Hello there !
This is Sophie Domingues. I am the founder and editor of Healthy Aging Research, an open access journal that aims to publish scientific and medical articles on recent advances in the understanding of the processes associated with aging. The field of aging research focuses on treating and preventing diseases such as stroke, myocardial infarction, cancer, arthritis, cataracts, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and Alzheimer's disease, to ultimately reduce morbidity and mortality.
All articles published in Healthy Aging Research will be "open access", meaning that they will be made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. The articles published will be individually copyedited, styled and typeset to produce high-quality PDF, XML and HTML versions of the articles. They will be permanently stored on a highly secure server, published and maintained indefinitely on the Internet, and also deposited and indexed with independent archiving organizations (such as PubMed).
We are now in the process of bringing together an editorial board of leading scholars and physicians, who will participate as editors and peer reviewers, and donate their time and expertise at no cost. They will review the articles and approve their publication, to make sure that the articles are technically sound and the research is well conceived and well executed.
To promote the divulgation of research from low-wage countries, we will not charge any publication fee to authors from low-wage countries.
What We Need
I have brought together a team of amazing, talented people to help me build this journal: Catherine, Fabien and Joan. I have myself worked as a researcher for many years in this field, and we all now work together in a science consulting firm! The journal will be run by scientists for scientists!
We are fundraising because we are creating the journal with our own labor and investments, to provide a better plateform for sharing research data, but we need help for some tasks that we are not able to do on our own:
- Finish building the website
- Create a file submission application
- Create a layout for the articles
- Create a cover for the journal
What You Get
Unfortunately, we do not have many perks to offer. However, all donations will be thanked on the website of the journal: http://www.har-journal.com.
Moreover, whichever donation level you choose, you’ll get the latest research in the field of aging, and progress on the development of the journal.
Other Ways You Can Help
Please get the word out to your colleagues, friends, and family! Post on your Facebook page, blog about it, send emails and tweets. Every bit of sharing helps, even if you can’t contribute yourself right now.