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Help Cu Walk Again

Our ex-racer Greyhound Cu needs a harness to help him walk, or to more gently carry him, as well as more treatment to help with his loss of limb use.

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Help Cu Walk Again

Help Cu Walk Again

Help Cu Walk Again

Help Cu Walk Again

Help Cu Walk Again

Our ex-racer Greyhound Cu needs a harness to help him walk, or to more gently carry him, as well as more treatment to help with his loss of limb use.

Our ex-racer Greyhound Cu needs a harness to help him walk, or to more gently carry him, as well as more treatment to help with his loss of limb use.

Our ex-racer Greyhound Cu needs a harness to help him walk, or to more gently carry him, as well as more treatment to help with his loss of limb use.

Our ex-racer Greyhound Cu needs a harness to help him walk, or to more gently carry him, as well as more treatment to help with his loss of limb use.

Aaron Miler
Aaron Miler
Aaron Miler
Aaron Miler
1 Campaign |
Colebrook, United States
$500 USD 25 backers
100% of $500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

A few weeks ago Cu, our 10 year old Greyhound, suddenly lost the use of both hind legs and his front left leg. It appears to be a spinal disc issue, which is presently being treated with Prednisone. It seems to have helped the pain, but he still is unable to walk. 

What We Need & What You Get

We don't know if he can walk, but he'll need support if he is capable. If he is not we need a harness that can also support him well enough to use to carry him. Aaron can carry him to "business" outside, but it's often uncomfortable for both of them. Kym has a back issue already and is not as able to carry him. The harness will allow for carrying him without as much strain on either him or the person carrying him and to hold him up better as he does his business.  We are hoping he'll be able to walk when assisted, hopefully strengthening his legs.
We also plan to take him to an experienced Greyhound vet for a second opinion and to find out more options for what we can do.
We are very grateful to Rachel Brune for offering her novel Soft Target as  a perk. We will send you a PDF if you claim it and she will mail you a signed bookmark.  Please do not be shy about claiming this!  You don't want to miss out on this book!

The Impact

This will greatly improve Cu's quality of life, especially if it allows him to walk again. Even if it can't, it will mean he can be moved with less discomfort. It will allow Aaron to take more hours at work while Kym cares for him, alleviating much stress for us which also will mean less stress for Cu and our other dogs. We are hoping it will allow him to walk and to safely move himself.
When he no longer needs the harness, we do hope to loan it to others with similar sized Greyhounds within our Greyhound group.

Other Ways You Can Help

Please pass the word and we also welcome any prayers and good energy.
Thank you!
Aaron and Kym
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Choose your Perk

Soft Target by Rachel Brune

$10 USD
PDF of Rachel Brune's novel Soft Target and, if you include snail mail, a signed bookmark from the author. We believe you will love this exciting thriller and are grateful to Rachel for her generosity and her caring about our Cu.
6 claimed

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