pile. Help us save an important piece of American Theatre, showboat, and musician history!
What We Need & What You Get
We need to raise over $70,000 for the showboat, we set the goal on here to $30,000 since we have some of the money already.
All of the money raised will go DIRECTLY to the preservation of the Goldenrod Showboat. All donations are Tax Exempt. The Historic Riverboat Preservation Association is a Not-For-Profit organization.
Here is what you will get for helping us:
$15 - Personalized note from the Goldenrod Team
$30 - Note, plus a really cool keychain
$50 - Note, plus a t-shirt. (remember to give us your size)
$75 - Everything above
$100 - A Piece of the Goldenrod's interior wooden hull with a certificate of authenticity. (Don't worry, this will not hurt the Goldenrod)
$250 - Everything Above
$500 - Everything Above, plus your name on a plaque that will be installed on the Showboat after the project is completed.
$1000 - Everything Above, plus a tour of the Goldenrod Showboat after we have her secured in St. Louis
$5000 & up - Everything Above, plus a VIP Dinner party. (details on location to come)
The Impact
The Goldenrod is the LAST real showboat that is on the river today. Why do we want to throw away something that represents more than a dream? This showboat has seen people grow up, it has seen people become famous, and it will also see us come back to save it. The Goldenrod has a special place in our hearts and we are not about to let her be pieced apart for a small amount of money.
Other Ways You Can Help
Share our information with your friends and family, Visit our website at or on Facebook.