Creators from all over the globe have come together to complete an anthology. One goal in mind to raise money for the victims of the Super Typhoon Haiyan.
Creators from all over the globe have come together to complete an anthology. One goal in mind to raise money for the victims of the Super Typhoon Haiyan.
Creators from all over the globe have come together to complete an anthology. One goal in mind to raise money for the victims of the Super Typhoon Haiyan.
Creators from all over the globe have come together to complete an anthology. One goal in mind to raise money for the victims of the Super Typhoon Haiyan.
Creators from all over the globe have come together to complete an anthology. One goal in mind to raise money for the victims of the Super Typhoon Haiyan.
The news is still coming in: the Details are still filtering through. We have been struck by the magnitude of the devastation that Typhoon Haiyan has brought upon the Philippines. Together with creators from all over the globe we are donating our talents to create an anthology. Our goal is to raise money for the relief and response efforts in the aftermath of super typhoon Haiyan.
When the category-5 super typhoon Haiyan made landfall in the Philippines on Friday the 8th of November 2013, with speeds ranging from 190-195 mph, it achieved the rank of the strongest storm to ever make landfall. Typhoon’s Nancy, Violet and Ida all generated speeds in excess of 200 mph while out at sea but slowed prior to encountering land. Haiyan is the second category 5 typhoon to hit the Philippines in 2013, following on from typhoon Usagi in September.
Allied with the destructive power of the winds, the storm surge of a typhoon often causes extensive damage. Despite the extreme nature of the winds during Haiyan, the storm surge contributed most to the destruction and loss of life. The worst area of the Philippines to suffer from the storm surge was Tacloban City, where the surge rose to a height of 2.3m, destroying vast swathes of property and devastating the population. Prior to the typhoon 220,000 people resided in Tacloban City.
Whilst the international relief effort has pledged money and assistance, the efforts have been hampered by the sheer scope of the destruction to the infrastructure to the country and the slow mobilisation of aid by the government. The United Nations estimates that presently 2.5 million people desperately require aid, with reports of hunger and thirst widespread amongst survivors.
The Haiyan Benefit Anthology is the result of a collaboration of independent comic book creators from around the world who wanted to help raise awareness and funds for those affected by Typhoon Haiyan.
The comic book creators whose work will be featured in this anthology and art book all came together through various Facebook groups which act as a nexus point for international creatives to collaborate and educate eachother to form a working community of like minded individuals.
The Haiyan Benefit anthology is the brainchild of comic writer Phil Woodward. The idea was to bring together comic creators from all over the globe to produce 150 colour pages of monsters and myths from Filipino folklore.
This collection of stories includes work many published creators all of whom have given up their time and talents free of charge to raise money for those affected by the Haiyan disaster.
The covers featured in this campaign are only demo covers, real covers
will be revealed upon completion of project
Work has begun and below are a couple of examples of whats to come
By Jane Straw
By Frank Agness
The art book will feature pages of art based on the same myths and legends as the anthology and will be in full colour.
It will feature talented artists from all over the globe and will contain various styles not confined to comic art.
We have already begun work on producing some imagery and below is our first couple of finished pin-ups.
1) Sarangay: Pencils and Inks by Graeme Howard with Colours by Lancelot Catan.
2) Serina: art work by Tek Tan
By Mick Abbath
The sketch book will feature pages of concept work and sketches from both anthology and art book and will be a special extra item at higher packages. It will feature talented artists from all over the globe and will contain various styles not confined to comic art.
As part of the set it shows the base building blocks for some mesmerizing art work.
Here are some examples of sketches that will be in the book
By Craig Sherbert
By Frank Agness
Philippine mythology includes a collection of tales and superstitions about magical creatures and entities. Some Filipinos, even though heavily Christianized, still believe in these tales. The prevalence of belief in the figures of Philippines mythology is strong in the provinces.
Because the country has many islands and is inhabited by different ethnic groups, Philippine mythology and superstitions are very diverse. However, certain similarities exist among these groups, such as the belief in Heaven (kaluwalhatian, kalangitan, kamurawayan), Hell (impiyerno, kasamaan), and the human soul (kaluluwa).
The stories of ancient Philippine mythology include deities, creation stories, mythical creatures, and beliefs. Ancient Philippine mythology varies among the many indigenous tribes of the Philippines. Some groups during the pre-Spanish conquest era believed in a single Supreme Being who created the world and everything in it, while others chose to worship a multitude of tree and forest deities (diwatas).
upgrade your pledge with one of the heroic and Legendary perks
All printed material does not include shipping, please see table attached and add the relevant amount to your pledge.
All prints will ship with books unless bought as an additional item with the digital pledges.
Once the time comes to start shipping, a survey will be sent out asking for your current address. At any time before we ship your pledge, you can contact Phil or through the fan page.
The above shipping costs are only estimated costs and we may require you to alter you shipping fee if we have under calculated cost.
The talent involved in bringing this project to life have all been working in the indie comic scene for many years and below are some examples of previous published works.
The 300-mile wide typhoon – locally known as Yolanda – has left a trail of destruction with thousands feared dead. The full extent of the damage will become clearer in the weeks to come as rescue teams reach the more remote areas.
Philippine Red Cross volunteers have been on the ground since before the storm hit, helping with evacuation plans and warning communities. Now, they are getting aid to the people who are most in need and preparing to help thousands more
Even before the typhoon Yolanda entered Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR), food and non-food items were already prepositioned in PRC Cebu Regional Warehouse consisting of 2,000 tins of ready to eat food, 4,000 blankets, 4,000 plastic mats, 2,000 hygiene kits, 2,000 jerry cans, 10 units of health emergency tents and 5,000 of food and non-food items with support from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Once printing costs and shipping have been deducted from the fund, all proceeds from the Anthology will then go to the Philippine Red Cross who will determine the best allocation to resident victims impacted by the event.
(For more information about the Philippine Red Cross and other ways to contribute.)
This is a not-for-profit endeavor. All creative effort, art, design, editorial and managerial contributions made in the creation of this anthology were donated by those involved.
If you're unable to donate or want to do more to help the goal of the team behind the anthology then please share this with friends and family of whom may be able to help
Alternatively you can visit our Facebook fan page and keep up to date with production and information that will be posted regularly on the page.
On behalf of the team i would like to express our gratitude for not only supporting this project but for helping us make a difference, remembering those who have died and bringing hope to those now faced with the aftermath of this tragedy.
There are no major risk factors. This project is my team and my primary objective! Most of us are freelance artist and writers so we have huge amounts of time on our hands. Everyone is on board! My team and I are very diligent and determined to finish this project even if we don't reach our pledge
All digital versions of the novel will be sent as soon as it is finished while anyone wanting a printed version will have to wait for a period of at least 3 months in order for us to ensure it is printed at its best and that everyone receives a quality product.
Looking for more information?Check the project
Eternal gratitude from everyone at the Haiyan Benefit Team for giving their support to those who need it most.
Upgrade Available
$3 get your name on the fan page
0 claimed
Heroic Fable
$5 USD
Eternal gratitude from everyone at the Haiyan Benefit Team for giving their support to those who need it most.
+Get your name in the books thank you page.
0 claimed
Legendary Fable
$9 USD
More than just a thank you. you will be highlighted in the books thank you page and receive a special thank you desktop wallpaper free.
0 claimed
Saga 1
$10 USD
You will receive a Digital Version of the following book as well as eternal gratitude from the team
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
(Any additional printed items will incur shipping fees, please check chart)
2 claimed
Saga 2
$12 USD
You will receive a Digital Version of the following book as well as eternal gratitude from the team
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
(Any additional printed items will incur shipping fees, please check chart)
0 claimed
Heroic Saga
$20 USD
You will receive both Digital Versions of the following books as well as eternal gratitude from the team.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
$20 - Art Book and Anthology Bundle
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
0 claimed
Myth 1
$20 USD
You will receive a Print Version of the following book as well as eternal gratitude from the Team.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
3 claimed
Myth 2
$22 USD
You will receive a Print Version of the following book as well as eternal gratitude from the Team.
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
5 claimed
Lore 1
$32 USD
You will receive a Print Version with Alternative Cover of the following book as well as eternal gratitude from the Team.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
1 claimed
Legendary Saga
$35 USD
For your legendary status you will receive both Digital Versions of the books as well as a extra special digital item.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
The Sketch Book
A collection of sketches and concepts from both the art book and anthology.
$35 - Sketchbook Bundle
(Any additional printed items will incur shipping fees, please check chart)
1 claimed
Lore 2
$35 USD
You will receive a Print Version with Alternative Cover of the following book as well as eternal gratitude from the Team.
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
2 claimed
Heroic Myth
$40 USD
You will receive both Print Versions of the following books as well as eternal gratitude from the team.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
$40 - Art Book and Anthology Bundle
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
5 claimed
Trilogy 1
$55 USD
You will receive 3 x Print Versions of the following book as well as eternal gratitude from the Team.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
0 claimed
Trilogy 2
$60 USD
You will receive 3 x Print Versions of the following book as well as eternal gratitude from the Team.
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
0 claimed
Legendary Myth
$65 USD
For your legendary status you will receive both Print Versions of the books as well as a extra special print item.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
The Sketch Book
A collection of sketches and concepts from both the art book and anthology.
$65 - Sketchbook Bundle
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
2 claimed
Heroic Lore
$65 USD
You will receive both Alternative Cover Print Versions of the following books as well as eternal gratitude from the team.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
$65 - Art Book and Anthology Bundle
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
0 claimed
Legendary Lore
$100 USD
For your legendary status you will receive both Alternative Cover Print Versions of the books as well as a extra special Alt Cover print item.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
The Sketch Book
A collection of sketches and concepts from both the art book and anthology.
$100 - Sketchbook Bundle
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
1 claimed
Heroic Trilogy
$110 USD
You will receive both 3 x Print Versions of each of the following books as well as eternal gratitude from the team.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
$110 - 3 x Art Book and 3 x Anthology Bundle
(Shipping not included, please see chart)
1 claimed
Legendary Trilogy
$170 USD
For your legendary status you will receive both 3 x Print Versions of the books as well as 3 x extra special print item.
The Art Book
A collection of pin-ups and Images based on Philippine Folklore
The Anthology
A collection of comic book stories based on Philippine Folklore
The Sketch Book
A collection of sketches and concepts from both the art book and anthology.
$170 - Sketchbook Bundle
(Shipping not included, please see chart)