In 2001 MONA and another
museum were each set to receive one of the two neon dragon marquees upon their
removal from the landmark Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood. For 43 years
these iconic neon dragons graced the marquee with their glowing presence,
entertaining visitors with their animation and illuminating a long list of
well-known Hollywood movie premieres and celebrities.
However, when their
take-down day arrived, word came that the owners had changed their minds,
rescinded their donation and decided instead to keep the dragon signs for
themselves in an outdoor storage yard.
Letters were written and a
petition was signed by those who were concerned about the signs’ future. Yet
nothing changed the minds of the signs’ owners to return to their original
agreement and donate the dragons to MONA.
Although the marquees were
in perfect, working condition when they were removed from the Chinese Theater,
neglect took a heavy toll. The signs remained in a destructive limbo for six
years with no maintenance, no protection from the elements or from souvenir
hunters. After these many years, the dragons’ owners concluded the signs were unsalvageable
and orders were given to remove them to a dump.
Like magic, the Neon Gods
were watching over that landmark sign and word found its way to us that another
attempt must be made to rescue those neon dragons or lose them forever.
In 2007, MONA finally came
into possession of the neon dragons and immediately placed them in a protective
indoor warehouse. Still, the damage had been done by the previous owner’s
haphazard storage and neglect.
Today, MONA has retained the
West-facing dragon and gifted the East-facing one to another local non-profit
institution. With the opening of MONA’s new museum just around the corner, the
restored dragon will have a new home in the public eye, greeting museum
To make that happen, we’re
asking for your help in restoring the Chinese Theater’s dragon to its animated
and glowing glory!
The task is a big one… but
with your contribution, it will be done!