"Tired of keeping your feet firmly on the ground? Gravity
bothers you? You would have preferred that Newton takes an anvil on his
head? And you like platform games? Then the little team of Uncommon
Games is developping the game you need." - Wooly - Indius.org
"Gameplay seems to be really nice" Raphael Basaj, 1ndie World
"Oh! The game
of my dreams! I can’t wait!" Sumitdasdevilised,
user on IndieDB
Any questions or suggestions? Please contact us at :
Gravit is a 2D
platform game mixing adventure and puzzle. You will be confronted to the end of
the World.
The goal of this
video game is to regroup several originalities around a main idea : a
progressive change in gravity in a classic platform game.
But the word
"classic" didn't delight us. So we added lots of complementary ideas
designed to help you facing the gravity cataclysm : dynamic fluids for water
and lava, grappling hook, sword of power, temporal vortex, anti-gravity boots...
The scenario has a
real significance in our game to articulate all the elements around a main
As you probably
understood, Gravit’s base is to play with gravity. This last is changing all
along the game going through different steps. But not only does gravity affect
the player. The environment and objects are also subject to its action.
Never forget, gravity
can change any time!
At the beginning of
the game, the character will be subject to a normal gravity. He can do little
jumps, leap from wall to wall, climb ropes and ladders, carry or throw light
objects. A fall from few meters or a hard impact will be deadly to the
Then the cataclysm
starts, gravity is decreasing of a half. We could believe we are on the moon.
The character can double, even triple the length and height of his jumps. He
can fall from higher level without dying and carry objects twice the initial
weight. With this gravity, the character can reach inaccessible areas.
Being able to cross a ravine of several meters will provide the player with a
sense of power.
Then comes the most
original part of the game, no gravity at all. Like in the space, the character
is floating in the air and can only turn on himself. But you can still move by
using the scenery elements. You can use bubbles of water floating in the space
to control your movements.
As it was not enough,
in this step, gravity loses its control. The character is now attracted by the
sky ! You need to use some elements of the scenery not to fall down in heaven.
Water and lava are flying away to the sky and trees are uprooting.
reverse gravity
For the last part,
the character will be ejected to the sky. Gravity will be higher than the
initial one. Your weight will be doubled : little jumps, cannot carry
anything... Every action will be an ordeal.
Dynamic environments
The scenery elements respond to physical laws.
The character can move objects and cross over unstable obstacles, but beware
of violent shocks and big falls that will be fatal.
Dynamic liquid
In "Gravit", the liquid system that is
set up enables to create any kind of hydraulic challenge (Archimedes'
principle, dam, boat, mill, waterfall, ...) or simply reinforces the game
aesthetic by coupling the gravity changes with realistic liquids. In zero
gravity especially, the water will form big bubbles in which the player can
swim to move. The player immersion is complete! (you can say that again !)
Grappling hook
The grappling hook is a rope the player can fix
anywhere. Thus, he/she can throw it from one branch to another and overcome
many obstacles.
The sword of power
It is a sword able to cut all that surrounds
it. You can build bridges with trees by playing lumberjacks, lock mechanism by
carefully cutting its gears, unlock passages blocked by rocks or cut a house in
half! Your power has no limits! But the sword is also useful to solve tests in
which the mechanism will be based on the objects weight: cutting an object in
half is like dividing its weight by two.
Temporal vortex
This mystical object will allow you to save the
world, but also help you to overcome many obstacles that you could not succeed
because of time: door closing too fast, mill running too fast, projectile too
fast to be avoided, …
Antigravity boots
Once equipped with these miraculous boots, you
can reverse the character gravity at any time .Walk once on the
ground, then once the ceiling. Some obstacles will force you to use the boots.
Mini games
Lots of mini games can be added to Gravit.
Especially thanks to the game physics engine.
Level editor
The level editor is a small program that will
enable you (well, mostly us!) to create levels without developing a single line
of code. Thus, you can shape the ground, add items (box, trees, branches, ropes
...), add water, change the gravity, etc. ....
To integrate realism in the animation of death, we used
the well-known technique of ragdoll. Each body part of the character (arms,
legs, head) is converted into dynamic objects that independently interact with
its environment.
Here are some music samples composed by Samuel PINTO
SOEIRO that we find promising:
For more information about the
scenario, click on the following link : Game scenario outline
We want to create a whole world !
Not just a game !
When I look at Gravit prototype,
I think that only a coating is missing to make it a small masterpiece. But make
no mistake, a coating worthy of the name requires a lot of work!
For you to get an idea of what
remains to be done : trying to incorporate ideas of original gameplay in
an original scenery that will be in an original scenario with music and graphic
designs in accordance with the set to create an authentic world. Oh ! And
don’t forget that the player must be able to gradually get accustomed to the
game. In short, probably one of the hardest puzzle-game to solve :)
So, with only the two of us, we
find ourselves a little short to accomplish all the tasks incumbent on us. For
this reason, we decided to resort to a donation campaign. In order to fund the
coating worthy of our wildest dreams ! The game will be released whether we
obtain a cash infusion or not. But we do not like to botch the potential of a
game. This is why we appeal to you today.
This game coating only depends on you !
with the funding!
You can contribute
to the project, we have plenty of rewards to offer you :) You can also
contribute with the amount of your choice without reward, as a donation. Even $1
represent a lot (really a lot!) to us thanks to the snowball effect!
about it around you!
if you can’t contribute financially to the campaign, you still have several
options to help us. Talk about it to your friends and family, share this page
on Facebook or Twitter. The more you talk about it the more what you may have
invested in the project will be of a better quality! A single drop of water can
make the ocean overflow! Don’t underestimate your power!