Short Summary
My name is Andrew Cathey and I just graduated from San Francisco State University last semester.
In my last semester I made 2 short films in the span of 7 days for the Campus Movie Fest film competition. Campus Movie Fest is the largest student film festival in the nation and go from school to school across the country and put on a film festival. The festival provides students with equipment and everything they need to make a short film in a week.
Campus Movie Fest has a partnership with the Cannes Film Festival where they will hand select the best student films in the nation to be screened in the south of France during the festival.
I have been participating in the festival since my freshman year, where my film won Best Comedy! However I did not have the funds to go my freshman year. It was very disappointing to not join the other top films in the nation. It took me 3 more years of participating in the festival before I would win anything again at Campus Movie Fest...
This last fall during the screening, my comedy film, "The Spot" won best comedy and my western drama film, "Being A Man" won best drama!!! My lead actor won best actor and me and my co-director won best director of the festival! My team stole the show! It was amazing!
So just like my freshman year, I was just invited to attend the Cannes Film Festival this upcoming May and see both of my short films screen! This opportunity is the pinnacle of my college education as a cinema major. To get the opportunity to attend the Cannes Film Festival as a filmmaker is huge! It is an opportunity to start my career as a filmmaker off right, to rub elbows with other filmmakers and celebrities, to attend workshops and engage with successful people in my hopeful industry. It is also an opportunity for me to explore the world outside of my own little bubble of the San Francisco Bay Area!
I have learned so much in my last 5 years at school and it is because of the generosity of others and helping hand from friends and fellow students, I am in a position to fulfill my dreams. I appreciate everyone who has helped put me here!
What We Need & What You Get
$2,700: Campus Movie Fest Package: includes room for 2 weeks, daily breakfast, international cell phone, shuttle to and from airport, and all access badge to all movie premieres, screenings, and daily workshops with industry pros!
$1,300 round trip flight from SFO to Nice, France
Everything else is covered by my parents.
The Impact
The impact for me is huge! My #1 goal in life is to spend my life making movies and enjoying what I do everyday! This opportunity is the pinnacle of my 5 years at San Francisco State University! This is the ultimate networking event for filmmakers and I am ecstatic to have this opportunity! This would be the greatest experience of my life!
Other Ways You Can Help
I understand if not everyone can donate their spare change to me. I appreciate you for taking the time to read my page!
If you could please pass on this page to your friends, family and anyone who might be interested in helping me out! Pass it on through email, share it on Facebook or Twitter. I really appreciate it and it means the world to m